
The God of Nihility

The death of his parents made Jack understand that without strength he was nothing more than a speck of dust. From then on, Jack's personality slowly turns ruthless as his desire for strength increases. However, at the peak of his life, an unforeseen earthquake kills him. Just when he thought his life had come to an end, Jack was reborn into the fantastical world of Krulon as an elven male: Zaos. Yet, his new life in this elemental world unfolds amidst a war between the elven species and the mystic humans. Armed with the unique void arts, Jack conquers all the obstacles thrown at him. However, the significance of his unique gift was something even he could not anticipate…

Smiling_Serpent · Fantasy
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84 Chs

Chapter 14: Enlightenment

After observing Zaos for a while, the figure disappeared into the darkness.

[Hmm?] Zaos turned to where the figure had previously been.

[I felt a gaze on me from there just now… Was it my imagination?] Zaos wondered in uncertainty as he continued his stroll around the empty streets.

[If someone is stalking me, staying in a public area might diminish their willingness to take action immediately, I'll have to be cautious from now on.] He concluded.

It didn't take long for Zaos to find the only inn in the settlement. Similar to the other buildings beside it, the inn was but a simple wooden building. The only distinguishing factor it had was its relatively large size compared to the other buildings.

Zaos directly walked in through the front door, the lively atmosphere inside the small inn that doubled as a pub was disrupted.

As a small settlement with few inhabitants, the residents more or less knew each other. In fact, many of them were family members connected by blood or marriage.

Other than his status as an outsider, his outfit also stood out. The majority of residents were either farmers or low-level craftsmen. There was no way they could afford an attire like his.

The conversations in the tavern soon resumed, but the intensity had clearly dwindled. Zaos even noticed occasional looks of jealousy being cast his way.

Zaos ignored the drunks and went to the counter. He spoke to the long-haired dark elven male behind the counter.

"I need a room for the night," Zaos said.

"Two poor-quality dark mana gems," the innkeeper/bar attendant behind the counter replied as he continued wiping the glass in his hands, not bothering to glance at the individual who spoke.

Zaos fetched the Mana gems and handed them to the innkeeper.

The innkeeper set down the glass and retrieved a large bronze key from the bundle of keys on his waist.

"The first room to the right of the hallway." The innkeeper instructed after handing Zaos the key.

Zaos nodded and made his way to the room. Shortly after he disappeared into the hallway, the atmosphere in the pub improved greatly. The residents obviously had their reservations against outsiders.

With his superior senses, Zaos noticed the resident's attitude, but he chose to ignore it.

[I don't feel any danger coming from them, but the gaze from earlier seemed threatening… ] Zaos contemplated. His vampiric enhancement plus his experience as a mafia member had given birth to a type of sixth sense for danger.

[*Sigh* I don't seem to get a break these days.] Zaos sighed helplessly. He decided to meditate to relax instead of sleeping, this way he could react faster if he sensed danger.

Zaos got onto the bed and entered his meditative state. As his mind grew calmer, his thoughts began to drift.

[What could the absence property of my element mean? I know stripping away presence is one of its meanings, that's why I can turn things invisible…

[There is also its ethereal nature which makes it possible for me to gain phantom properties…

[What else am I missing? I can remove attributes… wait! Isn't this just negation? I can effectively deny the presence of an attribute! So I'm basically negating them, stripping them of their qualities, making them absent!!]

Abruptly, Zaos exited his meditative state, having finally grasped the essence of his elemental property.

While basking in his state of enlightenment, his Edict Rune suddenly became active. Quickly snapping out of his daze, Zaos directed his consciousness deep into his soul.

He watched as the inscriptions on his Edit Rune gradually grew more complex, and the overall crude circular purple-black rune became increasingly polished.

The process continued for a few seconds, and just as a qualitative change was about to occur, it abruptly stopped.

After observing for a while, Zaos' consciousness retreated, and he couldn't help but sigh.

[It seems I'm still lacking in the practical aspect of my comprehension, so my Edict Rune cannot advance yet.] Zaos sighed once more. Having arrived on Krulon just two weeks ago, he still lacked the required experience in utilizing his elemental weaves, especially with his newfound understanding.

[If I continue at my current training pace, it will take me months to gain enough experience… ] Zaos speculated with a furrowed brow.

[That won't do! I have to speed up the process!] He stood up and was about to begin training when he remembered he was being stalked. If he were to train now and exhaust his strength, his enemies could easily get rid of him.

[Tsk! I might as well use them to test my understanding of my elemental property!] Zaos grabbed his belongings and left the inn.

The innkeeper and the locals were surprised to see Zaos leaving but none of them questioned him. His outfit and demeanor caused these farmers and craftsmen to instinctively shrink back.

Zaos moved swiftly and eventually stopped at an open patch of land. Ever since he left the inn, he could feel a lingering gaze on him, however, he couldn't tell the direction it was coming from.

"I don't know if I should call you brave or stupid, Mister Zaos Qildor." Suddenly, an ethereal voice resounded behind Zaos.

Zaos quickly turned to face the individual.

"Who are you?" He asked as his mind raced inwardly.

[The other party knows who I am, and judging from how I couldn't find them before they revealed their presence, it is likely to be a high-elf with darkness affinity.] Zaos frowned his brows as he deduced.

"You can call me Shadow, pleased to make your acquaintance Mister Zaos." The figure who donned a black assassin outfit that obscured their appearance, bowed slightly.

Zaos' vigilance increased after seeing Shadow's behavior. Although he did not know the latter, his carefreeness indicated that he was confident enough in himself when facing a potential enemy.

"What do you want from me? Why are you chasing after me?" Zaos probed as he tried to stall for as long as possible.

"Well isn't that obvious? I'm here to kill you. Your existence has become a nuisance to my young master, so I'm here to get rid of you." Shadow placed his arms behind his back, leisurely chatting with Zaos.

[Young master?!] Zaos was startled.

"Who is your young master?" He inquired.

Shadow remained silent for a few seconds before answering, "I suppose there is no harm in telling you as you're going to die soon. My young master is… Kolvar Grandum."