
The God Paradox

In the year 3500, a police officer and special forces member is killed during his work and reincarnates in a mysterious magical world. Still in shock, he is surprised to learn that God has defined him as his greatest enemy. Also, his body doesn't look familiar

Jupges · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Beggining

I assure you that it's not often that someone will describe the sensation of dying, especially from a nuclear bomb. Well… it's quick, nothing special either. I think my pain inhibitors spared me from any feeling. What I didn't expect is that I'd still be conscious.

Apollo wasn't responding, so my brain was definitely affected. The implant should have kept it functioning at all costs. Besides, I can't see, hear, or feel anything, but surprisingly, my mind remains intact.

It must have been about half an hour since everything happened. I guess the thought acceleration implant was activated instinctively and is prolonging my farewell to this world.

<<"Crossing complete… initiating character creation system.">>

What?! Was that Apollo? His voice is definitely more feminine than I remembered. Did he mention something about a character? The implant must have glitched. My boss will kill me.

. . .

Okay, much more time has passed, I don't know how much, but I know it has. I've been meditating in silence, reminiscing about my life—everything I did and didn't do. Truly, it's like watching a movie in your head when you die. Despite it all, I have no regrets. I'd kill each of those damn terrorists again if I had to live my life over.

<<"Understood. Epic Skill Acquired: <strong>Assassin.">>

What the hell was that? A skill? Apollo? Work, robot! What happened to your system?

. . .

Even more time has passed. I'm definitely not in standard thought acceleration; it only makes time 10,000 times slower, so one second would be equivalent to about 2.5 hours. But I've been stuck here for much longer than just one day.

My death probably took a maximum of 10 seconds—no, maybe 5 seconds after the explosion. I was right at the epicenter; there was nothing left. But it's been more than 24 hours; I'm sure of it.

Seriously, it's suffocating—even though I'm not breathing. I miss my implants and all the conveniences they provided: the enhanced body, the heightened senses.

<<"Understood. Common Skill Acquired:<strong> Extra-Sensory Perception.">>

Oh, Apollo, I've missed you! Even though I can't speak, you still hear me—even if your name doesn't quite match your now-feminine voice. Should I start calling you Artemis?

Anyway, you gave me a common skill this time? Could be better! As if that matters—I should have prepared better before entering that office.

<<"Understood. Epic Skill Acquired: <strong>Preparation.">>

You're really glitching, man. Explain to me, did the State save me? Are they going to clone me or implant my brain into a snake or something?

<<"Understood. Preparing skills from the <strong>Ophidian Physiology set.">>

<<"Estimated 1680 duration: hours.">>

What? Are you telling me I have to wait 1680 hours for you to work again, you damn thing? I can't sleep here, you know?

. . .

He wasn't kidding. I think I'm starting to lose it; it can't be standard thought acceleration. I've lost track of time, and I swear I'm feeling a bit cramped and strangely warm.

I don't know how much time has passed—really, I've lost count dozens of hours ago. Apollo hasn't said anything more, and I've been in the dark since then. I feel increasingly confined, which is damn uncomfortable.

<<"Preparation complete. Do you wish to acquire skills from the <strong>Ophidian Physiology set now?">>

<<Yes >> <<No >>

I couldn't believe what I was seeing—two translucent buttons with reddish hues and details reminiscent of royalty. It's the first thing I've seen in an eternity, and it made me so happy.

Without hesitation, I mentally chanted "Yes" in every way I could. It was almost liberating to feel that I had some influence in the world again—I wasn't just in a coma.

<<"Acquiring common skills: <strong>Stealth, Thermal Senses, Poison.">>

<<"Fusion available. Do you wish to sacrifice <strong>Thermal Senses and Extra-Sensory Perception to acquire an Epic Skill?">>

<<Yes >> <<No >>

Was there even any doubt? If both essentially do the same thing, theoretically there's no reason to keep both. Yes!

<<"Understood. Epic Skill Acquired: <strong>Sixth Sense. Common skills sacrificed. One skill remaining.">>

And when I acquired this skill, something opened before my eyes (if I even have eyes). I'm in a cave—I don't know how I know, but I do. Moreover, I'm inside a burrow; there are some eggshells here. I feel quite cramped, and incredibly, I'm inside an egg.

My first instinct was to try to escape, and the egg began to crack—it didn't seem very resistant. My head emerged, and despite the darkness, I could perceive my surroundings. I need to get out of this burrow to see my body. Hopefully, I'm not a chicken or something. Anyway, I can finally do something other than meditate in the dark.

It took some effort to crawl out of the hole where I was. Additionally, I couldn't move my arms or legs, which was somewhat uncomfortable. But it was worth it because the moss in the cave emitted a natural flickering light—enough to see my body. And, man, I'm speechless.


Come to think of it, I'm a thinking, talking snake. Am I like the serpent in Genesis? The one that offered the fruit to Eve or something? Did God condemn me for killing people?

