

Daddy Wen, single hostess, dog food is a bit sweet] Lu Yun Qihun walked into a parallel world almost exactly the same as the earth. After three years of traveling, suddenly one day. Goddess President: Go, marry me! Just when he hesitated, suddenly his mind sounded: [Ding, Dad sign-in system is starting…] [Congratulations to the host for completing the signing of the marriage agreement with the beautiful president and obtaining life skills (God-level cooking skills)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the initiative to get the daughter’s kiss task for the first time, and get rewards (mysterious planting space)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the parent-child game with the daughter, and get a reward: face value +1] [Congratulations to the host, complete the task of emotional sublimation of husband and wife, get reward: perfect singing voice] A year later, the female president Jiao Didi said: Husband, you are great! Lu Yunqi: What? I just turned over?

Zanebeal06 · Urban
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Chapter 60: : Agree, sister?

Chapter 60: : Agree, sister?

"Master, our server was hacked, and now it's all controlled by others, we can't fight Ben!"

"Okay, I see, don't panic, I'll deal with it!" Qi Zhongxun was invisible, pretending to beep.

At this time, Star Group, the president's office.

Qi Xuanxuan was looking at the screen on the phone, and obviously heard the sound coming from the screen, a charming smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and her eyes were a little moist.

She was moved by Lu Yunqi's behavior just now.

Since the identity of the two was exposed, Qi Xuanxuan had guessed that her grandpa was likely to go to Lu Yunqi directly with her back, so she found a family servant to act as an eyeliner.

Unexpectedly, the old man, she really went to Lu Yun directly. When she first saw her grandfather deliberately using money to test him, Qi Xuanxuan really squeezed a sweat.

However, to her surprise, Lu Yun directly and domineeringly transferred 20 million to the old man, saying that it was as a betrothal gift.

As for the twenty million, Qi Xuanxuan did not consider how Lu Yunqi came.

It is very easy for a hacker with such skills to make money. Selling a few loopholes can also make a lot of money.

Especially Lu Yunqi who kept smiling all the time, he was very angry when he said the old man, but he couldn't find an excuse to be mad.

In front of the old man, the domineering promise, as long as Qi Xuanxuan needs, he can learn the attitude of business management at any time, but Qi Xuanxuan is extremely happy.

Qi Xuanxuan in the office looked at the screen on the phone stupidly and said to herself: "Husband, thank you, I love you!"

On the other side of the manor.

After confirming with the man in charge of network security at the manor, Qi Zhongxun walked to Lu Yunqi, "Boy, just knowing a computer is not enough to protect my granddaughter. After all, my Qi family is in business."

Although his face was serious, his anger was obviously gone, and his tone was cold and peaceful.

"Grandpa is right, I will work hard, and I will learn more in the future, protect Xuan Xuan, and share the worries for Grandpa." When Lu Yun saw this, he quickly patted the past with a loud flattery.

Qi Zhongxun nodded in satisfaction.

In fact, in his mind, Lu Yunqi, who has a strong hacker ability, is indeed enough to bring huge benefits to the Qi family, so there is not much prejudice, but there is a trace of comfort.

My granddaughter found such a capable man.

"With your attitude, although Grandpa I agree with you, I still feel weak, so...you are responsible for the mess you just made, clean it up by yourself, and stay for dinner by the way!"

Qi Zhongxun said with a faint smile like an old fox at the corner of his mouth.

After speaking, the old man turned and left.

Lu Yunqi was left with a look of ignorance.

I go, how come I feel fooled?

The old man sentiment called me to work for him?

At this time, a servant came over, "Uncle, let me take you to a quiet room, this is the hall!"

Lu Yun made a bitter face and nodded.

When he came to a room, he looked at the decoration inside and asked curiously: "Whose room is this?"

"This is the eldest lady's room, my grandfather, there are usually no people here. I will call you when I have dinner! If you want to take a bath, your clothes are in the closet," the maid explained.

"Well, how come there are my clothes in the room?" Lu Yun asked curiously.

"Uncle, the eldest lady told me to buy this before..." the maid replied truthfully, and left after speaking.

Lu Yun nodded and walked into the room, but his heart was extremely warm.

All of a sudden, I found that my wife can always think very well.

The decoration style here is similar to the home, and there is also a small study in the room.

Moved the computer to the study room and started his own 'repair' work.

However, Lu Yunqi did not rebuild all the firewalls in the entire manor. Only some loopholes were patched in the periphery, and a few firewalls he built before were added to the core area.

It took two hours to finally complete the work.

Putting down the computer, stood up and stretched.


After taking a breath, Lu Yun got up and walked out the door.

Who knows, as soon as I opened the door, I almost ran into a woman.

Lu Yunqi quickly apologized: "Sister, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just came out and didn't pay attention!"

In front of him was a man who looked more than 30 years old, had a plump body, full of charm, watery eyes and willow eyebrows, but his appearance was somewhat similar to Qi Xuanxuan, who belonged to the kind of national beauty and heavenly fragrance.

It's just that the temperament on her body is more charming, more elegant and luxurious than Qi Xuanxuan.

Lu Yun began to judge that, judging from the temperament of this person, there should be a person with identity from the Qi family, maybe it might be Qi Xuanxuan's cousin or something.

"Are you Qi Xuanxuan's husband?"

This person is Qi Xuanxuan's mother, Lin Wanxin, who carefully looked at Lu Yunqi.

A strong figure, although there is some grease on his face, it can't conceal the handsomeness he should be. He is eight and five meters tall and shows talent.

Lu Yunqi looked at her back with a cold look as she scrutinized it, and couldn't help but ask: "Sister, what are you?"


Lin Wanxin couldn't help but laugh after hearing it, her face was almost even more brilliant.

My son-in-law actually called my sister, where did you find the monkey?

But I am still very happy when I listen. After all, which woman does not want others to praise her youth?

Lin Wanxin was playing fighting sounds in her yard, but when she heard that her father actually recognized her husband Qi Xuanxuan, she came to have a look.

I've only seen it on the video before, and haven't seen a real person yet.

Now take a look at the real person.

Well, my daughter's vision is really good. I found such a handsome man, and he can still pass the old man's approval.

Yes, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is good.

When Lu Yun saw this, he was a little speechless, politely smiled at Lin Wanxin, and was about to leave.

Suddenly, Lin Wanxin was stopped again.

"Hey, wait a minute, don't leave in a hurry!"

Lu Yunqi stopped, and immediately saw Lin Wanxin take out her mobile phone.

The phone was connected soon.

"Hey, Mom, are you doing anything on the phone?"

Qi Xuanxuan's clear voice rang from the other end of the phone.

Even if Lu Yunqi was far away, he could hear his wife's voice, and an embarrassing thought came to his mind.

However, Lin Wanxin smiled when she saw Lu Yun, and then she touched her face and asked on the phone: "Am I like your sister?"

In Haochen Building, Qi Xuanxuan in the president's office is confused and can't figure out what her mother is doing today, "Mom, which one are you singing again?"

"Puff, someone called my sister just now, I'm happy, haha!" Lin Wanxin laughed unabashedly.