
The Great Swordsman Of The Shinobi World V.2 (Paused)

It’s on pause until it’s worth continuing ----- This fanfic is identical to the other one, but with two additional beings. Every time I read an isekai and the main characters get a system, I always wonder why they receive one. What is the reason behind granting them strength through a system? In this version, I attempt to answer one of the many possibilities. I will mark additional chapters that differ from the other fanfic as 'D' for different and 'V2' when the entire chapter is different. ------ Hayashi found himself reincarnated into the world of Naruto, where he discovered the Template System, which granted him the skills of the Greatest Swordsman from the One Piece universe. As he honed his abilities, Hayashi surpassed even the legendary White Fang of Konoha in swordsmanship, earning recognition in the ninja world. ------ ------ Story is AU and modified. I don't own Naruto or One Piece. Kudos to Masashi Kishimoto and Eiichirō Oda. I am only translating this work of Fanfiction. If you want to read the original version without alterations: 火影世界的大剑豪 ------ ------ This is my first time translating a novel. I appreciate all your feedbacks. If you find errors, do not be kind - just be truthful. I can guarantee a minimum of 3 chapters per week. If you just want to support for writing: ko-fi.com/malphegor

Malphegor · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

First Exam

As they entered the test room, Hayashi and his companions immediately felt the weight of numerous eyes upon them.

It was as though every pair of eyes in the room bore down on them.

His gaze swept across the assorted Genins, each displaying varying degrees of demeanor. Some wore expressions of fierce determination, their eyes ablaze with ambition, while others seemed more approachable, their smiles offering glimpses of camaraderie.

And then there were those hidden behind masks, their intentions veiled in shadow.


Among the crowd, a few individuals cast hostile glances towards his group, their eyes brimming with animosity. Those adept at gathering intelligence had likely discerned their identities, while others familiar with Konoha recognized Hinata and Shino.

However, amidst the whispers and secretive glances, there lurked another figure, a shadow among shadows in the world of spies – Yakushi Kabuto.

Renowned alongside Itachi as one of the foremost spies, Kabuto possessed unparalleled intelligence-gathering skills that made him a formidable force to be reckoned with.


Kabuto's gaze sharpened as it settled on Hayashi. The noise and movement around him seemed to fade into the background as he delved into his own labyrinth of thoughts.

Unbeknownst to Kabuto, every flicker of movement was noted by Hayashi, his keen Observation Haki attuned to even the subtlest shifts. Sensing the probing gaze, Hayashi's expression remained unchanged. He paid little heed to Kabuto's scrutiny, harboring no fear of Orochimaru or his spy.


As the exam was about to begin, candidates started to gather in the arena, with Team 7 leading the charge.

They were followed by representatives from other teams, including Team 10, Team 9, and Team Guy.

However, both Hinata and Shino were notably absent from the gathering of the complete Konoha Twelve.

Their absence stemmed from Hayashi's decision not to attend, a choice that influenced Hinata and Shino to remain as well. Despite being the most popular figure among his peers, he maintained a withdrawn presence within Konoha, reflecting his reserved nature even with his rising prominence.


As Team 8 navigated the bustling crowd, their keen eyes caught sight of Kabuto. His smug demeanor couldn't escape their notice as he casually dropped hints about his extensive knowledge of nearly every Genin present.

Shino's gaze remained fixed on Kabuto, his expression unreadable behind the lenses of his glasses.

"He certainly enjoys flaunting his supposed intellect," he remarked dryly.


Hinata, her gaze shifting between her teammates and the unfolding scene, pondered aloud.

"But... does he truly know everything about everyone?"

Hayashi observed the exchange with a detached curiosity.

"Let him boast," he said, his tone with a hint of amusement.

With a shared nod, Team 8 continued on their path. For in the world of shinobi, where secrets were currency and deception a way of life, they knew that true intelligence lay not in what was spoken, but in what remained hidden beneath the surface


Shortly after the gathering, Naruto and his companions stirred up a commotion, successfully drawing Kabuto into the conversation and showcasing his intelligence-gathering capabilities.

Then, Sasuke inquired about the information on two individuals: Gaara and, surprisingly, not Rock Lee, but Hayashi.

"Your insight is uncanny," Kabuto remarked with a sly smile, adjusting his glasses as if to emphasize his point.

"You've managed to pinpoint the two individuals with the most formidable information."


Confusion and curiosity filled the air among Naruto's companions as Kabuto produced two information cards, each detailing the background of the individuals in question.

"Let's start with Yusuke Hayashi," Kabuto began, his voice carrying an air of intrigue.

"Fresh out of Konoha's ninja academy, specializing in swordsmanship. Guided by the recently promoted Jonin, Yuhi Kurenai. His mission history includes 10 D-level missions, 0 C-level missions, and a single B-level mission."