<<"Understood. Legendary Skill Acquired:<strong> The First Sin.">>

<<"Requirements fulfilled. Character role acquired: <strong>The Antichrist.">>

What? A role? What are you talking about, Apollo? Artemis? Whatever. What does this mean? I'm a Christian; I can't be the Antichrist.

<<"Understood, my lord. Since you don't want me to call that, how would like be addressed, Little Horn?">>

Little Horn? What does that mean? Look, just call me by my name—what was it again? Ah! You know what, I'll invent a new one. I'm a snake, right? Asclepius it is!

<<"Understood. So you wish to assume the mantle of one lesser gods, my lord. Let it be Asclepius, then.">>

It's a long name, isn't it? Call me Ascle; that's how I'll introduce myself to others if I ever manage to speak. So, Apollo…

<<"No, by no means, Lord Ascle, you cannot call me Apollo. I don't deserve the honor of being considered your father.">>

What? Oh, you're speaking in mythological terms, right? Fine, Artemis it is, then. Since your voice is feminine, should I consider you my aunt? Does that make you happy, Artemis? Apparently, my implant came with me to this world, albeit differently.

<<"Apologies, sir. I gladly accept the name, but don't understand what you mean by mythology and implant.">>

That doesn't matter for now, Artemis. Could you explain what's happening?

<<"Ah, of course! Would you like the short or extended version?">>

Extended—it's not like I have anything better to do in this cave anyway.

<<"Very well, let's start with the terminology I mentioned before gaining consciousness. 'Skill' refers to your power influence world in a specific way. As reincarnated individual, believe you've never seen anything like this.">>


<<"Yes! A brave warrior invited to live in our abode, coming from another world. You've received skills; among the common and easy-to-understand ones are <strong>Stealth and Poison. They'll undoubtedly become deadly weapons in your hands, sir.">>

Okay, up until now, I think I understand. It's quite strange to be a snake standing in the middle of a cave, talking to one's own mind, isn't it? Well, ignore me and continue.

<<'You 3 have also received Epic Abilities, to be exact, truly incredible, milord. The <strong>Assassin has the following 3 functions:

Bloodlust: Allows you to regenerate any damage to your body by consuming living creatures.

No Escape: You can use the souls of creatures killed by you.

Hunter: You can acquire abilities related to hunting a certain type of target as you eliminate the same type of target.'>>"

So, I reincarnated into this world and received this super insane ability right off the bat? I guess I'll miss my mother, but I'm liking where this is going. What can I do with souls?

<<"Currently, the only use for souls is to consume them. I'll let you know if any other arises in future.">>

You mentioned something about gaining consciousness earlier?

<<"No spoilers, dear master! We'll get there… For now, let's continue. <strong>Preparation has the following 3 functions:

Weaknesses: Always knows an enemy's immediate weaknesses, as well as advantageous weak points during combat.

Adaptation: As you endure the same type of damage, you can acquire resistance.

Ace in the Hole: Can store items in a personal inventory, which can be instantly summoned in moments of difficulty. May I invoke them for you if you're unable to do so at the moment?">>

<<Yes >> <<No >>

Certainly! Also, this adaptation seems unbalanced, but the Ace in the Hole limits me to retrieving an item only if I truly need it. I'm not sure if that's a good thing.

<<"Definitely can save your life, sir, not that you need to worry. <strong>Sixth Sense has 2 functions:

Danger Sensor: You'll never be caught off guard, as the sensor warns you about potential threats.

Information: The Sixth Sense can alert you to useful things around you, as you've already witnessed once. It functions as an extra sense.">>

That's true. And what about the problematic ability that gave me that strange title?

<<"Truly 3 the most curious one, sir. As for title, I'll explain it later. The First Sin has following functions:< p>

Silver Tongue: Your persuasion is irresistible; your followers always obey your orders, and those who don't follow find it difficult to resist your temptations.

Enemy of God: Unknown.

Forbidden Knowledge: The ability invoked me to serve as a spokesperson since you wouldn't be able to comprehend it otherwise.">>

So, you're really not my implant. Are you sure I can't understand this ability? Also, what kind of legendary ability is this? I can't speak, and it seems to make me enemies with someone I definitely don't want to fight.

<<"Don't be mistaken, sir. It's extremely powerful and earned you your title. But before I explain it, would like to force the activation of knowledge ability?"< p>

<<Yes >> <<No >>

Let's give it a try, shall we? It won't hurt…




It lasted a millisecond, but in that millisecond, I saw everything. The present, the past, the future—damn, I swear I even glimpsed the face of God, all at once, the entire creation. It's too much for my primitive mind to comprehend. I don't remember anything else; I just know that I saw it.

<<"I see that unfortunately you truly didn't understand. Well, continuing with the title, The Voice of God grants titles to a select few who meet certain requirements. These can be common, like King or Hero, and those hold them receive simple missions basic rewards from God. Alternatively, they unique—only one person in world holds them. For example, Zeus is Father Olympus; assume this he would have die. unique come varying complexity excellent rewards. And last case, as someone knows many things due forbidden knowledge, I recognize very Creator—God. As for you, Lord Ascle, eternal title Antichrist. Even cannot say what await but first has already arrived.">>