
the God of Warrior douluo

legendary story of former UFC champion who reincarnated to the world of douluo and his adventures to become a God. ps: the original story belong to original author of douluo Dalu.

Miliyant · Fantasy
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25 Chs

ch 7

not long after their rest, luo San pao who are patrolling right now suddenly shout. the three of them directly become alert, not long after that more than nearly 5 meter long green snake appear in from of them. "this is Mandala snake, but it seemed like nearly 500 years old, this beast is for your first spirit ring xiao San so be prepare. and xiao meng you give the knife to tang san" Tang San and yang Menghu nodded after hearing this. " xiao meng it's time to use your first ability and be careful this serpent is venomous" "good teacher! white tiger Possed" after that suddenly white tiger image appear behind yang Menghu at the same time yellow ring appear around his body. then the white tiger enter yang Menghu body and his body become larger and taller while many characteristics of white tiger appear on his body. then he use his first spirit ability then chant "white tiger offense!!" and his strength and speed increase 30% directly. then master use his spirit ability to make it stun and paralyze for some time to give yang Menghu opportunity to attack. then yang Menghu directly shot toward the paralyzed serpent and punch it's gut make it fly 15 meter in the air and then fall. not enough after that, yang Menghu jump in the air and then land his feet toward the head of the serpent make it press to the ground and create wide crack. mandala snake after suffer this continues tyrannical attack almost dead directly, and master command tang San to kill it with knife on its forehead. then tang San stabbed it. not long after that, the serpent dead and yellow spirit ring appear. tang San directly sat cross leg and absorb the spirit ring as how master instruct before.


the next day in the morning, tang San awake and finally succees absorbing his first spirit ring. master and Yang Menghu who are sleeping right now suddenly hear movement in tang San direction and go directly toward Tang San only see tang San who have already awake and then breath sigh of relive. then master asked about his first spirit ability with excited tone. "so xiao San what is your first spirit ability?" tang San didn't speak and directly summon his spirit then he use his spirit to entangled the big tree beside him. and those big tree not after that show the sign like being poisonous. then said "my first spirit ability is entangled and I can entangled the target just what o do to the tree before. and like what teacher said before, my spirit begun to change it characteristics and and also my blue silver grass right now is very poisonous" master directly become excited and open his research book and write on that about tang San spirit. and yang Menghu suddenly said to master. "teacher I also fell that, there's something strange after I meet luo San pao and many spirit beast before" master and Tang San become curious and master asked. "oh, then what is it? " then yang Menghu said "I can increase or decrease the spirit beast level or age as long as those target is within my own strength" tang San and master who hear this really shock. then master asked excitedly " then how many level or age you can increase and decrease" "for level I can increase and decrease about 1 level while age is about 100 year" "very good. so can you do it me right now" said master with expectation. "Ok teacher" then yang Menghu use his ability and suddenly his body is surrounded by white aura. then yang Menghu touch master hand. when the ability of yang Menghu enter the body of master, what he fell right now is warm and there is feeling to touch the bottleneck. after few minutes, yang Menghu stop his ability and master also become very excited "hahaha after more than 20 years finally I broke through level 30. thank you very much xiao Meng" "it's nothing teacher, after all you are my teacher as long as I have ability to help you I will help without hesitation" master then smile after hearing this and rubbed yang Menghu hair. after this the three of them out of spirit forest then rent the carriage back toward Notting academy.