
the God of Warrior douluo

legendary story of former UFC champion who reincarnated to the world of douluo and his adventures to become a God. ps: the original story belong to original author of douluo Dalu.

Miliyant · Fantasy
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25 Chs

ch 8

not long after the three of them arrived at notting academy and then begun to rest for a day and tomorrow tang San and yang Menghu will register their spirit level and then continue their study.


the next day master bring two of them to branch of spirit Hall in Notting city. tang San and yang Menghu test their spirit level and the result is tang San spirit level right now is 13 while yang Menghu is 15. this is cause a shock of all Notting city after that. after this episode, tang San and yang Menghu begun their fulfill life in the academy.


one year have passed and holiday is coming, tang San and yang Menghu comeback to their hometown while xiao wu following them. "hey it's a year, I really missed my dad" tang San said. "me too, I am also miss my grandpa how he is doing right now?"answer yang Menghu."hey the two of is too melancholy, is disgusting" "what did you say little rabbit" "what is little rabbit, you white big cat" the two yang Menghu and xiao wu stare each other while tang San shook his head and smiled helplessly seeing this.


soon they arrive at their destination, and the three of them go toward Tang San house. and what happen later is the same with the original story except there is yang Menghu who also swear to become tang San brother no matter life and dead.