

Daddy Wen, single hostess, dog food is a bit sweet] Lu Yun Qihun walked into a parallel world almost exactly the same as the earth. After three years of traveling, suddenly one day. Goddess President: Go, marry me! Just when he hesitated, suddenly his mind sounded: [Ding, Dad sign-in system is starting…] [Congratulations to the host for completing the signing of the marriage agreement with the beautiful president and obtaining life skills (God-level cooking skills)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the initiative to get the daughter’s kiss task for the first time, and get rewards (mysterious planting space)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the parent-child game with the daughter, and get a reward: face value +1] [Congratulations to the host, complete the task of emotional sublimation of husband and wife, get reward: perfect singing voice] A year later, the female president Jiao Didi said: Husband, you are great! Lu Yunqi: What? I just turned over?

Zanebeal06 · Urban
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Chapter 51: : Behind the scenes

Chapter 51: : Behind the scenes

Lu Yun got up and sat on Qi Xuanxuan's boss chair, watching the two progress bars on the computer finish at the same time, and the corner of his mouth ticked slightly.

With his hacking skills, it is very difficult for the Second Young Master of Gonggong to find him, so until Lu Yunqi put the Trojan horse in his computer, he was not discovered after he had done everything.

The reason why Lu Yunqi didn't rush to expose was because he wanted to see if he could find the man behind the scenes following this clue.

Although he did not know about the hacking of the artists under Qi Xuan Xuan Entertainment Company, he did not know the difficulties faced by her real estate company.

However, based on the previous deliberate exposure of Qi Xuanxuan's unmarried childbirth and the hacker's intrusion into the computer this time, Lu Yunqi knew that there must be a hand behind it.

Must be pulled out.

The intrusion was resolved, and Lu Yunqi added a few firewalls to Qi Xuanxuan's computer.

Qi Xuanxuan has been standing by and watching quietly. For some reason, this moment gave her a feeling of being protected by a man, warm and happy.

"Well, my wife, your computer is at least a hundred times safer than before, so you can use it with confidence."

Lu Yun stood up, clapped his hands, and smiled at Qi Xuanxuan.

Now that the Trojan horse is planted into the other party's computer, I have to go back and look at it quickly, and if I find out the black hand behind the scenes, I have to go back and stare at it.

"Husband, thank you! Let's go out and relax together when we've been busy for a while!"

Qi Xuanxuan came up and hugged Lu Yun, gently like a little woman.

She can't be blamed for this. Since taking over the company, she has never been relaxed. The big group is all weighed on her by a woman.

"Okay, no problem, as long as my wife wants to go, I will pay you!"

Lu Yun turned his face to the side and kissed Qi Xuanxuan on the cheek, saying very fondly.

The atmosphere dictates.

Qi Xuanxuan hugged and kissed Lu Yunqi in her office for the first time.

Long lip points.

Lu Yun packed up his lunch boxes and left Haochen Building.

At this time, the hacker worked with the second young master, and after leaving the Haochen Building triumphantly, he returned to the Marriott Hotel.

He originally went to the Haochen Building to use the wireless network in the building and then hacked into Qi Xuanxuan's computer.

When I saw that the network security of Haochen Group was so weak, I was very conceited to get the files, close the computer, and leave.

In the Presidential Suite on the 88th floor of the Marriott.

Leng Feng had just sent away two female college students, and before his **** was hot, he heard a knock on the door.

He opened the door with his tired body.

The person here is the hacker Gong Jing, nicknamed the Second Public Second Master.

"Sao Leng, what you want has already been obtained, and all the things in the woman's computer have been copied."

Gong Gong Er Shao entered the door and snorted slightly, but soon returned to normal, and said slightly happily.

After all, these five million are too simple.

"Oh? It's a top hacker. It's very efficient. Okay. I'll put the money into your account later, put the computer down, you go out first!"

Leng Feng was quite surprised at the speedy work efficiency of the second master of Gonggong, waved his hand and said to him.

