
The Grass Is Greener On The Other Side

After ten years together, Santichai decided to leave Asnee. He moved to Chonburi and found a new job, and he finally forgot about Asnee. During his three-months dating trial relationship with KK, Asnee suddenly appeared in his life. The appearance of Asnee brought him back to those days he tried very hard to forget.

UndyingSoul · LGBT+
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106 Chs

Chapter 55 No Place For Pity Love

After the two-hour meeting, KK took Santichai back to his office. He was sitting on the sofa with Santichai, and he found that from this morning until now, Santichai hadn't said a word to him. He rested his head on Santichai's right shoulder.

KK said, "I'm so tired. Are you tired?"

Santichai said, "KK, are you the CEO of this company?"

KK sighed, "Mmm…" He sat up and looked at Santichai. "What's wrong? You are awfully quiet."

Santichai asked, "Since you are the CEO of this company, why do you still want to be a doctor?"

KK said, "I always wanted to be a general surgeon, but I brought this at the time because the previous owner went bankrupt. I got a cheap price. Also, I want someone to eat back all the negative words he said to me." He snorted. "Ha...like sweet revenge in a way, but at the same time I just made money along the way."

Santichai said, "KK, with your ability, I know you can be very successful. I'm happy for you."

KK said, "You sound like you're not going to be with me."

Santichai said, "I know my place, my place is not here. I don't belong to this place."

KK took Santichai's right hand and said, "I know. You don't belong here, but you belong here." He put Santichai's hand on his left chest. "This place is reserved for you. Here..."

Santichai said, "KK, I want to ask you one thing, but if you don't want to answer the question it's okay."

KK said, "Ask and I'll try to answer your questions."

Santichai was about to ask when a lady knocked on the door and walked in. She smiled and said, "Mr. Suwannarat, Mr. Kittichat Suwannarat has come to see you."

KK said, "Let him in." The young lady walked out of the office.

Santichai knows his relationship with KK needs to be kept under the wraps for now. He looked at KK and said, "KK, I'll go out and you can talk to your client."

KK said, "He's not a client. He's my brother. If you don't want to stay, there's a small office space on the other side of that door. You go there and rest first."

Santichai said, "You can come and get me when you're done." He stood up, walked to the office, and closed the door.

Kittichat walked over and sat across from KK. "It's hard to get in touch with you," he said.

KK said, "I've been very busy."

Kittichat said, "When are you going to tell grandfather that you were his biggest shareholder?"

KK said, "Never. If he wants to know, he can find himself."

"I know a lot of relatives want us to fight and hate each other and that's why they choose to take sides, but I want you to know that I never want that to happen," Kittichat said.

KK said, "You don't have to explain, I understand."

Kittichat said, "I came to see you in person because I wanted you to attend my wedding."

KK said, "I'll be there."

Kittichat said, "Ma told me about your little plan for grandfather." He smiled. "Did you know you're a lot like him? I can't believe you actually came up with this scheme to prove your point."

KK asked, "Scheme? What scheme?"

Kittichat said, "Ma and pa thought you were serious about dating that young man, and to prevent what happened to you in the past, they were worried about you, so they hired a private detective to dig some dirt out of that guy. They went to your house to have a private chat with that guy, asking what's his reason for dating you. After listening to your fake boyfriend's explanation, it turns out that you came up with a three-month dating trail. They finally understand your scheme because grandfather will only be here for three months. You dated him to challenge grandfather."

KK asked, "Did ma and pa make him uncomfortable?"

Kittichat said, "They were at first, but he took the time to explain to them. Ma said she felt bad afterwards because he begged ma and pa to let him stay with you until the agreement between you and him reached the time he promised you." He looked at KK. "I know you did this to irritates grandfather, but can you stop talking back to him, just for one day, my wedding day."

KK said, "I promised, I will not talk back to him on your special day, and I will try to avoid him."

Kittichat said, "Thank you." He stood up. "I'm going to pick up Ying."

