
The Great Path of Eternal Magic

A lone carriage made its way down the road. Its destination? Teckleville. A small town, with no real importance in the grand scheme of things in a world where magic is everything. Upon arrival though, the wheels of fate begin to turn for Morgantus as the young boy sets on the great and painful path of learning magic. Join Morgantus on his journey to discover Eternal Magic! (Getting added to RR soon under the same username!)

ohshi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Magic (Part 2)

"Wow!", he said excitedly after retracting his mana back into his core.

"I didn't even know that I could do that so easily!"

"Oh, that's only the first step.", Lorelin said softly, "You'll be able to do more with your mana once you learn how to control and cultivate it."

Morgantus nodded silently as he took a seat at the table and leaned back in his chair.

"So, why not try to learn a few spells now before the day is over? Or is it too early for that?", he asked..

"It is rather easy, but you should never rush your training. It is important that you learn properly and safely," Lorelin cautioned Morgantus.

"Otherwise you could injure yourself or cause damage to others around you."

"Okay..." Morgantus said as he looked down towards the ground again. A gut feeling told him that he had to learn quickly and that worried him somewhat.

"Remember, your mind and your control of it are what will determine whether you make things worse or better when using magic.

So, always remember to be careful and take your time with things.", Lorelin added.

Morgantus nodded at his teacher's advice as he thought about everything that Lorelin had told him so far.

"Well, I'll just keep practising every day then and see what happens!" Morgantus exclaimed, smiling slightly at the thought of improving.

Lorelin gave a soft smile before clearing his throat lightly and turning to look back out at everyone else in the classroom.

"Now then, on my next lesson for tomorrow. I'll be showing each of you how to utilize your mana in order to cast magic spells!", he said.

There was a collective gasp from the students who stared with wide-eyed wonder.

"Ahhhh! Already? But what if we don't have any practice before that?" an older looking elf boy asked.

"Some of us haven't been here long enough to know about our powers and such.", another added.

"All of you will be shown this tomorrow, but in the meantime, focus on learning how to control your mana for now!", Lorelin said as he walked away.

Morgantus and the others sighed as they watched Lorelin walk off.

"I guess this is it for today. Let's head to the dormitories for the day.", Fediluv said as he looked around at the other students.

"Yeah, let's get some sleep and wake up early for our first day of class tomorrow.", Nino agreed as she yawned widely.

"Are none of you hungry? Let's all get something to eat.", Morgantus suggested.

Everyone agreed. "Then let's eat first!", Nino exclaimed.

A few moments after everyone had been led to the cafeteria, Nino and Ragnar's faces suddenly grew pale and their eyes went wide as they looked up at the front of the cafeteria.

"What's wrong?" Morgantus asked as he and Fediluv turned to look at Nino and Ragnar who were frozen in place and staring at the front of the cafeteria with wide eyes.

"What's wrong?!" Morgantus asked again, panicking slightly at the sight of Nino and Ragnar looking terrified over nothing.

"Are you ok?" Fediluv asked as she turned to look at Nino and Ragnar before looking back to Morgantus with a knowing look.

A flash of realization hit Morgantus and he turned to look at the two of them again. The two of them looked just as shocked as Morgantus was by their sudden appearance.

"A vision?"


A vast dark shadow was looming over a dark city. The shadow gradually became bigger and bigger, stretching out across the horizon and slowly swallowing up the light and all of its beauty. As the dark shadow moved across the land, it slowly destroyed everything in its path.

People screamed as it came for them and their homes, their families and their loved ones. The people tried to run, but they couldn't get away as the dark shadow caught up to them and consumed everything it could in its path.

They stood still for a few moments before their bodies slowly crumpled onto the ground, lifeless. Their flesh burned away into nothing before their bones crumbled into ash.

The shadow swallowed them up one by one until it was all gone except for a few stray pieces left behind from the devastation that had been left behind in its wake.


Nino and Ragnar watched in shock as their vision faded, their hands going to their mouths as they felt the blood drain from their faces and their eyes go wide.

"What... What was that!? What happened!?" Ragnar gasped as he looked around at everyone else in a daze while Nino sat down in a nearby chair in an attempt to calm her racing heart.

"A vision of doom..." Fediluv murmured as she sat down on a nearby chair next to Nino. She looked at the two of them worriedly as they tried to process what had happened.

"Did you see it too?" Ragnar asked as he looked into Nino's eyes.

"Yeah, I saw it", Nino replied quietly, her face turning pale again as she remembered her vision of the dark shadow and what it had done to the people in it.

"It was terrible... That thing..." She whispered, her voice shaking slightly before she took a deep breath and regained control of herself, "But it's gone now."

Nino's words seemed to reassure Ragnar and Fediluv somewhat.

The two of them gave her a warm smile.

"You're right Nino. That thing has already passed. What's done is done", Fediluv said as she squeezed Nino's hands reassuringly.

Nino nodded and looked at both of them as they spoke, feeling comforted and thankful that she wasn't alone.