
The great Inferno system

Tek_Mfulwane · Video Games
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16 Chs


In the middle of the room set a black cocoon with lightning surrounding it . Ryan's scream was getting lower and lower . Violet looked at the cocoon , staying rooted in place .

" 5% "




" 100% "

" Evolution completed "

"Host has reached Stage 1 Evolution "

" Host has unlocked Infinity regeneration "

" Host has unlocked Infinity inventory "

" Host has unlocked the skill Infinity and time "

" Host has reached rank 1 martial arts "

" Host has reached rank 3 Analysis eye "

" If host wishes to see all skills and techniques Host can check skills and techniques section "

Suddenly the cocoon broke and a bright light covered the whole room . Soon the light and the cocoon disappeared .

" R ... r ... ryan " Violet said with a squeaky voice.

The light around Ryan had completely disappeared and Ryan could be seen clearly .

" Hey , sorry did I scare you " He said in a deep , smooth voice.

" Yo... you l ... look different " Violet said pointing at Ryan .

" Mhm really , let me see " he said walking into the barth room .

He couldn't help but touch his face to confirm if it was him . He was taller than before and his skin was more pale and smooth . His hair was still white but had gold strands , his eyes where cleaner and his gold irises had a bit of blue in them . His body structure had developed and became much muscular . He had become very handsome.

' System what the hell is this '

"Host has gone through evolution which in human terms means adulthood "

" Mhm , looked like a grow a little taller love , would you mind if I took a bath " Ryan said with a smirk on his face

Hearing this Violet only nodded. Ryan drew a bath and soaked his body in . How can I explain this to the guys? This system has put me in such a position , what to do now ? I should be rank 1 now .

'Statistics '


Name : Ryan ???

Age : 14

Level : Evolution level 2

Exp : 169 / 1500

Race : Inferno

Hp : 500 / 500

Strength : 100

Ability: 100

Intelligence : 100

Heart : 50

Battle force : 1500

Potential points : 280


' System what is Heart '

"Heart is the ability to clear the mind of any human emotions except for love . This creates a mind escape to meditate and think through a strategy for war."

'War ?'

' This information is classified '.

' What exactly can you tell me system?'

' You are an Inferno a very rare species who rule over stars , planets ,universes, galaxies and also dimensions. This is the only information that I can give you at this moment '

Ryan let out a deep sigh and got out of the bus.

'This is very complicated but I think I have a solution for this problem ' he thought.

He put on the clothes he kept in his inventory and walked to the bedroom to see Violet still shivering.

" Miss Violet , what wrong ? " Ryan said walking toward the shivering little mouse .

" Little mouse do I look that hideous that you can't even look at me ? " Ryan said in a squatting position .

He lifted her chin and Violet shook her head answering his previous question.

" Good come with me to the forest I need your help " Ryan said while walking to the door.

Violet got up and jogged to Ryan .

The forest had trees so tall that Ryan had to look directly up at the sky to see how high it is .

He walked inside .

" How long we've been walking for 3 hours please show some mercy " Violet whined .

" Mmhm we need to find a cave or a river something that cannot be questioned " he said still walking.

" There a cave , now please I'm tired " Violet said pointing at the cave 20 feet away.

" Good eye little mouse " He said changing his direction to the cave.

The cave was bigger then he would have imagined. As they walked deeper into the castle , they saw that the walls were covered in pink , yellow and blue rubies .

" Water I'm so thirsty "Voilet said running towards a small pond .


" W ... w ... what the hell . Did you hear that ?" Violet said shivering.

" Relax little mouse , hide in the water and I'll check it out " Ryan said walking towards the door .

Violet did as she was told . Ryan walked out of the cave and saw a Rank 2 bear . He quickly ran towards the bear not giving it time to prepare . He aimed his punches towards the neck of the bear . The bear didn't dodge the attack because it was so thick . The bear aimed its claws towards his chest . He ran to the bear again and dodged the attack . Suddenly the bear moved faster and made its attacks more precise. The bear aimed 2 more attacks towards he and before he could dodge , the bear's moves landed . Ryan screamed in pain and backed away but the bear followed him making claw Mark's on his body .

' What the hell just happened ' he thought.

The pain was getting more and more aggressive but the bear kept attacking.