KK smiled, "Mmm…"

After Kittichat left, KK walked into the backstage lounge area and found Santichai asleep on the sofa. He stood at the door and looked at Santichai and couldn't help thinking about the difficulties and obstacles he had experienced in the past that made him think of himself lower than others.

KK stayed there for a long time, dumbfounded, until Santichai suddenly curled up and sobbed softly. He sighed and walked towards Santichai. He stretched out his right hand and lightly shook Santichai's. KK said, "Wake up."

Santichai slowly opened his eyes and got up slowly. He didn't realize he was crying until KK wiped away his tears. He said awkwardly, "I'm sorry. I didn't realize that I was crying…"

KK asked, "What did you dream about?"

In his dream, he saw Asnee rushing down the stairs while he was chasing Asnee. He saw Asnee jump into Asnee's car and speed away as he chases Asnee from behind. Santichai looked at KK and lied, "I dreamed of the first time I had back surgery."

KK asked with a smile, "Tell me about your first surgery. I want to know."

"I don't know because when I woke up, the surgery was done," Santichai said. "I did some rehab and then went back to work."

KK asked, "That's it."

Santichai said, "Yes, that's it."

KK knew there was probably more to what Santichai wanted him to know. He didn't want to press for more information because he respected Santichai's decision to tell him. He smiled and said, "Let's go eat."

Santichai said, "We just eat."

KK said, "I'll take you to my favorite place. Where I make many important decisions, one of which involves you."

Santichai was surprised, "Me? Why?"

"I'll let you know when we get there," KK said.

It takes a good forty minutes to drive from KK's office building to where KK wants to go. When they finally reached their destination, KK pulled his black SUV to a beautiful villa. They got out of the car and went inside.

"It was my grandparents' villa, but it's been passed on to me since they passed away," KK said.

Santichai asked, "Does your grandfather have any other children besides your mother?"

My grandfather had only two children. Everything he had in Japan was given to my uncle, and everything he had here was given to me," KK said. He opened the door and they walked into the spacious living room. "Sadly, my uncle was diagnosed with colon cancer... After many unsuccessful attempts at surgery, uncle lost the most important battle of his life and died young."

Santichai asked, "Is that why you want to be a surgeon?"

KK smiled, "How do you guess?"

Santichai said, "You said it yourself, you made a lot of important decisions here."

KK smiled. He walked past the coffee table and opened the sliding door. The wind blew past him, and he turned to Santichai and smiled. He said, "It's here too, I decided to chase you."

Santichai walked to KK's side and stood beside KK. Looking out through the small deck, he could see a beautiful view of the endless ocean. He stood here, listening to the waves without human voices, only the sounds of nature could truly calm his heart. He can understand why KK chose this place to make his final decision.

KK turned to Santichai and asked, "Santichai, it's just you and me here. I want you to be honest with me. From the beginning, you didn't intend to fall in love with me. You're thinking of how to repay my kindness by agreeing with my silly request. Is this true?"

Santichai watched KK smile handsomely at him. He was stunned, "I..."

KK smiled and asked, "Are you satisfied with your choice? Are you satisfied with your current life?"

Santichai didn't understand why KK suddenly changed the subject. He nodded, "Well... I'm very satisfied with my life now."

KK smiled and said, "That's good. Although the ending is not what I wanted, at least one of us is satisfied." He looked out to the sea. "Santichai let's end the dating trail, I don't think it's necessary to extend it any longer."

Santichai is taken aback when he hears that KK ends their dating trail. He didn't know what to think or say. He stood there as if his world had suddenly become silent.

KK said, "I'm just like you, and I don't like others pity me. I want someone who loves me willingly and without obligation. Someone who will stand by my side and face all difficulties with me." He turned and walked towards the living room, and suddenly stopped in the middle of the room. "Someone who is not ashamed to walk side by side with me." He sighed happily. "Having said that, I'll keep my word. We're still good friends."