
The Goddess’s Daughter and the Hidden Prince


Ariella125 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 4

Meanwhile in the kingdom of Thalia, came a palace which appears majestic and sits on top of a hill. It is surrounded by gardens. The leaves were dry and were falling.

The royal family, who are in the dining room, preparing to eat their breakfast.

"Where is the princess?" The king asked the queen. "Isn't she coming down to eat?"

The queen kept quiet and started to eat her food.

"Am I not talking to someone here?" the king was getting agitated. 

The queen dropped her fork on the plate and looked at the King.

"Isn't she your daughter? Why don't you ask her to come down?" The queen retorted. 

The maids were all looking at themselves, and already knows what is going to happen. The Queen's personal maid who was standing next to her, quietly urging the Queen to stop. 

The King stood up, and the Queen's personal maid stood in front of the Queen and used her hand to block the King from coming over.

"Get out of my way," he commanded.

The maid, her gaze fixed on the ground, interjected with a plea. "My king, she will apologize," she implored, casting a beseeching glance toward the queen. 

The Queen, wasn't ready to back down, rose to her feet, meeting the king's gaze. "I will do no such thing," she retorted. 

Undeterred, the maid shook her head, her hands trembling. 

The queen continued, "Do your worst," she challenged. "The worst you can do is kill me. I would be happy if you did that. Give me the divorce, or better yet, KILL ME!" she exclaimed. 

In a sudden, violent motion, the king lashed out, his hand connecting with the queen's cheek in a resounding slap. The sound reverberated through the room, leaving silence, as the queen's cheek was red with the force of the blow. 

"Guards, lock this woman up," the king commanded, his voice filled with cold authority as he pointed at his wife. 

The princess opened the door, her eyes wide with alarm as she rushed to her mother's side. "Dad, I am sorry." she began, her voice trembling with fear. I am supposed to be here, but I went to return something from school," she explained, her grip tightening on her mother's hand. 

The king's gaze hardened, his lips curling into a sconful sneer. "Drop out of school right now," he ordered. "A girl shouldn't be going to school; instead, she should be thinking about getting married," he declared, pointing a condemining finger at his daughter.

"What are you talking about? Who are you to tell her not to go to school?" The queen's eyes widened as she snapped. 

"You keep on yelling," the king said.

He seized her roughly by the arm, dragging her towards their private quarters. The maid and the princess quickly followed them. 

Inside the confines of their chamber, the king hurried the queen to the floor. Slamming the door shut behind him, leaving his daughter and the maid standing helplessly outside.

The princess knocked on the door very hard.

"Dad, let mom go," the princess pleaded, her voice muffled by tears as she pounded on the door. "I will drop out of school. Please Let mom go; I am begging you," she implored, her cries echoing down the empty corridor. "Someone help," she called out. 

Meanwhile, it was the special guards were the ones who were knocking on Nadia's door. Only a few people have met them. They are always quiet about whatever they are doing. They are always mobilized whenever someone breaks the law or the vampires are under attack. 

In a calculated formation, the special guards encircled them, their imposing figures were noticeable by the gleam of their massive swords. One gaurd, her gaze steely, directed her weapon towards Nadia. 

"Nadia, you have broken the law," the guard declared. 

Nadia was about to say something, but Vanessa intrejected, as she appear in a flowing white gown. 

"Why do you want to take the blame for me?" Vanessa questioned. 

Nadia has a blank stare.

Vanessa satre at Nadia, placed her hand on Nadia's shoulders, silently urging her to follow her lead. "You don't need to take the blame for me. I am the one who brought him here," she asserted. 

The guard was surprised by what Vanessa said, "Vanessa, I know you can't do such a thing." she insisted. "It must have been your sister who did it. You're just trying to protect her," 

But Vanessa remained resolute, "I am the one who did it." she affirmed. "He was injured, so I took him in and treated him. He was supposed to leave now, but I guess you guys found out."

Tears streamed down Nadia's face as she shook her head. How can Vanessa took the blame for her? Nadia thought she should have listened to her sisters, and not bring him in their place, now she has put Vanessa in trouble.

But Nadia was determined to not let Vanessa take her place. 

"My sister is ly..." she began, but Vanessa cuts her off sharply. 

"What are you talking about? If you dare take the blame for me, I promise that even if I am dead, I won't forgive you," Vanessa retorted, her voice filled with anger. 

Tristan intervened, his voice calm and measured, "Hold on, everyone." he interjected. "I think it is probably my fault that everything is the way it is," he said, trying to talk calmly to keep the peace. "I can explain,"

But his explanation was swiftly dismissed by the guard. "You need to shut up. You are also coming with us," she declared. 

As the guards led Vanessa and Tristan away, the guard took a final glance at Nadia before leaving the house. Nadia's anguish overflowed, and tears keep on flowing from her eyes. 

Scarlett approached her, and gives her a comforting embrace. 

"It is all my fault. I should have listened to her," Nadia lamneted, her sobs echoing in the house. "It is all my fault."

Scarlett was patting her back, then pushing her hair to one side and letting her to meet her gaze. "It is not your fault," she reassured. "She did that to protect you. If you take the punishment, you might die because your power is weak, but Vanessa's is powerful. She can handle it, so don't blame yourself that much."

That didn't help calm Josephine down. She continues to cry and starts thinking that if her power wasn't weak, what happened could have been avoided. She blames herself and her power. She doesn't know why everyone's powers are powerful but hers are so weak. That was when she decided that after this ordeal had passed, she must take the test and pass it so that she can strengthen her power.