

Daddy Wen, single hostess, dog food is a bit sweet] Lu Yun Qihun walked into a parallel world almost exactly the same as the earth. After three years of traveling, suddenly one day. Goddess President: Go, marry me! Just when he hesitated, suddenly his mind sounded: [Ding, Dad sign-in system is starting…] [Congratulations to the host for completing the signing of the marriage agreement with the beautiful president and obtaining life skills (God-level cooking skills)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the initiative to get the daughter’s kiss task for the first time, and get rewards (mysterious planting space)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the parent-child game with the daughter, and get a reward: face value +1] [Congratulations to the host, complete the task of emotional sublimation of husband and wife, get reward: perfect singing voice] A year later, the female president Jiao Didi said: Husband, you are great! Lu Yunqi: What? I just turned over?

Zanebeal06 · Urban
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Chapter 52: : Obtaining land, behind the scenes

Chapter 52: : Obtaining land, behind the scenes

[Ding, system task, teach two daughters a song for each of them, and if you succeed in the church, you will get a piece of land in Yudu at random. ]

Lu Yunqi would not refuse the request of the two girls. Now the system also has tasks, so you must look for it carefully.

After a while.

"Okay, then dad teaches you to sing a song, the nursery rhyme my dad sang when he was a kid, okay?"

Lu Yunqi found a song "Songs for Going to School" and a song "Only Mother in the World" in the Chinese Little Music Library, and said to the two sisters with a face of dozing.

"Wow, wow!"

The two little girls cheered very excitedly.

It makes them feel very happy to be able to hear the children's songs of their father when they were young.

"Well, listen carefully!" Lu Yun cleared his throat.

"The sun shines in the sky, and the flowers smile at me"

Tangtang and Guoguo both sang along, "The sun is shining in the sky, and the flowers are smiling at me!"

Obviously, the immature voices of these two sisters are more suitable for this song than Lu Yunqi.

"Little bird said early, early, why do you carry a little **** your back"

"I go to school, don't eat every day, love to study, love to work, and grow up to serve the people!"


Tangtang and Guoguo are also very quick to learn, and of course these two songs are also easy to remember.

Soon, the two of them learned the two nursery rhymes and leaped for joy, one of them took up half of Lu Yunqi's face, and kissed him for a while.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task and rewarding a piece of land in the NA area, number: NA23982]

"The land? System, is this land big?" Lu Yunqi was a little curious.

I used to do tasks with some life skills. Now I have started to give land. It's not bad, haha.

[This system is designed to create a grand dad, although your wife is rich, but not enough, please don't question this system, otherwise...]

"Well, let's just keep the land, and maybe it will increase in value if you let it go." Lu Yunqi said quickly.

The system is now the boss, it is about to be offended, and my life will not be easy in the future!

[In view of the host's reluctant attitude, the original 200,000 square meters of land is now replaced by 100,000 square meters, and the relevant property rights have been decentralized in the system space. ]

"I'll go... okay!" Lu Yun almost couldn't hold back a mouthful of blood, because of one of his own doubts, he lost 100,000 square meters.

However, he didn't have any temper now, and he accepted it happily.

After he communicated with the system, he took the two girls to practice singing in the children's room until more than nine o'clock, and then took the two sisters back to the room to sleep.

By the time he returned to the room, it was almost ten o'clock in the evening.

In the study, Qi Xuanxuan was still looking at the information with her brows furrowed.

Now Qi Xuanxuan is facing two major problems. Entertainment company artists are exposed to the illicit news, whether to re-substitution or continue to use the established person.

The other is the two plots of land that the real estate company will participate in the bidding to raise cash flow.

"Wife, are you still busy?" Lu Yunqi handed over a cup of hot water, distressed.

Hearing Lu Yun's voice, Qi Xuanxuan's brows stretched a lot, but the sadness on her face can still be seen at a glance.

"Well, the company has a lot of things in these two days, you go to bed first! I'll be here in a while."

Qi Xuanxuan looked at the documents on the desk seriously.

"I'll be with you!"

After Lu Yunqi finished speaking, he took out the new computer.

As soon as I took out the computer, I found that the computer showed that the file copied from Qi Xuanxuan's computer had already been opened.

Carrying the computer, Lu Yun sat up on the sofa, tapping the keyboard in his hand.

Fifteen minutes later.

"Wife, do you know these two people?"

Lu Yun started to hold the computer, came to Qi Xuanxuan's side, pointed to the two people on the page and asked.

Because he had just passed the Trojan horse hidden in the copied file before, and traced it down, the last file was opened by a laptop.

From that computer and from a large number of indecent photos, Lu Yun finally found a photo that could clearly see his face.

Qi Xuanxuan turned her head to look, her pretty face turned red in an instant, and she immediately turned her head over, "You, why are you showing this to me at this time? I haven't finished reading the file yet!"

Obviously Qi Xuanxuan was misunderstood, but she can't be blamed, after all, the picture is indeed a bit unsightly.

However, Lu Yunqi couldn't help it. This was the smallest scale in the large scale, and he could clearly see the frontal photos of the male and female protagonists inside.

"Ah, I said my wife, what do you think? This is because I tracked down the person who stole your computer data, and finally gave it to someone in this screen."

Lu Yunqi explained.

"Ah? Oh, let me take a look!" Qi Xuanxuan's blush hasn't faded, she turned back and looked at the computer screen.

Female 1, don't know; Female 2, don't know, the face between the two women seems to have some memories, I can't remember where I saw it.

"I don't even know this, but I seem to have seen this man somewhere."

After Qi Xuanxuan blushed and glanced at the screen twice, she said seriously.

Where did the man really meet? I just can't remember it all at once.

"Think about it, at least the one who instigated people to hack your computer is one of them." Lu Yunqi closed the page on the computer and said to Qi Xuanxuan.

After a while, Qi Xuanxuan took out her mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Qi Lingshan.

On Qi Lingshan's side, a rare second reply: [Leng Feng photo] Sister, why did you ask me for Leng Feng's photo in the middle of the night? Is it because brother-in-law is dying?

Seeing Qi Lingshan's WeChat, Qi Xuanxuan's heart is almost trying to strangle her sister.

He turned back and looked at Lu Yunqi in embarrassment, "My sister is a crazy woman, you..."

"No, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is okay, I can't do it, my wife, you know it, others are not important." Lu Yun raised his forehead, his eyes fell on the photo of Leng Feng, and said: "This is the man. ."

Qi Xuanxuan's heart throbbed after being pushed so hard by Lu Yunqi, but when she heard Lu Yunqi's words behind, the energy disappeared.

Asking Lu Yunqi to open the picture again, Qi Xuanxuan made a comparison, and then she recovered.

"Husband, this man, my family arranged a marriage partner for me before, and I have never agreed.

He is the second son of the Leng Family in Sichuan Province. He was so well blown by the Leng Family at the beginning. He didn't expect that he was such a person. Pooh, he was a scumbag.

Since I dare to find someone to hack my computer, I really think Qi Xuanxuan is not a vegetarian! "

Qi Xuanxuan's words were very excited, she gritted her teeth and said, she could see the anger in her heart.

Lu Yunqi hugged Qi Xuanxuan from behind, "Wife, calm down, as long as you know who is behind the scenes, then the next thing will be easy."

For some reason, Qi Xuanxuan always felt relieved when he heard Lu Yun's voice, she turned around and cuddled in his arms, "Husband, do you have any ideas?"