"And then there's Gaara," he continued, his tone taking on a mysterious edge.

"Mission-wise, he's tackled an unknown number of D-level missions, along with 8 C-level missions and 1 B-level mission."

The revelation left Sakura and Ino wide-eyed with surprise, exchanging astonished glances before their gaze eventually settled on Hayashi.


"Unbelievable... a B-level mission?" Sakura exclaimed, her voice tinged with disbelief, while Ino echoed her sentiments with a disbelieving shake of her head.

As the realization sank in, Naruto's group couldn't help but marvel at the stark contrast in levels between their own missions and those of Hayashi and Gaara.

"Damn, is the gap so big?!" Sasuke's voice carried a mix of frustration and determination as he cast a sidelong glance at Hayashi, his eyes narrowing slightly as he instinctively tightened his fists.

'It's fine. Mission level isn't everything. With my Sharingan, I won't let him surpass me again!'


As the group mulled over the startling information Kabuto provided, Sakura's insatiable curiosity bubbled to the surface. She turned to Kabuto, her green eyes reflecting her inquisitive nature.

"Kabuto, do you happen to know where the other Genins are from as well?" she inquired, her voice tinged with interest.

Adjusting his glasses with a hint of amusement, Kabuto's lips curved into a knowing smile.

"Indeed, Sakura. Allow me to shed some light on the matter." Clearing his throat, he prepared to unveil the hometowns of the participants.


With a sly grin playing on his lips, Kabuto smoothly narrated the villages from which the Genins hailed, his words carrying a hint of curiosity as he spoke of the Sound Village.

"Unfortunately," Kabuto hesitated, a rare uncertainty creeping into his voice, "I must admit my knowledge is lacking when it comes to the Sound Village. It resides within a small, remote country."

Before he could elaborate further, Kabuto found himself interrupted by a sudden surge of hostility from a group of Sound Shinobi nearby. One of them, a figure with a menacing scowl, stepped forward, his voice dripping with disdain.


"Watch your words, outsider. The Sound Village may be small, but we won't tolerate any disrespect."

Kabuto raised his hands in a placating gesture, his expression remaining calm despite the escalating tension.

"My apologies if I've offended you. I only meant to..."

But his diplomatic words fell on deaf ears as the Sound Shinobi lunged forward with a swift, powerful punch aimed directly at Kabuto's face. In a moment of instinctive reflex, Kabuto attempted to dodge, but the attack was faster than he anticipated.


Though he managed to avoid the brunt of the blow, the force of the punch shattered the lenses of his glasses, sending shards of glass flying in all directions.

A sharp gasp escaped Sakura's lips as she watched the scene unfold, her concern evident.



Staggering backwards, Kabuto stumbled, his world spinning as he fought to maintain his balance. With a sharp intake of breath, he sank to one knee, his mind racing as he grappled with the repercussions of the confrontation.

Gritting his teeth against the pain, Kabuto regained his composure, a wry smile playing on his lips despite the surrounding chaos.

"It seems," Kabuto murmured, his voice barely a whisper as he struggled to regain his footing, "that the sound of silence can be deafening indeed."

The unexpected turn of events left Naruto's group in a state of shock, their minds reeling from the sudden dispute.




Just as the situation threatened to spiral out of control, a sudden puff of white smoke enveloped the area. As the smoke cleared, the imposing figures of the examiners led by Morino Ibiki emerged, casting a commanding presence over the scene.

With a stern glare that allowed no room for argument, Ibiki's authoritative voice cut through the tension like a knife.

"Quiet down," he commanded, his words carrying a weight that demanded obedience. In an instant, the atmosphere shifted, quelling any further escalations and restoring order to the chaotic scene.


As the tension in the room eased slightly following the dispute, all eyes turned to Ibiki, his scarred visage imposing order with his mere presence.

For those of timid disposition, the atmosphere might have been intimidating, but Hayashi and his comrades remained steadfast, as they made their way to their designated seats.

The arrangement, however, did not permit all members of Team 8 to sit together. Hinata occupied a seat in the first row, Hayashi in the third, and Aburame Shino in the fifth.


With the exam rules established and the test papers distributed, Hayashi scanned the questions of the exam. Glancing at Hinata, who was already engrossed in her work, he took up his pen and began to tackle the questions.

Observing his classmates, he noted the various approaches taken by each individual. Some resorted to clumsy attempts at plagiarism, drawing disapproving looks from the examiners. He knew the consequences—two points deducted for each instance of cheating, leading to disqualification after five violations.


As the clock ticked on, candidates departed the room one by one, escorted out with downcast eyes and flushed cheeks.

Yet, despite the dwindling numbers, Hayashi remained unfazed by the cheating tactics employed around him. He allowed others to copy his answers freely, with no intention to conceal his paper.

After all, he reasoned, how many would truly persevere until the very end?