

Daddy Wen, single hostess, dog food is a bit sweet] Lu Yun Qihun walked into a parallel world almost exactly the same as the earth. After three years of traveling, suddenly one day. Goddess President: Go, marry me! Just when he hesitated, suddenly his mind sounded: [Ding, Dad sign-in system is starting…] [Congratulations to the host for completing the signing of the marriage agreement with the beautiful president and obtaining life skills (God-level cooking skills)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the initiative to get the daughter’s kiss task for the first time, and get rewards (mysterious planting space)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the parent-child game with the daughter, and get a reward: face value +1] [Congratulations to the host, complete the task of emotional sublimation of husband and wife, get reward: perfect singing voice] A year later, the female president Jiao Didi said: Husband, you are great! Lu Yunqi: What? I just turned over?

Zanebeal06 · Urban
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Chapter 46: : Leng Feng, a must-see for Javier, a god-level hacking technique

Chapter 46: : Leng Feng, a must-see for Javier, a god-level hacking technique

In Lu Yunqi's house, a large family chatted enthusiastically.

However, in Sichuan Province, hundreds of kilometers away from Yudu, Lengjia Mansion.

"What the **** does the Qi family mean? What does Qi Xuanxuan mean?"

Wearing a gray bathrobe, a man with a handsome appearance but a dark yellow skin suddenly drank the red wine in his hand and cursed.

This person is the second son of the famous Leng Group in Sichuan Province, named Leng Feng.

A very arrogant, domineering, and prudent rich second generation.

As long as he wants what he wants, he will get it without compromise. In the entire circle of the rich second-generation in Sichuan Province, the well-known Javier will pay it back.

If anyone offends him, he will die for eight lifetimes.

He once fell in love with a schoolgirl goddess, very cold, and the family is also considered to be the kind of wealth.

Leng Feng's sugar-coated shells attacked, but still failed to catch the goddess.

Later, he directly used the power of the Leng family to force the company of the goddess family to the brink of bankruptcy.

In the end, Leng Feng came to the door and said that he wanted to marry the goddess and could help her family get through the difficulties.

Under all kinds of coercion and temptation, he finally got the goddess. The day after he got it, Leng Feng announced that he had cancelled the engagement with the goddess. The reason was that the goddess was not clean and was not worthy of being Leng's daughter-in-law.

She forced the goddess' parents to vomit blood, and the girl has been depressed since then. What's even more annoying is that the company of the goddess' house was finally acquired by Leng.

In the entire circle of the rich in Sichuan, no one is unaware of this matter, but because of the strength of the Leng family, this matter has not spread too widely. Sacrifice as miaoshuyuan.com

And the Qi family in Yudu didn't even know. Diminish

The Leng Family and Qi Family are already a cooperative relationship, especially in the real estate industry, the cooperation between the two is very broad.

Qi's real estate in Sichuan Province is basically handed over to the Leng's for construction, and the Leng's business in Yudu is all dependent on the Qi's.

That's why the two families want this marriage to deepen their relationship.

"Second Young Master, or~~~" A bodyguard beside Leng Feng finished speaking and made a slashing gesture.

"Shut up, what do you know? Go ahead and arrange for it to go to Yudu tomorrow!" Leng Feng cursed angrily.

How could he not think of using special methods?

Winning Qi Xuanxuan was the most critical step for the Leng Family to enter Yudu. No other means could be used but to conquer.

As long as the Leng family can take down Qi Xuanxuan, not only can the Qi family be swallowed step by step, but also a commercial genius can be brought to the Leng family.

Therefore, even if the Leng family knew that Qi Xuanxuan was already the mother of two children, he still asked Leng Feng to marry her.

Moreover, the marriage contract between the two was announced half a year ago, and Qi Xuanxuan suddenly broke out that she was with another man. This was just slapping Leng's face, and it made Leng Feng feel extremely insulted.

Some people in charge of the Leng family gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

Yudu, Qijia Manor.

It was past 11 o'clock in the evening, and a call from Leng's family shocked everyone in Qi's family, including Grandpa Qi.

