

Daddy Wen, single hostess, dog food is a bit sweet] Lu Yun Qihun walked into a parallel world almost exactly the same as the earth. After three years of traveling, suddenly one day. Goddess President: Go, marry me! Just when he hesitated, suddenly his mind sounded: [Ding, Dad sign-in system is starting…] [Congratulations to the host for completing the signing of the marriage agreement with the beautiful president and obtaining life skills (God-level cooking skills)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the initiative to get the daughter’s kiss task for the first time, and get rewards (mysterious planting space)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the parent-child game with the daughter, and get a reward: face value +1] [Congratulations to the host, complete the task of emotional sublimation of husband and wife, get reward: perfect singing voice] A year later, the female president Jiao Didi said: Husband, you are great! Lu Yunqi: What? I just turned over?

Zanebeal06 · Urban
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79 Chs

Chapter 59: : Grandpa’s test, invasion of the manor network

Chapter 59: : Grandpa's test, invasion of the manor network

Qi Zhongxun looked at Lu Yunqi's fearless eyes and was taken aback.

This kid doesn't seem to be bragging. Could it be that he is really capable?

Could it be...

"Grandpa, your prejudicial questioning is very unfair to me. I haven't seen my ability yet. My ability is actually not great, but taking care of Xuan Xuan and the two babies is more than enough."

Lu Yunqi said confidently regardless of the strangeness in Qi Zhongxun's eyes.

Qi Zhongxun narrowed his scheming eyes and said in a deep voice, "Do you know how to do business or manage a company?"

When Lu Yun heard this, he shook his head straightforwardly: "I don't know anything about it, but if Xuan Xuan needs it one day, I can study too!"

Father, haven't you heard that the system is in hand, I have the world, have you said that?

"Also, grandpa, rest assured, don't worry that the Haochen Group will be unattended in the future. After the big deal, Xuan Xuan and I will have more children, and then we can cultivate them into business geniuses."

Just when Qi Zhongxun was about to speak, Lu Yunqi continued to speak.

The old man couldn't help his mouth twitching a few times.

Boy, I haven't agreed yet, do you think so far?

Both of the two babies now depend on my granddaughter to support them, so how many more are they said without shame?

"Speaking lightly, do you think a business genius is a Chinese cabbage? How can you cultivate offspring if you don't know how to do business? It's really windy, not afraid to flash your tongue!"

Qi Zhongxun said disdainfully.

He himself is a veteran who has been in the mall for decades. He knows how difficult it is to cultivate a qualified successor.

"Grandpa, it's still a long time, things can't be said absolutely!" Lu Yun said with a smile.

"Oh? Really? You mean, what else do you have?" Qi Zhongxun looked at Lu Yunqi with interest.

Regarding the man in front of him, in his opinion, how he looked at it, no matter how unqualified.

According to the standards of his previous grandson-in-law, he was either a business genius, or he had enough power to protect his granddaughter in a certain field.

"As long as I am here, no one can break the Haochen Group's network." Lu Yunqi said confidently.

"No one can break the network?"

Qi Zhongxun repeated the sentence to himself, thinking quickly in his mind.

Thinking of yesterday's news, I couldn't help but feel terrified.

Although there was a stormy sea in my heart, there was nothing unusual on the surface, and he raised his hand to signal all the servants to withdraw.

After everyone left, Qi Zhongxun walked to Lu Yun and asked in a low voice: "Are you the guy who caused the Leng family to lose tens of billions of dollars?"

Although Qi Zhongxun couldn't believe it, he couldn't help his curiosity and asked.

If this is the case, then maybe this kid is really a talent.

At least, there are really two brushes that can paralyze a company network the size of Leng's.

Lu Yunqi glanced around, nodded, and joked in a low voice: "Grandpa, you are not going to inform you!"

"Haha, haha! Boy, there's no reason to say it!"

Wherever I know, Qi Zhongxun took a step back and laughed out loud.

Judging from all the circumstances, he has believed it seven to eight points.

After all, the guy Leng Feng came to Yudu, the Qi family knew about it, and he also saw a series of small actions by the Haochen Group.

However, the Qi family wanted to see how Qi Xuanxuan should solve these crises, and he was also observing the man Lu Yunqi.

When Qi Xuanxuan is in crisis, will this man be of little use?

It seems that this guy is doing things really hard, and Leng Feng is just playing a little trick. This guy is good, directly causing Leng's direct loss of tens of billions, so Leng Feng has to go back.

Leng's family is now also taking care of enhancing their own network security, and is not in the mood to compete for the two plots of land in the NA area.

In fact, Qi Zhongxun didn't know that Haochen Entertainment had already started shooting Tianlong Babu, which was also written by Lu Yunqi, and it was also under his instruction that Haochen Entertainment obtained the right to adapt the film and television.

Speaking of it, it's kind of funny. The 20 million gift that Lu Yun just gave was basically Qi family's money.

"Grandpa, the security factor of the network in your manor should be quite high, don't you let me prove it on the spot?"

Lu Yunqi knew that if he didn't show his hand, no matter how much he said, the old man would not believe it.

Only using facts to prove is the best way to shut up.

Qi Zhongxun nodded when he heard the words, and then called for a computer.

"Let me take a look, your kid has a few kilograms and a few taels. Let me tell you that my manor is the main network base of the entire Haochen Group, but it cost more than one billion."

Obviously, Qi Zhongxun is very confident about the network security of his estate. After all, the entire Qi family's career in Yudu is still very large.

This is a private estate, and the group's server host is the safest place here.

"Well, grandpa don't worry, I will be merciful and will not destroy, as long as I have snatched control of the host of the grandpa manor network!"

Lu Yunqi took the computer from the servant and looked calm and confident.

With both hands on the keyboard, ten fingers fluttering, the horror is the explosion of the hand, like the phantom of the fingertips.

Lu Yunqi opened the editor attentively, and began to type out lines of code that people couldn't understand.

According to the manor's wireless network, Lu Yunqi quickly found the address of the monitoring server in the manor.

Find out the loopholes and complete the invasion, but Lu Yunqi did not destroy the server system.

A series of operations are so fluent, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is extremely fast.

Qi Zhongxun stood by and watched quietly, between the black screen of the computer, there were constantly beating characters that he could not understand.

Only a few minutes later, Lu Yunqi had successfully hacked forty to fifty servers.

It was like a huge maze, with the treasure in the middle, and now Lu Yunqi had passed through the maze's firewalls at an extremely fast speed.

As time passed, half an hour later.

Lu Yunqi had only the last firewall left. It was not that he was slow, but that the firewalls set up by the server hosts in the manor were too many, and there were still people chasing and blocking them.

If you change to someone else, I'm afraid you can break half of the firewall here in half an hour, even if you are a master hacker.

five minutes later.

Lu Yun lifted the beating finger away from the keyboard, moved his finger, and said with a smug expression: "Grandpa, now, as long as I press it lightly, your manor's network can be..."

Qi Zhongxun did not answer his words, but picked up the walkie-talkie.

"How is the situation on the network base?"