
Ch. 11 A Spider

I stood a respectful distance behind the Royal Family. The moment Tywin Lannister rode out of the gates of the Red Keep, King Robert immediately turned around and strolled back inside the keep. Queen Cersei and her golden-haired children remained standing, as etiquette dictates for someone of Tywin's statues.

Despite everything, I try my best to pretend to not see the faces of the Royal Children. Princess Myrcella keeps taking bashful glances at me, while Prince Joffrey is sneering at everyone within his sight. Both of them are making me feel uncomfortable for different reasons.

Luckily, Prince Tommen is the one saving grace between the three. The chubby-cheeked prince is just enjoying looking at all the horses and banners waving in the air. Tommen's innocence is almost as foreign to the Red Keep as a Summer Islander in the North.

I'm pulled from my thoughts as a Legionnaire swiftly moves up behind me. "Lord General," the soldier urgently said in a hushed tone. The sturdy-looking man leans closer to me when I glance in his direction. "Lord Tyrion's ship has been spotted entering the harbor. He should reach the Red Keep in a few hours."

With a nod of understanding, the messenger silently moves to stand in-line with the other Lannister men. I'm not sure if I should be surprised at Tyrion's late arrival. He may have left for Lannisport the same day we depart from Casterly Rock, but he should have arrived at King's Landing well before the tournament began.

The stunted lecher probably stayed over in Oldtown or Sunspear deliberately to miss interacting with his father as much as possible. I'll hand it to the little guy, his little ploy was well played.

Deciding to share this wondrous news, I move towards Cersei. Tyrion's arrival actually works in my favor. I need a scape-goat to direct Cersei while I attempt to teach Joffrey how to channel his inner sadist into something productive for the kingdoms.

"Your Grace," I respectfully begin, "I just received word that Tyrion will arrive within the next few hours."

"The Imp?" Joffrey asked with a vicious tone. "The little demon should have arrived a fortnight ago for my name-day," Joffrey angrily bit out.

A sneer flashed over the queen's face before she forced it down. Regardless of her appearance, Cersei's eyes clearly announced her displeasure. "Thank you, Lancel," the queen said in a clipped tone.

Seeing the rage building in the blonde-haired bitch, I change tactics. Slightly tilting my head to look at Myrcella's face, I give her a gentle smile. "Princess," I said in a kind tone of voice to the blushing girl.

"Ser," Myrcella replied in a bashful voice with reddened cheeks.

I catch the sight of Cersei turning towards her daughter as I make a quick retreat. The bottom of my stomach dropped when Myrcella looked up at me. The poor girl has obviously developed a crush on me, and I just used the feelings of a child to prevent Cersei from hindering my plans. The worst part of this whole thing... I would do it again.


"My lords," a plump and bald man begin with a fawning tone of voice, "thank you for seeing me so urgently."

Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King, stoically sat behind his desk as he stared at the effeminate eunuch. "Of course, Lord Varys," Lord Jon said as he waved the Master of Whispers towards the chair in front of Jon's desk. "I'll admit, I am curious what you have to say. When your little messenger said it was of the utmost importance, my mind couldn't help thinking the worse."

Jon Arryn watched the powdered face eunuch delicately seat himself. The large belly of the spymaster only seemed to enlarge with the man's hands resting within the sleeves of his robes. Jon pretended he couldn't hear the grinding of teeth coming from Stannis. The man never could stand the presence of the perfumed foreigner.

"I am afraid to be the one to inform you both of this," Varys began in a feminine voice no man should ever duplicate. "I do worry so much about my fellow council members. Why..."

"Get on with it," Lord Stannis roughly interrupted the intentional stalling of Varys.

"The Lannisters have discovered what the two of you have been investigating," Varys revealed with a face of deep concern. "To make matters worse, it pains me to say that they have turned the situation to their advantage."

If not for the incredible amount of experience Jon Arryn has acquired over the years, his face would have shown his true feelings. Much like the wooden look currently on Lord Stannis' face.

"What do you mean," Stannis harshly questioned as he stared at the Master of Whispers.

"Why, the king's bastards, my lord. Apparently, the Lannisters have uncovered... all... of the king's baseborn children," Varys innocently stated. "If my little birds are singing true, there is some two dozen whores and their bastards being housed in a manor north of Flea Bottom," The Spider coyly said with an awkward smile on his powered cheeks.

"How is that to the Lannisters' advantage?" Jon Arryn cautiously asked as he ignored the creepy smile of the eunuch.

Varys' eyes lit up with amusement as he let out a giggle behind his raised sleeves. "These, newly discovered bastards, strongly resemble their mothers. Especially the mother's hair color. Yet, every one of the whores will swear their child was sired by the king."

"Lies," Stannis announced as he stood from his chair at the table. "This is just a scheme to cover up the truth," Stannis declared as he paced a few steps before regaining his composure.

"What truth?" Varys asked in a sickeningly gentle tone. "My sources have confirmed the women are speaking true when they claim to have lain with the king. Many have laid with your brother on multiple occasions. It is also true that the bastards you and Lord Arryn spoke with previously are also living in this estate. It is also true these bastards resemble their mothers, just like the queen's children," Varys finished with another skin-crawling smile.

Jon Arryn couldn't stop the defeated sigh from escaping him. Queen Cersei appears to have outmaneuvered him almost effortlessly. To make matters worse, Jon nearly fell for a trap he never suspected. Without Varys informing him of the alleged bastards, he would have been forced to step down as Hand if he would have blindly accused the queen of cuckolding Robert.

Jon didn't doubt Varys was seeking some sort of favor by his actions today. A boon to be called in at a later date, of course. Another sigh escaped Jon at the predicament he found himself in.

"Trial by combat," Stannis suddenly spoke up. The duty-bound Baratheon turned to Jon Arryn and stared into his eyes. "Cersei will never stand for a public trial," Stannis stated with more energy. "We charge Jaime and Cersei separately but hold their trials the same day. By law, Jaime can not champion both of them. If Cersei's champion falls, she will be executed, and her bastards removed from the line of succession."

Jon only half heard the stressed ramblings of Stannis. They both knew those events would never come to pass. If they were to go to Robert now, they would look like nothing but a pair of usurpers to the rightful heir. Without a word voiced against his plan, Stannis grudgingly moved to stare into the unused fireplace.

Gracefully standing from his chair, Varys glanced at both men before fixing his eyes on Jon. "These are dangerous times, my lord," Varys began with concern evident in his words. "I would recommend both of you to tread carefully in the days to come. Perhaps, even employ a taster," Varys urged.

Jon just shook his head at the suggestion. "Our lives are no more in danger than normal. The fact the Lannisters went to such lengths, instead of resorting to murder, is evidence in their faith in their plan," Jon said as he stood up. "But, your concern is appreciated, Lord Varys."

"I do hope you are right, Lord Hand," Varys said before bowing to both Jon and Stannis. Varys silently made his way to the chamber door before pausing at the exit.

"Oh," Varys let out as he visibly recalled something. "I think it might be of interest to know," the eunuch said as he turned to face Stannis, "the search for your brother's alleged bastards came at the order of Ser Lancel Lannister."

There was a hint of smugness on Varys' features as he bowed a second time to Stannis before departing. Jon didn't even notice another defeated sigh slipping past his lips.


Knocked out a chapter that I thought out weeks ago!

Hope you enjoy, and leave a comment.

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