

Daddy Wen, single hostess, dog food is a bit sweet] Lu Yun Qihun walked into a parallel world almost exactly the same as the earth. After three years of traveling, suddenly one day. Goddess President: Go, marry me! Just when he hesitated, suddenly his mind sounded: [Ding, Dad sign-in system is starting…] [Congratulations to the host for completing the signing of the marriage agreement with the beautiful president and obtaining life skills (God-level cooking skills)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the initiative to get the daughter’s kiss task for the first time, and get rewards (mysterious planting space)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the parent-child game with the daughter, and get a reward: face value +1] [Congratulations to the host, complete the task of emotional sublimation of husband and wife, get reward: perfect singing voice] A year later, the female president Jiao Didi said: Husband, you are great! Lu Yunqi: What? I just turned over?

Zanebeal06 · Urban
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79 Chs

Chapter 39: Video, want to go home

Chapter 39: : Video, want to go home

   However, the two little treasures are not at all interested in the Alps in Lu Kun's hands.

   The two sisters looked for their grandma on the screen with wide-eyed eyes, "Where's grandma? Where did grandma go?"

  While talking, the little hand kept tapping the phone screen, seeming to want to drive out the old man who suddenly appeared on the screen.

   Lu Kun did not mean to give up at all, and continued to work hard: "Two little babies, call grandpa, I am grandpa!"

   He was crying in his heart. It has been for half a month. The only chance he can leave the country every time is when he plays a monster.

   has thought of a lot of ways, but it always ends like this.

   Two precious granddaughters, selectively ignoring him.

   Lu Yunqi couldn't bear to see that his father was tortured every day, so he said: "Tangtang, Guoguo, you two call grandpa first, and you will come out when you call grandma!"


   The script did not follow Lu Yunqi's setting at all.

   The two little babies cried wow, and said with a cry in their mouths: "No, no, we have to watch grandma fight monsters, woooo~~~"

   Lu Yunqi was speechless, and silently felt sorry for his father for three seconds.

   And Zhou Huiying, who was next to Lu Kun, looked at her wife sympathetically, and couldn't hold back her laughter.

   The old man pouted his **** and yelled for a long time, but he made his two granddaughters cry again.

   Zhou Huiying heard the cry of Tangtang and Guoguo on the other end of the phone, grabbed the phone directly, and kicked Lu Kun's ass.

   "Go away, look at your rudeness, and start my granddaughter crying again."

   Originally thought, today the old man managed to clean up himself, he should be able to make a good impression on his two grandchildren.

   I did not expect that this wave of operations by Lu Kun was simply a failure.

   Zhou Huiying picked up the phone and quickly comforted in front of the video: "Okay, my little baby, grandma is out, don't cry."

   After Zhou Huiying's voice came from the phone, the cry of the two little girls stopped abruptly.

   This scene made Lu Yunqi couldn't help but want to laugh.

   Lu Kun directly began to doubt life.

   The biggest wish in the world is that the old man wants to hear two granddaughters and call grandpa.

   Today, it seems that I can only be a monster and be happy with my two granddaughters.

   "Grandma, come on, fight monsters, Tangtang depends on grandma fight monsters."

   "Well, Guoguo also watch!"

   The two sisters wiped the tears from their faces with little hands, and said excitedly.

   In Yuncheng, four or five hours away from Yudu, in a village called Taohuayuan, a scene of grandma beating monsters is being staged, and it is broadcast live to his granddaughter via mobile phone.

   The lights in the yard did not go out until nine o'clock in the evening.

   And in the villa of the Fairview Palace in Yudu, the two little babies hung up the video and went back to the room with Lu Yunqi obediently.

   Fifteen minutes later, I fell asleep soundly in the sound of Lu Yunqi's story.

   When he returned to the bedroom, he found that Qi Xuanxuan had not yet returned to the bedroom, but when he thought that Qi Lingshan was coming, Lu Yunqi was relieved.

