

In a post-apocalyptic world, ravaged by a zombie virus, a resourceful preteen girl assumes the unexpected role of protecting her baby sister. The accidental release of the virus thrusts humanity into chaos, disrupting the girl's once ordinary life. As they navigate a perilous landscape overrun by zombies, she becomes her sister's unwavering guardian, ensuring their survival amid overwhelming challenges. Over time, the girl undergoes a remarkable transformation, acquiring a unique power known as "the gamer." This newfound ability not only bolsters her physical strength but also equips her with crucial survival skills and emotional resilience. She also stumbles upon the hidden potential of her grandmother's earrings, which possess a spatial storage capacity, providing her with a vital advantage. Throughout her odyssey, the girl encounters authentic friendships and experiences love, but she also confronts formidable adversaries who test her unwavering determination and reveal family secrets and long-lost connections. Amid the unrelenting chaos, the girl embarks on a perilous quest to reunite with her missing parents, navigating a hazardous journey riddled with danger and uncertainty. Along the way, she forges unbreakable bonds with fellow survivors who become her trusted allies, offering unwavering support and companionship as they confront unimaginable trials. Through her trials and tribulations, the young protagonist's story underscores the enduring power of love, resilience, and the indomitable human spirit, even in the darkest of times.

KaterinaJupiter · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 1: Glimmer of Hope

Minamoto Miku had never fathomed a reality in which the deceased could return to life, but two years ago, that very nightmare became a chilling truth. A relentless virus had mercilessly swept through Kyoto, transforming the once-picturesque city into a nightmarish realm of dread and despair. The outbreak unfolded as a horrifying spectacle, shattering the peaceful existence that Miku, her parents, and her infant sister had known. The city's vibrant streets were reduced to silent, crumbling remnants of their former beauty.

Amidst the chaos and the desperate scramble for survival, Miku's parents had been among the first to fall victim to the virus. The terrifying speed with which it overtook them left Miku with little time to process the loss of her beloved mother and father. It was as if the world had suddenly turned upside down, and she was left to navigate this new, nightmarish landscape with a heart burdened by grief and responsibility.

Miku's Parents: (flashback, softly) Miku, take care of your sister, no matter what.

Her parents' final words echoed in her mind, etching an unbreakable promise into her heart. The responsibility for her infant sister's well-being now rested solely on her young shoulders. She was thrust into an unfamiliar role as the sole caregiver, and she had to grow up quickly to protect and provide for the one person she held dearest.

The transformation was abrupt, and the weight of it settled heavily upon her. The carefree days of childhood were forever gone, replaced by the harsh demands of a world in turmoil. With the skies tainted by smoke and the streets filled with horrors beyond imagination, Miku's focus shifted to a singular, all-consuming goal: finding a sanctuary, a place of safety, and a glimmer of hope.

As Miku raced through the desolate streets of Kyoto, her one-year-old sister clutched tightly in her arms, a ravenous horde of the infected pursued them with relentless determination. The child's weight made it difficult to keep her pace, and Miku's heart pounded in her chest as she pushed forward, her legs burning with each step. But she couldn't afford to stop; she couldn't afford to fail. The bond between sisters was the driving force behind her determination. She whispered words of reassurance to the little one as they fled, promising safety and a future free from the terrors of this new world.

As she navigated the desolation left in the wake of the infected—overturned vehicles, buildings ablaze, and lifeless forms strewn across the streets—Miku's resolve remained unbroken. She deftly evaded the relentless undead that lurked around every corner, inching ever closer to her destination: an apartment building on the outskirts of the city.

Rumors had reached her ears of a community of survivors who had managed to band together, offering hope for shelter and protection against the encroaching darkness. With each step, the image of her sister finding refuge and solace in that place drove her forward. The apartment building became a beacon of hope in an otherwise bleak landscape.

The journey felt endless, the minutes stretching into hours as she pushed herself to the limit. Fatigue and despair threatened to overtake her, but she knew that she couldn't yield. Not when the life of her sister, the child she held close, was at stake. The weight of that responsibility, however, was both physical and emotional, and it was a burden she carried willingly.

At long last, Miku arrived at the entrance gates of the apartment building, her chest heaving, sweat-soaked and on the brink of exhaustion. She had reached her destination, but the challenges were far from over. A vigilant guard stood watch, and an elderly woman, Granny Chiko, engaged in conversation with him. The guard's voice was stern, skepticism etched across his features.

