

Daddy Wen, single hostess, dog food is a bit sweet] Lu Yun Qihun walked into a parallel world almost exactly the same as the earth. After three years of traveling, suddenly one day. Goddess President: Go, marry me! Just when he hesitated, suddenly his mind sounded: [Ding, Dad sign-in system is starting…] [Congratulations to the host for completing the signing of the marriage agreement with the beautiful president and obtaining life skills (God-level cooking skills)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the initiative to get the daughter’s kiss task for the first time, and get rewards (mysterious planting space)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the parent-child game with the daughter, and get a reward: face value +1] [Congratulations to the host, complete the task of emotional sublimation of husband and wife, get reward: perfect singing voice] A year later, the female president Jiao Didi said: Husband, you are great! Lu Yunqi: What? I just turned over?

Zanebeal06 · Urban
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Chapter 47 Dare to hack my wife and seek death

Chapter 47: : Dare to hack my wife and seek death

After a moment of shock, Lu Yunqi went to the kitchen to serve a bowl of porridge and brought it to Qi Xuanxuan's room.

At this time, Qi Xuanxuan was still lying on the bed and playing with her mobile phone. The excitement and excitement of last night made her legs really weak today.

"Wife, it's time for breakfast."

Lu Yun started carrying the porridge before the people arrived, and the voice had already come.

When Qi Xuanxuan was about to put her phone away and pretended to be asleep, a hot news suddenly popped up on her phone.

Shock! The current president of Haochen Group actually gave birth before marriage.

A thin-coded photo of Qi Xuanxuan was also included on the hot news. Qi Xuanxuan stayed there.

The first feeling she gave her was that someone was deliberately targeting her, but she didn't know who it was for a while.

"Wife, what's the matter?" Lu Yun got up and walked to the bed, looking at Qi Xuanxuan's dazed expression, after putting down the bowl, he leaned over.

When he saw the news displayed in his hand, his face was also extremely shocked.

In the final analysis, this matter is related to a woman's reputation, and Qi Xuanxuan is also the president of Haochen Group.

One can imagine how much impact this incident will have after it spreads.

"My wife, I'm sorry, this matter is all my fault!" Lu Yun hugged Qi Xuanxuan, and said guiltily.

If it hadn't been for the night five years ago, at this moment, Qi Xuanxuan would not have been discredited by others.

Obviously, this was done deliberately by someone, otherwise the children are so old and would not break the news sooner or later. What happened at this time?

Sacrifice such as bxwx.co sacrifice such as. Today, Qi Xuanxuan has just taken control of the Haochen Group, and now the foundation is unstable and there is no achievement, but the best time to deal with her.

"Husband, we may have to go back first. This is not that simple. It will definitely affect the stocks of the entire Haochen Group. I am afraid that someone deliberately targeted me."

Qi Xuanxuan said very calmly.

As the president of the company, such a thing broke out, affecting the company's organization interests, and then those shareholders will be unhappy.

With this kind of crisis public relations, Qi Xuanxuan, as the client, must be in Yudu, otherwise he would be too passive.

"Okay, let's clean up and return to Yudu immediately." Lu Yun nodded at the beginning.

My wife was targeted and must go back.

Qi Xuanxuan got up to change clothes, while Lu Yunqi packed up clothes for the two girls, and explained to Zhou Huiying and his wife.

But the embarrassing thing came again.

At noon, Zhou Huiying invited many relatives and friends.

In the end, Qi Xuanxuan decided to go back after lunch.

Anyway, she had asked the assistant to start the investigation, and no lunch would be delayed for long.

When it came time to eat at noon, those relatives of Lu Yunqi sat at three tables, dozens of people, and it was very lively.

Fortunately, Qi Xuanxuan prepared enough gifts. Each relative received a gift. Similarly, according to the customs of Taohuayuan Village, each relative wrapped a red envelope for Qi Xuanxuan who met for the first time.

A lunch ended in happiness.

When Qi Xuanxuan and Lu Yunqi's family left, many relatives enthusiastically said goodbye to Qi Xuanxuan.

As for Lu Yunqi, only a few old watches of the same age greeted him.

Qi Xuanxuan had already asked her assistant and bodyguard to go back and investigate what was exposed, and there was still a Phantom and a Mercedes-Benz left at home.

Mercedes-Benz was left to Lu Kun, and Lu Yun drove the Phantom and drove his mother towards Yu. eight pm.

Lu Yunqi's family returned to the villa.

After arriving home, Qi Xuanxuan went straight into the study and went to deal with the matter.

The two little babies are looked after by the nanny.

Lu Yun went back to the bedroom and quietly took out his computer and walked into the garden.

Because of the integration of the god-level hacker skills of system sign-in, now Lu Yunqi, when the phone is placed on the keyboard, he feels like a top hacker who is frightening.

As long as he wants, there is no website that he can't break, and no firewall that he can't open.

A crackling keyboard sounded.

Lu Yun initially hacked in based on the published website.

"Such a weak website, dare to black Laozi's daughter-in-law, let you feel what despair." Lu Yunqi muttered disdainfully.

Decrease bXWX.co. At this time, in a building in Yudu.

"It's not good, editor-in-chief, our website has been hacked!"

A pudgy man in casual clothes and a wig ran into the editor's office and exclaimed.

Here is the website company building where Qi Xuanxuan's unmarried childbirth was exposed.

The news portal website is just a small section of Qichen Media Company. It has always been in a state of desperation. Just received a big order during the day, so relevant employees are still working overtime at this time.

"What's the matter? Isn't the company's network security doing a good job? Hurry up and call the technical side to restore it!"

The editor-in-chief stood up from the table and yelled at the man.

At this time, if the website is hacked, the subsequent drafts can be published, and the money you watched will not be made.

The chunky man responded and called the technical side.

Five minutes later, the technical side called back, saying that they didn't have time to manage this small broken website, and that the company's main network had been hacked.

This news gave the editor-in-chief of the portal an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, ten minutes later, the editor's phone rang.

"What are you doing?" As soon as the call was connected, there was a curse.

The editor-in-chief was scolded with a bit of temper~www.readwn.com~ and he nodded and asked, "Zhang, Mr. Zhang, you calm down, what's the matter?"

"You are so special, I just don't know. Now all of our company's products have been hacked. The website and APP are all paralyzed."

Exploded on the other side of the phone.

Obviously, it is not easy to be angry, but it is normal. Kai Chen has two social apps in total, with tens of millions of users, and some local portals.

All at once became paralyzed. As the boss of the company, it was good to vomit blood for three liters.

"Ah, this, what's going on?" The editor-in-chief of the portal wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Pray in my heart, don't be what I think, don't!

However, the next sentence on the phone directly caused him to collapse in a chair.

"You are so embarrassed to ask, what did you post on that broken website today? Didn't you have a 13 number in your heart? Now, you'd better tell me honestly, who asked you to post it, otherwise you So let me go to death!"

On the other end of the phone, it was Chang Wei, the boss of Qichen Media.

Qichen Media has been working hard for many years, and he will soon be listed on the New Third Board. As a result, the editor-in-chief made such a statement on this issue.

Mi He Mi. The reason why he asked the editor-in-chief and the person behind it was also because the other party left a message on the computer and didn't tell the real murderer behind the scenes for a day, so all the websites of this company should not be used normally.

In terms of network security, a company that has not yet been listed, how can it be possible to fight against Lu Yunqi, who possesses god-level hacking technology, the world's strongest hacking technology?

I like the sign of the goddess house for one year, I turned it over, please collect it: () The sign of the goddess house for a year, I turned it over and update the fastest.