   Before he could figure out the attitude of Qi Xuanxuan's family, Lu Yunqi felt that he had to be more careful.

  Mingming Qi Xuanxuan, such a gentle woman, how could there be such a sturdy sister?

   If I don't understand, Lu Yun didn't want to think about it at all, and took it into the bathroom to take a shower.

   In the garden of the villa.

   The two sisters Qi Xuanxuan, have not seen each other for many years, and talked for a long time.

   The most important topic is how Qi Xuanxuan should explain to her family that she is married.

   "Sister, it's not that I said you, just like your husband is now, you can only hide in Yudu, the golden house Tibetan husband. If you let your grandparents know, I'm afraid your husband will suffer."

   Qi Lingshan sat on the bench in the garden, shaking her snow-white feet, and said with some worry.

   Although she doesn't care about those things in the family, her sister's marriage contract was appointed by her grandfather.

   If Qi Xuanxuan dared to go against the will of her grandfather, she might be suppressed in the family. Although the two sisters are not forgiving, their relationship is very deep, so Qi Lingshan definitely does not want this to happen.

"He's still very good. As for the family, don't talk about your long mouth, they don't know so quickly. When the child gets older, I will arrange something for Yunqi to do in the company, and then I will talk to my grandparents. Bar!"

   Qi Xuanxuan said with a sad face.

   Why doesn't she understand these things?

   But Lu Yunqi is the father of his child, and now he is also his husband. As long as he truly controls the Haochen Group, the family will be criticized by his grandfather at most.

   As for Leng's family?

   The big deal, the group will make less money in the future.

   "I said, you don't forget to slap me at this time. Believe it or not, I will call my mom now. Then, I will see what you do." Qi Lingshan threatened with angrily.

   "Okay, it's not too early, I asked the nanny to arrange a room for you, it's time to go to bed!"

   Qi Xuanxuan didn't care about Qi Lingshan's threat. She still knew her sister's character.

   "No, sister, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, what time is it now, you are going to sleep?" Qi Lingshan took out his mobile phone to see that it was only ten o'clock in the evening, which was when the nightlife began, surprised.

Qi Xuanxuan glanced at the direction of her bedroom and found that the light had gone out, she took out her mobile phone and looked at it, "It's past ten o'clock now, and I have to go to work tomorrow. If you don't sleep, I have to go to sleep, but I warn you. Don't drive when you go out to play and drink, and don't drink when you drive."

   She knew that Lu Yunqi's daily routine was very regular, unless there was a 'showdown', he basically went back to the room to sleep after coaxing the child.

   Of course, the most important thing is that Qi Xuanxuan's going back and explaining to Lu Yunqi shouldn't cause misunderstanding between him and Qi Lingshan.

   "Hey, fate, once my sister got married, even her own sister was alienated!" Qi Lingshan finished drinking the red wine in the glass, got up and walked towards the villa.

   Qi Xuanxuan looked at her sister's back, with a wry smile at the corner of her mouth.

   I found that dealing with family relationships is more troublesome than managing Haochen Group.

   went back to the bedroom.

   Qi Xuan Xuan turned on the light, walked to the closet softly, took her pajamas, and went into the bathroom.

   After a while, there was a splash of water in the bathroom.

   Lu Yun heard the sound and slowly opened his eyes.

   Ten minutes later, Qi Xuanxuan was wearing a silk pajamas, like a lotus flower, when she came to the bed, she saw Lu Yun's eyes open.

   "Did you wake you up? Lingshan and I haven't had a good conversation for many years, so..." Qi Xuanxuan explained.

   "I know!" Before she finished speaking, Lu Yunqi interrupted her, "It's May Day the day after tomorrow. I want to go back and see my parents!"

   "Okay, I will arrange things for the company, let's go home to see our parents!"

   Qi Xuan Xuan said softly after going to bed and lying down