
The great Inferno system

Tek_Mfulwane · Video Games
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16 Chs

Inner soul

Ryan Walked slowly inside the class of nobles , these classes were met for geniuses who were born from the families of legendary warriors .

Violet turned around showing a cute flawless smile with stunning white teeth and said

" Scared to be the only slave in the class ".

" whatever " he said walking to the end if the class and say by the window seat , Violet followed close behind him and set down .

All eyes were still on him , the girls looked at him in desire while the boys looked at him with hatred and jealousy.

" Why would Historia want to hang with that brat ."

"Mm this loser caught all the girls attention "

" Its his first day but the goddess Historia has already started hanging with him. "

" He's so dreamy "

" Why is Historia with him "

" Isn't it enough that all the guys are drooling over her now she took the new guy too "

" Not fair "

Violet's face turned red hearing the people talking.

" Historia ? " Ryan asked either a smile on his face .

" Yes that's my new name , ok " she replied

The a man around his late twenties walked , wearing a teacher's uniform .

" Good morning class I am Mr Runner , from now on I will be your home room teacher . We will start with checking your ability. I will call your name and once you hear your name , came up and put your hands on the ability orb . You all know that red means fire , yellow means lightning , blue means ice , brown means earth , white means wind and green means nature and even through fire , ice and lightning are rare just because you get the ability does not mean you are superior to other learners . Now Ace Rubben , age 16 , level 4 . " Mr Runner said holding a paper in his hands .

" Isn't his father an ice warrior "

" Yes he Is "

" He's been training for years that why his a rank 4 already at 16 it's so impressive "

" So he must know what ability he has "

" He even matches the goddess Historia who is a level 4 at 13 years " .

Ace stood up and and stuck his chest out walking proudly . Ryan hated nobles not because he was a slave but because of their behavior. When he arrived at the front he pit his hand on the orb and instantly started to glow blue . The whole class was cheering for the ice user .

"Congratulations next "

" Historia Mander , 13 , level 4 " Mr Runner continued .

Historia ignored all the glares her classmates gave her and walked to the front of the class and put her hands on the orb . It turned red and everyone was looking in awe the two classmates with rare abilities.

" Congratulations next "

Mr Runner continued.

Ryan was the last to be called.

" Congratulations next , Ryan , aged 14 and no other information " Mr Runner said looking at the now sleeping Ryan and got even more angry , how could they give him a slave .

" The slave is so disrespectful "

" Didn't his owner teach him any manners "

" Is he really sleeping "

" Is he really a slave ? and I thought he was cute "

" Quiet ! Ryan just come up so I can grade you " Mr Runner said placing another orb on the table .

" This one is highly sensitive and will be able to sense your ability even if you have yet awaken it . "

" Thank you very much sir " He said bowing.

The whole class roared in laughter except for Violet who knew exactly how terrifying Ryan was . Ryan stood up and walked to front of the class excitedly.

" Put your hands on the orb " Mr Runner said .

Ryan put his hands on the orb even though he pissed he was curious about his ability .

The orb started to light yellow which made the class shocked but then it turned blue , then red , then purple, then green like a disco ball . The orb glowed brighter and brighter until is broke .

" Teacher it's broken " Ryan said and pointed at the orb .

The class looked at the broken orb in disbelief. The orb was faulty for sure .

" Use this one " Mr Runner said putting the orb used by the nobles.

" Ryan put his hands on the orb and closed his eyes focusing on the energy that ran through his veins and shaping the core .

" Someone hurry up and go call the headmaster now "

Ryan was now deep in his subconscious not knowing what was happening around him. He saw a beautiful girl with pale skin , purple hair , crystal blue eyes , wearing a pink knee length dress .

" Master , you have finally awakened your inner soul "

" Mhm what inner soul ? who are you ? where am I ?"

" Master I am your system . My name is Everdawn . I was specifically made to serve you . Right at this moment we are in your subconscious were you will merge half your souls to become one . " Everdawn said with an excited voice .

" What soul ? Merging Everdawn explain please " he said in a polite way.

" How I'm going to miss this politeness . ( sigh )

Ok so when your mother was pregnant with you all your family's enemies joined forces to kill you and your mother . I can't reveal why that is because you are not ready yet . Your grandfather decided that cutting your soul in half will keep your power from being detected till you are able to control it . So half your soul was stored here until you were strong enough to merge with it . Came her he is " Everdawn explained while walking into the darkness.

Ryan followed her closely behind trying to process the information.

" Here he is " Everdawn said pointing at a man

Ryan slowly approached the figure until he saw its face . He had white hair and blue eyes with a bit of golden , he was in He looked just like Ryan.

" Ahhhhh ! Everdawn what sort of pathetic trash have you brought me "

He was more fierce and stronger than him .

" Everdawn is this guy really me ? " Ryan asked pointing at the tied up Ryan .

" Yes now go . Make your that his blood touches and then merge with him . Remember his is not a part of you but he us you " Everdawn said as she disappeared.

Ryan walked slowly to the chained up him breathing heavily.

" Hm . How pathetic your actually scared . Come on hurry up . " Ryan said in an annoyed voice .

Ryan approached him still moving slowly. He watch as the chained up Ryan bit his tounge till blood came out . Ryan flinched and the sight of it .

" Well bite your tounge and mix our blood " The tied up Ryan Said but it sounded weird since his tounge was out .

Ryan hesitated for a bit but the filled out his thump and bit it hard until blood started dripping from his hand . His eyes were full of tears from the pain.

" Come on , mix our bloods " the tied up Ryan said .

Ryan moved and put his thumb on the tied up Ryan's tounge . He looked around but nothing happened but then the chains disappeared and the other Ryan sat in a meditating position.

" Meditate " He said .

Ryan sat in a meditating position. He saw both halves of his souls one blue , one red . The moved in a circle for a while then suddenly the clashed with each other and started to mix to become one . The two had become one and now purple. Then he felt a very powerful sensation in his body. He opened his eyes to see that the second Ryan was nowhere to be found. Ryan was exhausted and couldn't help but close his eyes to sleep .

Ryan woke up a few hours later in the infirmary. How ridiculous didn't he sleep her yesterday ? He got up and saw bandages all over his body.

' What the hell happened I don't remember anything ' he looked at the time and it was 16:17 . He pulled a white t-shirt , black shirts and same sneakers . He wore them quickly leaving his robe on the bed and walked out .

' hey Everdawn is the no way for me to remember stuff instantly.

" Of course master just need to add

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I hope yall are happy so far and once more sorry for the late update

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