' How could I be this weak . ' Ryan took a deep breath and shook his head somehow he could shake the negative thoughts.

' Blood manipulation active '

" Blood manipulation activated"

He turned his blood into a thousand needles which were so small they were impossible to see . He commanded his blood to go in

and out of the bears body not giving it a break. After 2 minutes the needles pierced the b0aear's skin cursing and damaged its organs. Ryan had lost to much blood so he commanded his blood to retreat to his body before the darkness swept him away.

Ryan woke up 2 days later in the school infirmity.

" So we're finally awake now " said a female voice.

Ryan's eyes were blurry and was blinded by the bright room . When he pulled his right arm he realised someone was holding his hand . He forced he head to turn and saw a girl around the same age as him she had blonde hair , blue eyes and pink heart shaped lips . Ryan couldn't tell her height because she was sitting down . Ryan was surprised because for some her age she was really beautiful.

" You've bee asleep for two whole days " the girl said in a soft voice .

" ok and you are ? " Ryan said raising his eyebrows.

" You son of a bi**h . So you don't recognize me now ? First was when you killed those kids and left me all alone , then you came to my house calling all sorts of names like " love " and now you don't even recognize me " she replied with a soft but angry voice.

" You even sent as far as to turn me into a 13 year old girl , you are truly merciless " she continued.

It didn't take Ryan long to know who it was .

" Violet is that you " Ryan said laughing and holding his stomach

" What happened to you ? I mean your 13 " he continued.

" MGM its that water I was hiding in , I slept in it for a few hours and now I'm a child again and it's not funny at all " She said crossing her hands.

" So part of my plan actually worked , good " Ryan said getting out of bed .

" What plan ? " Violet asked impatiently.

Ryan took out his uniform from his inventory and started to undress .

" If you don't want to tell me just say so don't use such methods " Violet said turning around, covering her eyes and shaking her head .

Ryan let out a short laugh and said

" You can look now little mouse " he said walking behind her .

Ryan felt how tight his uniform was around his body but ignored it and turned his focus to the little mouse .She was shorter than him . Her head could only reach his shoulders.

" D - don't call me little mouse " she said turning around.

" Why not ? You are little late you now ? " Ryan said comparing his height with hers using his hand .

" No , I'm not short but rather that you grew into a giant . Even that tiny uniform says the said it fitted you three days ago but not now . " she said pointing to the tight uniform.

' That means I have to buy a new uniform '

"If host wishes to buy new uniform, the host and purchase it in the system's store ."

He looked at the notification very carefully .

' So I can also buy stuff with out going to the store . Then why didn't you tell me about this so called store ! . '

" Host could only open store after going through evolution. "

'Purchase new school uniform '

Then the new more comfortable uniform appeared on his body leaving Violet in shock .

" We has class let's go " Violet said shaking her head and walking to the door.

" So we go have the same class now . Teacher Violet " Ryan said walking next to Violet.

" Just because I am 13 years old doesn't mean that you can say what you want I am still a rank 4 warrior " She replied waving her new students at Ryan .

" Wait if you are a rank 4 and I'm a rank 1 dosen't it mean you belong to the class of geniuses " Ryan said with a confused look on his face .

Training warriors are divided in 4 ranks The under rank 1(-1) , the rank 1s ( 1) , the rank 2s ( 2 ) and the ones who surpassed level 2 are called the geniuses ( S ) . It takes at least 8 years to reach rank 1 and 5 to reach rank 2 and so those who reach rank 3 are considered geniuses.

" look are your watch " Violet said with a huge smile on her face .

Ryan looked at his watch and stopped to catch his breath , he couldn't believe it a week ago he was an level 1 now he is a rank 5 . Most of the teachers can't even reach level 4 let alone level 5 .

" Come on will be late for class " Violet said grabbing his hand and running.

it didn't take long for them to reach the class .When Ryan walked he was suprised to see how big the class room was . It looked like a normal class room accept for the high tech . Each table had a holographic computer and the teachers table had a big holographic board . When he entered every one turned their attention to him .

Sorry for the late update I had a very stressful week but I hope you like this chapter.

my loyal readers I love you all . Keep commenting and voting and I'll provide you a little surprise

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