
The Great Swordsman Of The Shinobi World V.2 (Paused)

It’s on pause until it’s worth continuing ----- This fanfic is identical to the other one, but with two additional beings. Every time I read an isekai and the main characters get a system, I always wonder why they receive one. What is the reason behind granting them strength through a system? In this version, I attempt to answer one of the many possibilities. I will mark additional chapters that differ from the other fanfic as 'D' for different and 'V2' when the entire chapter is different. ------ Hayashi found himself reincarnated into the world of Naruto, where he discovered the Template System, which granted him the skills of the Greatest Swordsman from the One Piece universe. As he honed his abilities, Hayashi surpassed even the legendary White Fang of Konoha in swordsmanship, earning recognition in the ninja world. ------ ------ Story is AU and modified. I don't own Naruto or One Piece. Kudos to Masashi Kishimoto and Eiichirō Oda. I am only translating this work of Fanfiction. If you want to read the original version without alterations: 火影世界的大剑豪 ------ ------ This is my first time translating a novel. I appreciate all your feedbacks. If you find errors, do not be kind - just be truthful. I can guarantee a minimum of 3 chapters per week. If you just want to support for writing: ko-fi.com/malphegor

Malphegor · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

V2: Beyond the Limits

As Megumi's eyes locked onto Hayashi, he felt a sudden rush of information flood his mind. It was like a switch had been flipped, and his body responded by tensing up, every muscle fiber recalibrating for maximum efficiency.

In an instant, his movements became precise and calculated, like a well-oiled machine. He analyzed his every move, searching for any weakness he could exploit.

Hayashi noticed the change immediately.

"You're like a different person now," he said with a hint of curiosity.


He remained silent, his focus solely on the fight. His body seemed to move on its own, reacting to every strike without hesitation.

Hayashi struck first, aiming a precise blow at Megumi's chest. But he was ready, his body twisting with mechanical precision to dodge the strike. In the same motion, he countered with a calculated punch aimed at his stomach.

But he blocked the punch, his eyes narrowing as he sensed the difference. Megumi's movements were too flawless, almost robotic. He launched a flurry of rapid slashes, his sword slicing through the air.


Megumi kept pace with him, matching his speed and precision. Every dodge, every block was executed with perfect timing.

The crowd was stunned as the two fighters moved like blurs, their clash sending shockwaves through the arena.

"Impressive," Hayashi said.

"But let's see how you handle this," he added, launching himself at Megumi.

He parried the attack, their blades clashing in a shower of sparks as his kunai met his sword.


Hayashi's arm darkened as he enveloped it with Armament Haki. The crowd gasped in shock, witnessing a transformation they'd never seen before.

Megumi continued to dodge and parry his attacks with precision, but now with a growing sense of urgency.

Hayashi's strikes were faster, stronger, and more unpredictable than ever before, pushing Megumi to his limits.



Nothing stirs the emotions of the crowd like a visual spectacle. The audience gasped in awe as Megumi and Hayashi clashed, the sheer force of the impact causing the ground to shudder beneath their feet.

However, the ninjas in attendance had a more thoughtful reaction. Genma's eyes narrowed, studying Hayashi's black sword.

"Why is his chakra on his arm turning black and solid, just like his sword?" he wondered.


The Fourth Kazekage's eyes lit up with excitement.

"That young swordsman has incredible reflexes!" he exclaimed, recalling how Hayashi had dodged those attacks with ease.

"If I'm right, it's a visual perception skill, perhaps a bloodline limit?"

The Third Hokage shook his head.

"No, it's not a bloodline limit. He's just a talented Genin from a commoner background, no prior lineage of a bloodline limit."

The Fourth Kazekage's gaze shifted to Megumi, his eyes lighting up with fascination.

"And the other one seems to control shadow. Is he a Nara?"

The Third Hokage chuckled.

"He too is a civilian."

The Fourth Kazekage's smile grew wider, a strange glint in his eyes as he watched the battle unfold.



One slash connected, sending Megumi flying across the arena floor. But he quickly sprang back to his feet.

"You're too dependent on it," Hayashi said.

Megumi's brow furrowed in confusion, unsure what he meant.