Toshinori Aoi: (as Miku arrives at the gates) Hold on, we'll get you inside. What's your name?

Miku: (as she tries to convince the guards) Please, I'm telling the truth. You have to let me in. My sister is starving, and I need to get her food.

Guard: (skeptical) We've had people try to sneak in before. How do we know you're not one of them?

Miku: (desperate) I can fight, I can help you. Just let me in.

Granny Chiko: (supportive) Let her in; we can't leave a child outside with those monsters.

Guard: (reluctantly) Alright, but the knife stays with us for now.

Miku: (exhales, relieved) Thank you, thank you so much.

After a cautious exchange, they granted her entry. The relief that washed over her was palpable, and it allowed her to step inside the apartment building, her sister clutched tightly to her chest. She felt the cool, indoor air, which contrasted sharply with the hot, oppressive atmosphere of the outside world. The sensation was one of safety, a rare and cherished feeling in these troubled times.

Inside the building, Miku was guided to an empty yet furnished room that had seemingly been abandoned during the outbreak. It was a stark reminder of the lives interrupted by the virus, but for Miku, it represented a fresh beginning.

Upon entering the apartment, a wave of relief washed over her as she embraced her sister. Their reunion was marked by tears, the shared emotions of fear, relief, and love mingling in the air. The child's cries had lessened, comforted by the presence of her older sister. In that moment, Miku found solace in the simple fact that they were together, safe and alive. The room, though empty, seemed to hold the promise of a new beginning—a haven where they could rebuild their lives.

Miku's focus shifted to the room, where she discovered a small kitchenette stocked with a few cans of provisions. It might not have been much, but it was a start. Miku promptly set about feeding her sister and the child who had accompanied her on this treacherous journey. The act of nourishing them was a gesture of love, a testament to her enduring commitment to safeguard the life they had left.

As she carefully fed her sister and the child, she contemplated the uncertainty that shrouded their parents. Were they searching for them in the chaos, or had they too fallen victim to the virus, becoming lost among the countless others who had succumbed? The questions were a painful burden she carried, but for now, she chose to focus on the immediate imperative: the survival of her sister, the only family she had left.

In the midst of her duties, a knock at the door interrupted her contemplations. The sound was a surprising contrast to the silence that had settled within the room. With cautious trepidation, Miku approached the door, her mind filled with the lessons of caution she had learned during her journey.

Granny: Hello there, dear. We saw the light still on and wanted to greet the new neighbor.

Miku: (initial hesitation) We're okay. Thank you for checking on us.

Toshinori Aoi: (kindly) I'm Toshinori Aoi, a doctor. If you need help with your sister or have questions about your health, don't hesitate to ask.

Miku: (grateful) Thank you. My sister is okay for now, but I'll come to you if anything happens. I'm Minamoto Miku.

Granny: (warmly) I'm Toshinori Chiko. Nice to meet you, Miku.

Miku: (smiling) Nice to meet you too. Thank you for being so kind.

Miku's initial wariness began to melt away in the face of the amiable demeanor of her new neighbors. It was a welcome change from the skepticism and dangers she had faced in the outside world. Granny Chiko and Toshinori Aoi introduced themselves, and the doctor kindly offered her medical expertise. Miku gratefully accepted the offer, recognizing the invaluable significance of such skills in a world plagued by limited resources and the constant threat of injuries.

The simple act of introduction and hospitality began to restore her faith in the goodness of humanity. She was not alone; she had allies in this fight for survival. The burden she had carried for so long started to feel a bit lighter.

Miku and Granny Chiko exited the apartment, and Miku couldn't help but feel a spark of hope igniting within her. The darkness of the world outside remained, but perhaps, united, they could establish a community, a place of safety and companionship, and collaborate as a cohesive team to endure the trials of this unforgiving world. While the path ahead would undoubtedly be fraught with challenges, the support of her new comrades fostered the belief that anything was possible, even in the face of a relentless and unforgiving virus.

For the first time in what seemed like an eternity, Miku experienced a glimmer of happiness and a spark of hope for her and her sister's future. It was a precious feeling, one that would carry her forward in the days and years to come. A few days later, after acquainting herself with the layout of the apartment complex, Miku awoke early, nourished her little sister, and entrusted her to Granny Chiko and other caregivers watching over the children.

Kindness is a language the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

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