Leng Feng doesn't have the energy to look at the things in Qi Xuanxuan's computer. He just wants to go back to Wenrou Township.

Hearing this, the smile on his face disappeared instantly, "Leng Shao, this kind of thing is paid for by one hand, and the money and goods are cleared."

You still want to go on credit?

When I asked, I was eager to ask for it, but now I don't feel happy to give the money.

Gong Jing branded Leng Feng as "unreliable" in his heart.

Although he knew that his Leng family was wealthy, rich and powerful, it didn't matter as the second youngest of his co-workers, he was alone anyway.

With his hacking skills, he is not afraid of Leng Feng's recklessness. If he is really reluctant, he will spend some time on the websites of major companies under Leng's family.

However, what he said made Leng Feng feel very uncomfortable when he listened. He narrowed his eyes and said: "I Leng Feng will be short of your five million?"

The Second Young Master Gonggong couldn't help but give him a blank look, but he didn't refute anything.

You are not short of it, but you give it. What are you doing?

Finally, the second master of Gonggong took off the USB flash drive from the computer, put it on the coffee table, and turned around and left.

On the other side, Lu Yunqi, on the way back to the villa, went to buy a super-high-end computer, dedicated to doing things.

The one that Qi Xuanxuan bought for him before is naturally used for codewords, and the configuration is not very high, and sometimes it can't reach the speed he needs.

In the garden of the villa, Lu Yun started driving two computers, one with codewords, and the other monitoring the Trojan horses that were planted.


As he expected, it was shown from his computer that the computer he planted the Trojan horse had copied the files copied from Qi Xuanxuan's computer to the USB flash drive.

It's just that the person didn't expect that the files he copied from Qi Xuanxuan's computer were all garbled, but also concealed Lu Yun's 'eyes'.

Throughout the afternoon, Lu Yunqi was crazy about codewords. It may be because of the blessings of God-level hacker technology that he can actually code 50,000 characters from about two o'clock in the afternoon to four o'clock in the afternoon.

The speed has more than doubled.

Of course, Lu Yunqi also sent it out in one breath.

It is still more than 300,000 words short of 1.54 million words. At Lu Yunqi's current speed, it will be completed in a few days at most.

Four p.m.

Lu Yunqi closed the codeword computer on time. As for the other computer, after setting up the automatic monitoring program, it was placed in the study.

Drive off and go to the dance class to pick up Tangtang and Guoguo. Originally, Lu Yunqi planned to play for a few days in his hometown on May 1st, but Qi Xuanxuan's company came back early after the incident.

Tangtang and Guoguo had taken time off from the dance class, so after they came back, they had to continue to the dance class.

Because the dance training class of the two sisters is not far from Alliston Kindergarten, when Lu Yunqi was going to pick up the two girls from get out of class~www.readwn.com~, she also accidentally ran into the handsome and handsome Yu Chuan.

It has to be said that the power of time is powerful, and the power of love is even more powerful. If the two add up, it will be three days before the soldiers will treat each other with admiration.

Except for the handsome face of Yu Chuan, everyone else behaved like a man, and Mr. Xu Min seemed to be moved by sincerity.

When Lu Yunqi passed by the entrance of the kindergarten, he happened to see the Lamborghini sitting on Yu Chuan's life.

After picking up the two girls, Lu Yun went home and started his daily tasks.

The kitchen is the main battlefield of the mission.

It was almost seven o'clock in the evening when Qi Xuanxuan returned home.

The whole person looked very tired. Lu Yunqi looked very distressed. Even when eating, she did not let her do it by herself. It was completely more pampering than Tangtang and Guoguo.

For this reason, it also caused dissatisfaction between the two sisters. After the meal, they insisted on pulling Lu Yunqi to sing a nursery rhyme with them for a long time, and the two sisters were a little happier.

"Dad, do you still sing any nursery rhymes? Teach us. When we go to school, our class will organize a singing competition. If we win, there will be little red flowers!"