"Let's see how you handle this," he continued.

With that, he charged at Megumi, unleashing a flurry of lightning-fast attacks that seemed to come from every direction.


He countered with a series of rapid punches and kicks, each one aimed at a vital point on Hayashi's body.

But Hayashi was no pushover. He blocked and parried Megumi's attacks with equal precision.

In a flash, Megumi activated his shadow ability. His body dissolved into the darkness, merging with the shadows cast by the arena walls. He moved with the shadows, his form shifting and flowing like a living, liquid darkness.


From the shadows, he struck, his attacks coming from every direction. His form shifted and merged with the shadows, making it impossible for the crowd to track his movements. 

But Hayashi was no easy target. He kept up with Megumi's relentless assault, his Observation Haki sensing every attack in advance.

He emerged from the shadows, his body moving with robotic precision. He launched a series of rapid strikes.



The crowd watched in awe as the battle raged on, the arena shaking with the force of their clash. Megumi's movements were flawless, each strike calculated and precise. But Hayashi's power was overwhelming, his attacks wearing Megumi down.

His body strained under the pressure. He knew he couldn't continue like this. Hayashi's strikes were wearing him down, and his auto mode alone wouldn't be enough to secure victory.

Taking a deep breath, he focused his chakra and activated his ultimate technique. The ground around them darkened, and dark tendrils emerged, lashing out towards his opponent.


Hayashi charged forward, and sliced through the tentacles with his sword. His Armament Haki extended from his arm to his feet, allowing him to walk confidently across the shadowy surface.

Megumi's eyes widened in surprise, realizing Hayashi's technique went far beyond just his arm or sword.

As Hayashi closed the distance, he unleashed a swift slash. But Megumi saw the attack coming and dissolved into the ground, reappearing behind him in an instant.

However, Hayashi's reflexes were lightning-fast, and he blocked the counterattack without even turning his head.

"The whole ground is your domain now," he observed, his eyes locked on the spot where Megumi had reappeared.

"You can pop up anywhere, can't you?"


As if to prove Hayashi's point, Megumi vanished into the shadows again, reappearing behind him.

However, Hayashi was one step ahead. As Megumi emerged from the darkness, he spun around with lightning speed and struck. The blade sliced across Megumi's side, sending him crashing to the ground. He lay there, gasping for air, his vision blurring with dark spots.

The sharp pain of broken ribs seared through his chest. If not for his shadow armor, which shattered under the force of the blow, the damage would have been even worse.


As he approached, Megumi gritted his teeth and forced himself to stand, despite the pain that threatened to overwhelm him.

Megumi mustered every last bit of strength for a final gamble. He bit his thumb, placed his hand on the ground, and began to chant.

"Mahora-" he whispered, preparing to unleash the last of his chakra.

But before he could finish, his body suddenly froze, and a wave of dizziness washed over him. The sky above the arena darkened, as if night was falling in an instant. The air grew thick and heavy, making it hard to draw a breath.

The sky above the arena darkened, clouds gathering to block out the sunlight. The air felt heavy, making it hard to breathe.


"What is this?" he whispered.

High above, in the stands, the Third Hokage and the Kazekage felt the crushing pressure emanating from Hayashi.

Megumi fought to stay conscious, his body trembling under the immense pressure. Hayashi's presence felt like a dark, suffocating storm, making it hard to breathe. His legs gave out, and he collapsed to the ground, his vision blurring at the edges.

He fought to stay conscious, his body trembling under the immense pressure. Hayashi's presence felt like a dark, suffocating storm, making it hard to breathe.

People around him were already succumbing to the crushing pressure, their bodies limp and lifeless. Megumi's world was spinning out of control, and he knew he was running out of time.


Hayashi stood over him, his expression calm and composed, his eyes fixed on his defeated opponent.

"You fought well," he said, his voice low and respectful.

"But this is the end."

Megumi lay broken and exhausted, his body battered and drained. The crushing pressure made every breath a struggle. He knew he had given it his all, but it hadn't been enough.

As the darkness closed in, his vision began to fade. The last thing he saw was Hayashi's calm gaze.