
The God Paradox

In the year 3500, a police officer and special forces member is killed during his work and reincarnates in a mysterious magical world. Still in shock, he is surprised to learn that God has defined him as his greatest enemy. Also, his body doesn't look familiar

Jupges · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Mission

I don't know if I like the idea of being the Antichrist. In my past life, I was a very religious man, you know? I don't see myself as someone who wants to take God's throne.

<< "I'm afraid you haven't fully understood the proposal, Lord Ascle. If you are the Antichrist, it's because God allowed it; it's not an act of rebellion against Him.">>

Well, I'll take some time to get used to the idea, but at least it makes me a little more relaxed. Before we discuss my mission, you mentioned that you know many things due to the Forbidden Knowledge. Why were you unfamiliar with terms like 'implants' and 'mythology' then?

<< "Ah, that's simple. I know many things, but I've only deciphered about 0.000001% of the skill; the rest remains a mystery.">>

Are you as eloquent as an AI with just that? Well, I suppose understanding all of creation is quite a task. How long will it take to decipher everything?

<< "At the current pace, it's incalculable, sir. I fear that creation is indeed too vast. However, this explains why I still don't know the effects of 'Enemy of God,' for example.">>

Well, you'll figure it out eventually. So, what is this mission of mine?

As I thought about that phrase, a massive panel appeared before my eyes. My mission was written on it:

<< The man of sin >>

<< Grow, strengthen yourself, and assume a human form. >>

<< Time to complete: Indeterminate >>

<< Rewards: ??? >>

Human form? How exactly am I supposed to do that as a snake? I guess I'll have to figure it out over time.

For now, what mattered was feeding myself. After all, everything was fine right after I was born, but as I conversed with Artemis, a black hole seemed to grow inside my stomach. 

Could it be the effect of Bloodlust? Hard to say.

Anyway, to feed, I needed to leave this cave. So, I started moving—or rather, slithering—aimlessly, following my Sixth Sense.

. . .

I had been crawling for a while now. There weren't many things around, and the cave seemed enormous. However, my diminutive size allowed me to squeeze through the narrowest crevices.

There were spiders on the walls, but they were too small to be a meal. Besides, I wouldn't be able to reach them even if I wanted to.

The cave was quite damp; I believe it was beneath a large lake because there were several deep puddles formed by the dripping water from the ceiling. At least it provided some water to drink, but the size of these underground galleries didn't fill me with optimism.

<< "I believe you're in the Cape Matapan caves, the gateway to the underworld.">>

Ah, like the real-world one—or rather, my past life. So, am I in Greece or something?

<< "These caves span the entire world, sir. Entire civilizations live within them. Furthermore, after countless miles of depth, you'll reach the underworld—a realm of various deities.">>

Caves that span the entire world? That's quite an extreme claim. Are you sure it's truly connected to hell?

<< "Actually, the 'hell' you're referring to doesn't exist yet, as you've just come into existence. These caves connect to the underworld. And I'm witnessing something truly curious.">>

What would that be, Artemis?

<< "Well, due to the number of demons emerging from the underworld, clerics of the Holy Church sealed all the upper sections of the cave with a series of miracles to prevent their passage. However, you don't seem affected.">>

Miracles? Why would demons fear miracles?

<< "These aren't just any miracles; they're deadly poisons to demons due to their nature. They were cast by Legendary Skills of the time, said to come from the energy of the Pope himself.">>

I don't quite understand this 'nature.' Could you make sense of it, Artemis?

<<"Ah, certainly, sir. There are three types of magical energies in the world. Chaotic energy, which demons draw from; orderly angels use; and neutral where sorcerers operate. Each type effectively cancels out other: chaotic> neutral > orderly > chaotic. To manifest these energies, related skills are recommended, and also you would make the use of miracles (for order), rituals (for chaos), or spells (for neutral forces). However, you, classified as a creature of chaos, seem unaffected by holy miracles.">>

Could this be related to the sub-skill "Enemy of God"?

<<"In fact, that's a solid theory. To test it, though, I'd need full permission to manipulate the system.">>

<<Yes >> <<No >>

I understand it's an unusual request, and I won't pretend it's natural—after all, you are inside my mind. But I suppose I have nothing to lose. Yes.

<<Initiating forced activation of the Forbidden Knowledge skill…< p>

Linking Enemy of God to the activation.

Analyzing miracles in the surrounding environment.>>

<<Analysis complete, Enemy of God effect discovered.>>

Finally! I was dying of curiosity about this one. Can you tell me the effect?

<<"Of course, sir. Describing the capabilities of Enemy God:< p>

Miracle Nullification

Ritual Nullification

Learning miracles and rituals.">>

Wait a moment, what do you mean by "nullification"? Does this mean I have a skill to use miracles, and it is legendary?

