
a place filled

THE OLD MAN TRIMMING THE HEDGES sights Kai furiously walking towards the Castle and he immediately knows that his presence won't be good to the well-being of the castle, since he makes everything worse.

The old gardener quickly runs to Kai, trying to stop him from entering into the castle or at least calm his anger down before he creates chaos.

"Oh, Master Kai—" The old man approaches him.

"Don't call me that." He's immediately shut down.

"Oh sorry about that,"

Kai continues ignoring him, walking with an angry face into the entrance of the castle.

"But what brings you here, sir? We weren't expecting your visit today." The old man tries to keep up with Kai's wide strides.

"Is my brother home?"

The old man doesn't know what answer to give. "Well, yes he is—"

Kai cuts him off before he says more, "Good, it's him I came for."

The doors close shut after Kai walks through and the old man sighs, knowing he wasn't able to do anything to help.

"Where are you?" Kai yells loudly to the humongous castle, where all lesser and forgotten gods gather to hold meetings and parties.

It looks like a typical castle but it's invisible to the human eye. The walls are beautified with different earthly precious stones, the garden has all kinds of flowers and plants that exists in the world. The place looks like a different world on its own with it's magnificent scent. The interior walls are covered with paintings of other Greek gods such as; Zeus, Poseidon, Artemis, Apollo, Dionysus.  There are also celestial blades laying around in the main room of the castle where the throne is.

"I know you are around!" Kai yells, his feet creating a loud sound as he walks through the halls. "I see you've taken down my godly statue —great work." Sarcasm is audible in his voice. "I only see you, Lara and Grandma's statues outside, what about mine? What an asshole move." He continues yelling into the building.

Despite the castle being so beautiful, Kai is repulsed by the sight of it.

He stops in front of the throne and around it are tons of papers filled with human histories. He doesn't know what they are for and he doesn't care, he sees it all as trash.

"But it makes sense, you are an asshole so you would do things like that. And would you come out? I know you're here." He angrily says.

His angry voice echoes round the building; reaching the high ceiling and filling the wide arena.

Seconds later, his older brother, Connor calmly walks from behind the huge throne with his hands folded behind him.

Kai's lips form a bitter smile staring at his brother's brown-red hair and grey round eyes.

"I knew you would come." Connor says.

"Good, so you know why I'm here."

Connor sighs, slowly sitting back on the throne. "Ignore what you saw last night." His brother tells him.

His statement makes Kai angry and he moves at the speed of light to Connor's side, causing objects around him to rattle signaling a god's powerful presence. Once at Connor's side, Kai brings his hand out to his brother's neck, holding him hard.

"Have you lost your mind? How can I ignore what I saw?"

Connor remains calm, "Let go of me, Kai."

Kai only tightens his hold, "How long has this been going on? How long did you think of hiding it from me?"

"I'm going to say it one last time; ignore what you saw." He says slowly, staring up at his angered brother.

Kai gets angrier, "She has what is rightfully mine. How can I ignore that?"

"Leave that girl alone."

"She has my missing piece! A part of me is in that damn girl! You expect me to ignore that?" He bares his teeth at Connor.

Once Connor has enough, he swats Kai's hand from his neck, "I said, leave her alone." He goes back to open some papers in front of him.

Kai chuckles dangerously under his breath, "You all are dumb, I can't believe you took it away from me and hid it inside some stupid girl! She didn't even appear normal in my eyes; I knew there was something wrong with her the moment I set eyes on her." He sounds furious. "Does she know you have destroyed her life that way?" Kai smirks, "After, you all would act high and mighty, like you don't sin."

Connor snaps his head to Kai, "We didn't do that."

"Oh, really?" He fakes being convinced.

"I'm being truthful. We have no idea how the missing piece got into her."

That explanation stirs Kai's anger and he pulls Connor up from his seat. pinning him against the wall in a spilt second. The sound of their bodies hitting the wall is enough to shake the whole castle.

Even if it is built from the strongest material earth has, the castle can be shattered by one hit from a god. 

"Do I really have to remind you?" Kai's anger shows through his eyes, pushing his hand into Connor's neck trying to choke him.

Connor gives his brother dead eyes. 

Kai smiles, "I guess I don't need to." Then his expression goes back to being grim in a matter of seconds. "But who knew you never threw it away, all you did was hide it in the body of some stupid mortal!" Kai yells.

"Do not call her that."

Kai laughs bitterly, "Do I look like I care what I call them?"

"Is that why you almost killed every single human in Mid-Bayern?"

Kai lets Connor go, taking a step from him. There is no sense in trying to strangle him when he won't die. "I just put them to sleep."

Connor grinds his teeth, "You know putting them to sleep like that can lead to death." Restrained anger is heard in his tone.

"Well, it didn't, you should be grateful." Kai frowns in discontentment.

Connor sighs, settling back into the throne. "Don't touch the girl. You already terrified her by breaking in."

Kai scoffs, "Oh I'm not done with her."

His words ticks Connor off and he bangs his hands against the table, creating a loud sound to echo through the castle. "You're terrifying her!" He gets up on his feet.

"No, you already terrified her by hiding the piece in her. She is already dead; she died the moment you hid it in her."

"I said we didn't do it! We're also surprised that it's in her." Connor argues.

"Okay then, what exactly happened?" Kai folds his hands and leans against an archaic cabinet filled with the names of mortals that have passed away.

Connor is hesitant to explain to his younger brother but he knows Kai won't let this go, until he gets what he wants. "When that part of you got thrown away, no one knew where it went or what would happen to it. But apparently somehow, during the creation of that girl, it found its way into her, without our knowledge."

"Nonsense." Kai spits, "You seriously expect me to believe that."

"Fine don't believe me, but Kai," Connor looks deeply into his brother's eyes, "Do not touch her."

Kai chuckles under his breath, straightening up and moving off the cabinet. "I don't think you are getting the essence of this whole conversation." He smirks, dropping his voice low to whisper in his face, "She has what is mine; what belongs to me; what I have been searching for, centuries after centuries, years after years and you expect me not to touch her?" He frowns in fake concern, "You're even more stupid than those mortals, maybe you shouldn't be in charge of the castle anymore."

Kai tries to leave but Connor stops him, "I'm warning you, Kai. That girl is supposed to be kept far away from you. If you go an inch close to her, I can still destabilize you." He says in his usual authoritative voice. "Do not touch her,"

He smirks, "Do you like her?"

"Now you're talking nonsense."

"Then I'll take her if you won't. She is beautiful, you know?"

"I'm warning you for the very last time; I hope you will listen. If you try to get to her, the gods would put you down again, you know we can do that. If you don't want what happened last time to repeat itself, do not touch her."

Kai chuckles, "Chill. I don't want her." He pauses, "I only want what's inside of her."

That only upsets Connor the more.

"Oh wait, that sounded less irritating in my mind." Kai fakes surprise, "Oh well," He pats his brother on the shoulder, "Be watchful Connor, I might kill your little human crush."

With that said, he walks away. On his way out, Kai smiles at the old man trimming the hedges, knowing he heard everything that happened inside of the castle.

"Do not touch her."


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