
run to the evil inside of you


Or is she imagining her conversation with her brother right the moment? She did hit her head but that can't lead to hallucinating.

What really happened?

Brady stares scrupulously at his older sister; observing her tattered clothes, also noticing that he hasn't seen her wear them before.

"Where were you? Is everything okay? Do we need to go to the hospital?"

He is only concerned about his sister's health but Aubrey misunderstands him.

"I am not out of my mind! I know what I heard. He is here somewhere." She stares at him thoughtfully.

She fully believes everything that the gods say now. After countless materializations, stopping time, being able to control people and the Earth in general; she is definitely afraid of them.

She is unsure of what her next step is as her hands keep on pulling on her hair. However, she knows Brady has to be safe first.

"Brady leave."

"What?" He frowns at her.

She begins pushing her 179cm brother's frame out of the house.

"You need to go to Liam's. It is not safe here—"

Brady nastily swats Aubrey's hands off him, shooting her a glare. "What has gotten into you?"

She stares at the angry expression on her baby brother's face, unable to respond.

"Fine. I'll leave." He angrily storms out of the house.

He doesn't understand why she is acting the way she is and Aubrey also doesn't understand.

She brushes her hands through her hair, scanning round the house once more. She looks down at her stained clothes; dirt from the car crash, the teleportation and falling to the ground.

She decided it is best to clean up and clear up her thoughts, maybe she really isn't in her right mind; she could be going insane whilst imagining the existence of gods, all as a result of the break-up with Daniel and school stress.

She takes in a deep breath, sluggishly walking through the small hallway and into her room. She always keeps the curtains down whenever she leaves her room and that makes the room dark every time.

She closes the door carefully behind her and reaches for the light switch. However, she pauses with her fingers brushing over the switch after taking a long drag of air and getting the cigarette smell. 

Once the lights turn on, she screams her lungs out as she shakes in fear.

"You are starting to marvel me."

Kai sits majestically on her study chair right in front of her. He is seated like a dog waiting for its owner to get back.

She had a gut feeling he was still in the house but she will never get used to his presence. 

His black hair making him look more dangerous with the dim lights shining through the room. He is in his black attire as usual; blank jeans, black shirt, black jacket and black shoes. Only his skin glows out white and pale.

"When you first waked in through your front door, I smelled courage."

She frowns at him, her back against the door to run out incase he moves.

"And it felt like you would actually beat me up, if I came out." He smirks at her. "But we both know, that can't happen."

"What do you want?" Her voice comes out in a miserable whisper.

"I want you, sweetheart." Kai speaks matter-of-factly.

She sights a faint light coming from the stick in-between his fingers and he makes a show of bringing it to his lips and taking a long drag to piss her off, knowing how much she dislikes cigarettes. 

His words irk her. "What did you do to my brother?"

She is scared. She is terrified. She wants to run away from him, especially after all the things Connor said. However, she is exhausted; she is tired of running and hiding.

Whatever happens, happens—exactly Aubrey's mentality.

"What do you think I did?" He raises an eyebrow at her, stretching his long legs pout; getting comfortable in her room.

She sighs, feeling her head ache. "You faked it all?"

He chuckles, hitting the cigarette on her desk to stop the low burning fire. He then lifts his head to give her a teasing smile.

"Oh no. That did take place. I only erased his memory, made him remember what I wanted him to."

Aubrey grits her teeth, her hands forming a fist. "I don't care who you are but you have no right to toy with my brother's mind that way!" She raises her voice.

He starts to get up from his chair, walking towards Aubrey. She presses hard against the door, her hands shuffling around for the handle. Deep down, she starts to regret her tone.

"I hate it when mere mortals raise their voices at me." He stops some inches away from her. "Still, you did that even when you knew I could kill you this instant."

"Get out." She orders.

If he wants to kill her, he should waste no time. All what life provides her is nothing but stress and hardship.

His demeanor changes at her phrase. He abruptly appears in front of her, forcefully jamming his hands against the door at each side of her head.

"No, I'm afraid I cannot do that." He brings his face down to hers. "Especially when I have waited hours for you."

She tightly shuts her eyes, not wanting to make eye contact with him.

It is silent for a moment but Aubrey can still feel him close to her. She slowly lifts her eyelids.

"Who made you bleed?"

The emotion swirling in his dark eyes makes her breath catch up in her throat.

Kai reaches his hands to run over the dried, injured area. He stares with a lost expression for seconds, making Aubrey scared that he is attracted by blood and would feed on her.

"Who hurt you?"

She swats his hand away. "Just leave."

"Was it Connor?" He smirks, his eyes dropping down to her lips. His fingers begin stroking her cheeks, making her shiver. "That would be funny, since he claims to be protecting you."

"Kai." She manages to force out.

"Yes sweetheart?"

She distastes that nickname, wishing he would stop his silly games.

"Leave." She does not understand where the courage is from but she is simply tired of the gods.

He takes a step back, dropping his hands to his sides. "The audacity." He stares her up and down.

"We won't do this today. I'll give you time to rest." He gives her a smile but Aubrey knows the secret behind it. "I will be back tomorrow, so be prepared."

He is gone.

He vanished with a slight whoosh of air.

She breathes out, feeling better now that he is gone. Her eyes drops on the ashes from the cigarette and she curses him in her mind. She walks to the mirror at the end of the room, to see how rough and stressed she looks.

She notices the dried blood on the left side of her forehead and proceeds to clean it up.

However, she drops the cotton wool to the ground when she sees no injury on her, neither is there a scar.

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