
The Great Path of Eternal Magic

A lone carriage made its way down the road. Its destination? Teckleville. A small town, with no real importance in the grand scheme of things in a world where magic is everything. Upon arrival though, the wheels of fate begin to turn for Morgantus as the young boy sets on the great and painful path of learning magic. Join Morgantus on his journey to discover Eternal Magic! (Getting added to RR soon under the same username!)

ohshi · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Master Leran (Part 3)


"Alright then, let's begin."

The strange man stood in front of a large stone table with a group of people gathered around it.

The people sitting at the table included the headmaster, the higher-ups and a few professors.

The man sat down at the head of the table and looked around at the faces of the people gathered.

"The amount of people having the same visions has increased significantly. At least 4 students here in Teckleville have had a vision of doom and have been invited to Orlandine. The number of people in the academy and the rest of Orlania who are aware of these visions is growing steadily. I believe it is best for all involved to be prepared for the worst-case scenario.", the man said.

"What do you mean by the worst-case scenario, Master Leran?", Headmaster Rekin asked.

"Well, the visions are showing various ways of how this possible nationwide disaster could occur. The most likely one involves an attack by a group of monsters. The second most likely is a natural catastrophe. The third is a combination of both.

The fourth is a widespread plague. The fifth is a magical accident involving a powerful spell. And the sixth is a sudden and violent change in the political system of Orlania.", Leran said as he paused to glance at everyone at the table.

"And the list goes on, the things people have seen may vary heavily but one thing is for certain. This is a very bad omen. And it seems like something terrible is coming our way. There is no doubt in my mind that this is not a coincidence but rather the beginning of some kind of plot.

For this reason, I propose that we should prepare ourselves in advance for these eventualities. We will need to increase security measures at the magic university, in all major cities and at important locations throughout Orlania.

If necessary, we can get ready to send out warnings to villages and towns to evacuate. We can also start stockpiling supplies for all citizens in their homes.

In addition, I recommend that the military and the army be mobilized to defend the kingdom in the event of a war."

Leran stood up and left the table.

"Everyone else, I suggest you continue to study the visions and discuss them with your colleagues.", he said as he exited the room.


"I'm going to miss this place." Fediluv sighed while looking back at the city of Teckleville.

Morgantus nodded silently beside her.

Only a couple of days had passed since Morgantus had returned from his grandfather's place and he found himself on a carriage again.

This time he was headed for the magic university of Orlania in Orlandine with the man called Leran and Fediluv.

Somehow, the road seemed a little less bumpy when he was joined by others. It felt much better to have company even if the mood was a bit dimmer than usual.

The experience of the vision of doom still weighed heavy on Fediluv and Morgantus' minds. Even the final goodbyes to their families and friends left a sour taste in their mouths.

The trip was going smoothly until the horses began to run faster than usual. Then, the carriage started to sway and the wheels bounced violently over the rough ground.

Morgantus grabbed onto the side of the door as the shaking grew stronger. He had already experienced this a couple times before.

"Whoa! What is going on?!" Morgantus yelled.

The horse pulling the carriage reared and abruptly bolted forward. Morgantus was caught off guard as he to the floor face first.

"Every time…", Morgantus muttered.

"Are you okay, Morg?" Fediluv shouted as she reached for Morgantus.

"Yes. But the carriage is moving really fast. Why did Master Leran speed up all of a sudden? It feels like the whole world is spinning around us.", Morgantus said as he held his head.

"Master Leran, why are you driving the carriage so fast?" Fediluv asked.

"We have to get to Orlandine as soon as possible. If we want to avoid being late, we have to drive as quickly as possible", Leran answered without slowing down.

Morgantus was holding on to Fediluv and trying not to fall off the bench as the carriage shook wildly from side to side.

"Master Leran, please slow down a little.", Morgantus begged. "This ride is going to kill me."

"Sorry, but I can't afford to be late. The sooner we reach Orlandine, the better. I promise we'll be there in an hour or two. That is unless we're attacked by some bandits along the way.", Leran said.

Morgantus groaned and clutched his stomach. He was sure that the food he ate before leaving Teckleville was going to come back to haunt him.

"You know what, I can't take it anymore! Please, pull over! Let me walk for a while. It's only a few more minutes away, right?", Morgantus pleaded, his words going through one ear and out the other as the carriage sped up again.

"No, we have to arrive before dark. The roads are dangerous after sunset.", Leran said.

Morgantus almost burst into tears hearing Leran say that.

"But, it's not even noon yet…", Morgantus muttered as Fediluv stroked his back.

Triple chapters today since i forgot to post on sunday xD

ohshicreators' thoughts