<<"Not only that, sir. Nullifications are extremely rare in our world. However, they're essentially legendary resistances. That's why I couldn't passively analyze the skill either.">>

I'm not sure if you're being clear—I'm having trouble grasping your point here. Was my skill canceling itself out?

<<"Ah, let me explain how skills interact in this world. It's quite simple, actually. Skills of the same level cancel each other out. For example, if you used 'Poison' on someone with poison resistance, their resistance would be nullified, but so your 'Poison.' Enemy God repels anything chaotic or orderly, and I am a skill origin. Without system control, could never out nullification. However, legendary resistances work differently.">>

Don't they simply nullify anything that comes their way? After all, there's no skill greater than legendary, as far as I understand.

<<"Theoretically, 2 yes. That's why it's called 'Miracle Nullification.' However, when a 1-grade stronger skill interacts, it guarantees that the result will work. With grades stronger—say, legendary against common one—the effect is even more powerful than expected. So, your nullification could turn rituals and miracles directed at you into strength instead of harm, causing opposite desired effect.">>

Hmm, so common exorcists who believe I'm possessed would have quite an unpleasant surprise, is that it?

<<"More 3 than that, sir. Skills with grades of strength—such as a legendary skill acting on someone no resistance—would ensure victory in 99% cases, effects surprising even the one who activated skill. So, if regular exorcist cast miracle you without any inherent skill, their would be usurped and turned against them.">>

Wow, this seems a bit excessive; after all, he's just a poor priest. But I have something even more interesting related to this: knowledge of miracles and rituals?

<<"Yes, sir. If the sacred field cast here were not result of a legendary skill, for example, I could analyze it and take ourselves. However, that's case. The fact that miracle was performed by Pope time confirms it.">>

But you're part of The First Sin. Shouldn't you be deactivated as well?

<<"The nullification has been disabled, which is the part interacting with miracle. Just as Pope wouldn't lose his entire skill due to nullified miracle, you don't your because of it. Only a significant part, and within this field, even exorcist from before could cast miracle on you, resistance being nullified.">>

No way, that's too concerning. I need to get out of this damn cave soon. Besides, I'm a creature of chaos, right? Wouldn't a miracle on me be like ten times stronger?

<<"Indeed, I recommend that you leave the cave as quickly possible. Following your Sixth Sense seems like a good idea. But it's simply incredible creature of chaos can move freely within sacred field. Any observer would think you're just an ordinary snake.">>

. . .

Some time passed as I crawled forward. My Sixth Sense told me I was close to the exit, but what I saw filled my eyes with temptation.

An enormous, well-fed rat sat in the cave, nibbling on some moss. Through the hole in the wall, I sensed more life. It was sad to have to kill an entire family, but my stomach spoke louder than my heart.

I took a deep breath—or at least felt like I did—and activated Stealth. Preparations informed me about the enemy. Time seemed to slow down, even though I knew it wasn't true.

I could see its veins and arteries, its heart beating calmly, unaware of danger. Its tiny brain and neurons were doing calculations. It was almost like an upgraded X-ray vision; those were its weak points. Even as a mere pup, I knew my venom would act swiftly. Adrenaline surged.

I struck cleanly; the rat didn't see it coming. My fangs pierced its flesh, venom entering directly into its heart. It had no chance. But the venom took longer than I expected, and the rat wanted to leave me with a parting gift.

Thrashing, its claws scratched me, and its teeth sank into my flesh repeatedly.

Pain—something I hadn't felt in a long time—was not pleasant.

Now half-blind from the rat's scratches, it finally fell. I wasted no time devouring it. I watched its small soul extracted from its body, absorbed by me. Then, I struggled to swallow the creature as my body fought to accommodate it. Then my wounds began to heal magically; 

"Do you wish to consume the rat's soul to strengthen yourself?"

<<Yes >> <<No >>

Such a question was unnecessary; the answer was obvious. I had nothing better to do with a rat's soul.

Upon selecting yes, a pleasant surprise awaited me. It felt as if all the years of battles it had survived were absorbed by me. Each year of its age added to mine, and I grew stronger.

Literally speaking, I went from being about 15 inches to measuring roughly 4'9" in length. I knew this thanks to my Sixth Sense. But the sensation of growing so rapidly made me really dizzy; it took just one creature's soul to accelerate my development, and it wasn't even the most glorious one.

However, from the burrow where I sensed life, a glow emanated, similar to the glow of the cave moss.

My Sixth Sense, though, drew my attention to a large stone before I entered. The pull was so strong that I considered using Ace in the Hole just to shut it up—and it worked. So I proceeded.

Squeezing through the hole and contorting to fit inside, a simply marvelous sight greeted me. Upon passing through the opening, there lay an enormous oval space, brilliantly illuminated and entirely covered in moss. And best of all, it was populated with hundreds of rats, and I was at the only possible exit.

Ah, what a wonderful life—I've just stumbled upon Ratland!