I'm just a dude doing what dudes do.
of reading
Read books
This took me by surprise! I wasn't ready!
During an interview in 2000, JKR stated there were nearly 1,000 students at Hogwarts. She later stated in a 2005 interview that math wasn't her thing, and there were closer to 600 students. Someone later did the math and came up with nearly 700, which JKR confirmed... again. So, I've used enough words to tell you I couldn't remember what her latest number was, and just split the difference.
I would like to come back and finish two of my old stories. I lost all motivation for one, but I'm still clinging to hope for the others.
All original.
I am the author, so I guess I'm still updating.
Your times are a bit off. Tom Riddle attended Hogwarts from 1938 to 1945. At the end of his seventh year, Riddle applied to be the DADA professor, but was denied by Headmaster Dippet due to lack of experience. (Official reason for rejection) Dumbledore became Headmaster in the early to mid 1960's. Shortly into Dumbledore's career as Headmaster, he interviewed Tom Riddle for his second attempt at the DADA position. Voldemort was already active by this point and Dumbledore feared he would use the DADA position to recruit. Voldemort attacked the Potter family and became a wraith in 1981. So, he could not have cast the curse in 1984 like you stated.
I like to think that I've read most fanfics involving Lockhart, but its been years since the last one I read.
Shameless author review! As expected, I'm giving myself 5 stars, because I can. This is a fun story about a young man thrown into the life of Gilderoy Lockhart at the start of the Chamber of Secrets. New Gil is given a powerful ability to help him pass the trials he's sure to be forced in, but the power isn't a guaranteed win. Hope you're ready for some light-hearted anti-hero fun.
Sorry for the delay, life got crazy there for awhile and I couldn't get to this story. I appreciate everyone's words of encouragement and concern, it is truly touching. Unfortunately, part of the reason I was gone so long was because of all the ideas floating around in my head. I didn't want to put this story on the shelf, so I sat down and put all my ideas to 'paper'. One crazy week later and I have 9 new stories with 15-25 chapters each. A couple of them will probably never get put up, but there's a few that will see the light of day after my current stories are done. On a side-note, writing a villain that isn't completely cliche is no easy task. My writing ability isn't up to that level just yet. Anyway, I just wanted to reassure everyone that the story will go on but at a slower pace due to the holidays. Thank you once again.