
The Great Path of Eternal Magic

A lone carriage made its way down the road. Its destination? Teckleville. A small town, with no real importance in the grand scheme of things in a world where magic is everything. Upon arrival though, the wheels of fate begin to turn for Morgantus as the young boy sets on the great and painful path of learning magic. Join Morgantus on his journey to discover Eternal Magic! (Getting added to RR soon under the same username!)

ohshi · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Orlandine (Part 1)

"We've arrived, Morg.", Fediluv said as the carriage came to a halt.

"Thank goodness. I thought this would never end.", Morgantus said, getting up from the seat and streching his arms.

His body ached after being tossed about so many times inside the carriage.

"I guess I should be thankful that I didn't throw up in there.", Morgantus added.

"That's the first thing that comes to mind. You can't go to the university smelling that bad. The guards will kick you out on the spot.", Leran said with a chuckle, handing the reins over to a guard beside them.

Morgantus and Fediluv admired the gates of the capital city. They were made of white stone and were decorated with carvings of dragons.

"I've always wanted to see this place. It's amazing. It's even bigger than Teckleville. It's hard to believe that people are living in this huge place.", Fediluv said as she pointed toward the gate.

"Yeah. I feel like I am dreaming. I have heard stories but it is completely different seeing it with my own eyes.", Morgantus said.

People were leaving in and out of the gates by the dozens. All types of different people continuously surprised the pair.

"I don't think I have ever seen such a variety of people in one place.

There are humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, ogres, kobolds, fairies, mermaids, harpies, trolls, centaurs, minotaurs, half-elves, and all sorts of creatures.

Some of them look like they belong in a museum.", Fediluv said excitedly.

"It is a sight to behold. But, it makes it harder to blend in sometimes.", Leran said as he lead the group toward the gates.

They walked towards the gate where they greeted a guard. The moment the guard saw them, however, his expression changed from friendly to grim.

"State your business in Orlandine. I will decide whether to let you pass or not. Do not make any sudden moves.

We are on alert due to recent events. Any suspicious people are to be detained and questioned.

Anyone who does not follow these orders will be arrested and imprisoned. Now, state your business and who you are.

Don't try to hide anything. I will know if you lie or hold something back. Speak clearly and truthfully.", the guard said with a stern voice.

Leran bowed.

"My name is Leran. I used to be a student at the magic university here.", he said as he showed the guard a letter.

The guard looked at the paper and nodded.

"I understand. I can tell that this is an official document. I can also read the signature on it. I can now confirm that you do indeed work at the magic university.

However, I can not allow the rest of your party to enter just like that-.", the guard's face rapidly turned pale as he realized who the signature belonged to.

The guard abruptly stepped aside and waved the three of them in.

"Please, proceed. The king will hear of this later. I will explain everything to him personally. I hope that he can forgive my failure. I will have to answer to my superiors for this mistake.

I will have to pay for this with my life-", the guard was interrupted by Leran extending a hand forward.

"No need to worry. These are troubling times, stay a vigilant boy.", he said as he shook the guard's hand.

The guard smiled at him gratefully.

"I appreciate your understanding, sir. Thank you for sparing me this trouble.", the guard replied.

Leran led the way into the city while the others followed behind.

Morgantus and Fediluv stared in awe at the city. It was much larger and grander than Teckleville.

"This place is incredible. It looks like it has been built from the ground up. It seems to go on forever.", Morgantus said.

An idea popped into his head as he took out his lute.

"It's like the sky and the earth have met and merged together. It's so beautiful.

The buildings are all of different shapes and colours. It's like a dream. It's a little frightening, but still breathtaking.

How could anyone create a place like this?", he sang as Fediluv joined in with her flute.

The uplifting music filled the air and people stopped to listen.

"What are those kids doing?", Leran muttered to himself as he tried to shrink away unsuccessfully.

A crowd had gathered around the trio. They stood in silence for a few moments, then started clapping their hands slowly in time to their song.

A small child ran up to the duo and hugged them both, which caused the two of them to break their song in surprise.

The two of them embraced the young girl and she giggled happily. Her skin was tanned brown from probably spending most of her days outside playing.

"You're the best!", the young girl shouted.

"You're too kind. What's your name?" Fediluv asked, looking at the young girl.

"I'm Maris. My father owns the general store. He says that when we get older, I'll help run it.", Maris said proudly.

"But, right now, I want to play with the musicians!".

"Maris, you're so cute!", Fediluv said as she pinched her cheek.

"Thank you!", the young girl blushed and smiled brightly.

"Can't say I don't feel welcome in Orlandine already, Fed.", Morgantus said with a laugh.

"So, you two want to be musicians instead of studying magic in the most respected place of learning in Orlania?", Leran asked, rolling his eyes as he lead the group onward through the crowded streets.

Morgantus laughed.

"No, but there is nothing wrong with having a hobby. I love to sing and play. Maybe I will start my own band someday. You never know what opportunities might present themselves along the road.", Morgantus answered somewhat seriously.

Fediluv nodded approvingly and looked at Leran for a response. He let off a cough and turned away as he started lecturing them.