"Can anyone tell me what the **** is going on?"

In a large living room of the manor, Mrs. Qi sat on it, stamped the cane in his hand, and asked.

"Dad, that girl Xuan Xuan is very capable, and now the entire group is running very well under her management." A middle-aged man who was nearly 50 years old stood up and said.

This person is Qi Xuanxuan's uncle, Qi Chen.

"Dad, I also think that since Xuan Xuan is now able to take charge of the company, we don't have to rely on Leng Jia to stabilize our market share, and Xuan Xuan is now married."

"Yes, Dad, Xuan Xuan is the most capable of the younger generation. Isn't she still not engaged to Leng's family anyway?"

It was reported that the two families were going to be engaged half a year ago. At that time, it was Qi Xuanxuan and her father. After Qi Hao suddenly died unexpectedly, the Qi family grandfather had no choice but to agree to the marriage.

Grandpa Qi pondered for a while before slowly speaking, "Leng's family, if we go back, I'm afraid we won't let it go. Boss, you remind Xia Xuan Xuan and let her deal with it by herself."

"Wanxin, Xuanxuan is it her boyfriend or her husband?" The old lady Qi looked at Lin Wanxin and asked.

This question is very critical.

If it is a boyfriend, there is still room. After all, it is not a good thing to have an enemy in the business field.

"Dad, this, this, this, I don't know!" Lin Wanxin replied with her head down.

The first time she saw the video, she called and sent WeChat to ask. As a result, Qi Xuanxuan didn't answer the phone at all, and the WeChat didn't reply.

"You~~~" Old lady Qi was speechless.


However, at this time, Qi Xuanxuan and Lu Yunqi in Taohuayuan Village were feeling the baptism of love. They did not realize that the outside world had already set off a wave because they left the country by accident.

the next day.

Early in the morning, Lu Yun woke up early.

The Taohuayuan Village in the early morning is more pleasant, with mist lingering on the mountainside, and the smoke blending into the clouds, like a fairyland.

"Son, don't you sleep more? There's nothing to do in this room." Zhou Huiying asked Lu Yun who was washing in the yard while cooking in the kitchen.

"Get used to it, by the way, Mom, I discussed with Xuan Xuan yesterday and plan to build a villa in the village. We will come back for a long time when the children are on vacation in the future."

Lu Yunqi said while brushing his teeth.

"Ah, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, you guys, you just have money to burn!"

Although Zhou Huiying said so, she was very happy in her heart. There is no beautiful villa in the village yet.

If my house is the first to build a villa, there will be light on my face!

"Just look and find a spacious place!" Lu Yun started brushing his teeth and said, before moving to the room where the two babies slept.

When he walked into the room, Tangtang and Guoguo just woke up.

"Dad, good morning!"

"Dad, good morning!"

Tangtang and Guoguo greeted them very sensibly.

"Baby, did you sleep well last night?" Lu Yun got up and walked to the bed, pettingly said.

"Yeah, I slept soundly!" The two little cuties replied unanimously.

Next, Lu Yunqi dressed the two girls for the first time.

They were worn by nanny before, but now that the nanny is not there, Lu Yunqi decided to go to battle himself.

After half an hour.

Lu Yunqi barely helped the two girls to get their clothes on.

"Let's go, we should have breakfast, but grandma made it for you to get up early!"

"Wow, okay, I want to eat breakfast made by grandma!"

"Well, I want to eat too!"

The father and daughter walked out of the room grinning and were about to have breakfast.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for finishing dressing the baby for the first time, rewarding god-level hacking skills, and a dark web account. ]

[Note: God-level hacking technology is the world's highest hacking technology. The dark web is a hacker network all over the world, where you can query all the information you want to know. Mi He Mi

"My God, dark web, hacker?" Lu Yunqi stood at the door of the room, feeling a little shocked.

I like the sign of the goddess house for one year, I turned it over, please collect it: () The sign of the goddess house for a year, I turned it over and update the fastest.