
The Great Path of Eternal Magic

A lone carriage made its way down the road. Its destination? Teckleville. A small town, with no real importance in the grand scheme of things in a world where magic is everything. Upon arrival though, the wheels of fate begin to turn for Morgantus as the young boy sets on the great and painful path of learning magic. Join Morgantus on his journey to discover Eternal Magic! (Getting added to RR soon under the same username!)

ohshi · Fantasy
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17 Chs

A Horrible Fate (Part 1)

After some time had passed, Nino and Ragnar finally calmed down. Fediluv advised the pair to go report the vision to some of the professors, leaving Morgantus and Fediluv by themselves.

The two of them ate in silence as they were left unsettled by the event. After finishing their meal, they gathered their things and made their way to the dorm.

Both of them felt something was off about the dorm room. A sense of foreboding engulfed them as Fediluv and Morgantus found themselves staring at the door to their dorm, unable to open it.

A soft hiss filled their ears and the door slowly opened. Both of them watched as an old man stepped out of the dorm room with an amused smile on his face.

The man was an old elf but not too decrepit looking. He was tall, wore long white robes and had long white hair tied in a ponytail, but his face was unlined and looked sharp as a blade.

The man stared at the startled pair with a knowing smile.

"Hello there.", he said with a slight chuckle before he opened his mouth to speak again.

"You may have met with your fate but know that the future is not set in stone.", he said, but this time the words felt like they were all spoken at the same time. Somehow, both of them felt like they could understand them.

Fediluv and Morgantus looked at each other in shock, not expecting this.

"What do you mean, what are you doing here?"

"Who are you?"

After saying that, the man turned around and vanished on the spot before they could even ask him a question.

Morgantus and Fediluv looked at each other with wide-eyed shock before they both bolted into their dorm room at once. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary at first, but both of them still felt uneasy.

"Why are you two in such a rush?", a rough voice called out to them from behind.


As Nino and Ragnar ran through the academy grounds, they ran into Lorelin and he stopped them with a soft voice, "There's no need to be afraid."

The two of them stopped running immediately, their eyes going wide with surprise at Lorelin's calm and collected voice. Lorelin stared at them in silence for a few moments before he sighed slightly, "I already know. I will help you."

The two of them looked at Lorelin curiously as he gave them an understanding look.

"Follow me.", he said.


Morgantus and Fediluv both spun around hearing the familiar voice and found themselves face to face with Leran.

He looked down at them curiously, noticing the nervous glances that both of them were throwing his way.

"You've both talked to the Sage, right? I feel his presence on you two.", Leran asked.

"Is the sage an old man with white hair in a ponytail that wears a white robe?", he said.

Leran nodded vigorously at that statement and walked inside the dorm.

"That was the Sage! It's really difficult to get eyes on him since he comes and goes as he pleases! What did he say?"

Fediluvs expression darkened. "He just appeared in our room and told us that we had met our fate before vanishing."

"So it is like that huh?"

Leran let out a small sigh as he rubbed his forehead, thinking hard about something before letting out another sigh.

"It's like this, the Sage has a strange way of showing himself, but he is not the type of being that can be easily spotted by most people. It's like he is a ghost that only you can see when he wants you to see him."

"What does this mean for us?", Morgantus asked.

"Well, I can tell that the Sage is invested in this matter so it will be easier the more he gets involved in it. But it's still a very bad omen, for all of us.", Leran mused aloud as he paced around their dorm room, his hand resting on his chin in thought.

A knock sounded from the outside of the door and he quickly turned towards it as it swung open without anyone knocking.

Standing at the doorway to the dorm room was Professor Lorelin with Nino and Ragnar following close behind. They all entered and Lorelin closed the door gently behind him, looking over at Leran.

"It's good to see you again, you haven't been around much lately. The Sage has begun moving again."

"What happened?"

"The Sage showed me the way here.", Lorelin said as he took a seat on the sofa and looked over at the students.

"The Sage met with you too?", Leran asked Lorelin with a concerned look.

Professor Lorelin sighed as he sat down on the sofa and pointed toward the red-eyed Nino and Ragnar.

"He said these two were destined to meet with death soon when I brought them to him.", Lorelin stated bluntly as he looked toward Nino and Ragnar with pitying eyes and let out a small huff.

Nino bit her lip, trying to contain her tears and failing miserably as they rolled down her cheeks freely, making their way down her neck.

Ragnar's expression grew pale seeing this, and his face became stiff and still as he tried his best to hold his own tears back, which was a near impossible task to begin with.

Nino looked up at him through teary eyes and wiped them with the palm of her hand as she shook her head softly.

"I won't let myself die, I'm going to fight to my last breath.", she vowed.

Her declaration seemed to reassure Ragnar as he looked away, clenching his fist and nodding.

Nino looked down and clenched her teeth, biting down hard as her tears flowed faster than ever.

"You should rest tonight, you have classes tomorrow. Keep whatever happened today to yourselves.", Leran said to the students after glancing at Lorelin.

Both Nino and Ragnar gave a weak nod, looking exhausted and defeated as they sat down on the couch next to one another, their shoulders shaking with every sob they attempted to suppress.

"We need to make a plan of action..." Leran murmured under his breath, rubbing the side of his head while thinking about what needed to be done next as he and Lorelin left the room.

"Do not think of death yet, you are still young, I promise that no matter what happens I shall do everything in my power to ensure that both of you will survive.", Lorelin promised with a kind smile before turning and leaving the students by themselves.

16 chapters already xD

Kinda fun writing 2 novels at the same time though, when get tired of one, I just move to the other

I Wish I Was Reincarnated as a Princess Instead if you haven’t read it already!

ohshicreators' thoughts