
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasy
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106 Chs

Katana training

After Mihara finished, the students started training, some of them decided to form groups and help each other, while others decided to train alone.

I noticed that most of the students could not continue for more than thirty minutes, and they had to take a break, but I was able to train on these movements without getting tired. But in order not to attract attention, I decided to pretend to be tired and went to the corner of the hall, where there was a collection of books. This is the guide of the academy that explains the different types of weapons so that students can choose their weapons wisely.

I started flipping through this book. Most of what was written in this book were unimportant things to me, but one of the weapons caught my attention.

A sword whose blade is thin and curved. Its name is the katana. I remember that the country that was famous for this weapon was Japan. This is in my previous world.

It seems that this weapon is famous all over the world, because it is a light, flexible, and sharp weapon

Alexander: |This blade is special. The warlord used it a lot to kill. If he wanted to kill someone quickly, the katana is the first weapon he uses...|

'Oh, was it his weapon of choice in combat?...'

Alexander: | Killing is different from fighting. The warlord prefers to use the katana because it enables him to kill his opponent quickly and with one move, but if he fails to kill his opponent, he throws the katana directly and uses another weapon...|

'I see, this seems helpful...'

I decided to start training with the katana. Having the ability to kill my opponent quickly and with one move is useful to me during the fight. I can use it like the warlord used to do.

The avatar of the warlord appeared in front of me

His back was slightly bent, while he held the katana with his two hands, one of which was holding the scabbard and the other holding the handle of the weapon.

The warlord disappeared from his place and appeared twenty meters away, the katana out of his scabbard

' What is this? I did not see anything....'

Alexander: | This is the goal of this technique, so that your enemy cannot see your movements. The katana technique relies on training the feet to move forward quickly, and training the hands to pull the sword from the scabbard and wave it towards the enemy's head or waist to cut the opponent , and you must have be focused so that you don't make any mistakes during this process, because this means your attack fails, you have one chance to use this move....|

While I was flipping through the pages of the training manual, someone hit me on the back

When I turned around I found Sia

"What the hell are you doing?..."

"This is your punishment for ignoring me…." Sia puffed out her cheeks, trying to pretend to be angry

I ignored it and tried to keep reading

Sia looked at the katana next to me. "The Gracefields are fighting with spears. Do you want to use the katana?...."

"I'm different from them. I'm not interested in following the path of the rest of the Gracefields..."

"Do you want me to help you? I'm good at fighting..." Sia brought her face closer to mine while smiling cheerfully.

I Still looking at the book,and I ignored her actions, "You know what, I see you're wasting your practice time playing around..."

"I want to pla... I mean training. Training with others is better than training alone..." Sia frowned.

"Hmmm…" I looked at Sia suspiciously, Sia was smiling but nervous because of my look. "I'm still not interested..." I read the book again

"You're not fun..." Sia turned away angrily

I finally got rid of this annoying princess

After the movement training ended, the endurance training began

The students started running in the field, Mihara ordered us to run at least a hundred laps

Alexander: | The first step in learning the katana technique is to train your feet. You will focus the vitae energy on your feet... |

I did as Alexander commanded me, and I started running

I felt heavy in my feet

I started to pant after only ten metres , while the other students were still running briskly, I was still at the back of the group

The students finished the first lap around the field, but I fell on my face to the ground

I tried to get up, but my hands and feet lost all strength, I rolled myself onto my back and stared up at the sky.

"You haven't even finished one lap, are you pretending to be tired or are you really tired?..." Sia stood in front of me with Ren next to her.

The students were looking at me when they passed by me but they didn't stop running

I hardly moved my head to look at Sia and Ren while gasping, "I can't....ha..run..haa..... anymore.."

"Apprentice Elia , what are you doing? You're hindering the rest of the students..." Mihara came and stood next to Sia and frowned at me.

I tried to get up, "Uh...huh..." but I could only lift my head a few centimeters off the ground before collapsing again.

Realizing that I couldn't get up, Mihara grabbed me by the collar and dragged me.

I saw Sia and Ren trying to hold back their laughter, while the rest of the students looked at me strangely

"..." Is it acceptable for a professor to treat his students like this?

Mihara threw me to the edge of the field, "You're going to do extra laps because of your laziness, and if you don't do those laps, don't show your face in my class again..."

"Yes…" I didn't dare to refuse her punishment, I guess she was angry because she thought I was causing trouble on purpose.

After ten minutes, I was able to get up from my place, but I did not move, because I was still tired, I needed more time to regain my energy

I saw Mihara dragging the students and throwing them out of the field like garbage bags