
The God of Nihility

The death of his parents made Jack understand that without strength he was nothing more than a speck of dust. From then on, Jack's personality slowly turns ruthless as his desire for strength increases. However, at the peak of his life, an unforeseen earthquake kills him. Just when he thought his life had come to an end, Jack was reborn into the fantastical world of Krulon as an elven male: Zaos. Yet, his new life in this elemental world unfolds amidst a war between the elven species and the mystic humans. Armed with the unique void arts, Jack conquers all the obstacles thrown at him. However, the significance of his unique gift was something even he could not anticipate…

Smiling_Serpent · Fantasy
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84 Chs

Chapter 13: Elixir

Zaos quickly headed to his makeshift shelter, an uninhabited cave he stumbled upon on the second day of his exploration.

After confirming that the traps and warning signals he had set up remained undisturbed, Zaos entered the cave.

[Now with this, I should be able to elevate my problem slightly… ] Zaos thought as he inspected the vial in his hands with a smile.

He reached into his sack and took out a mortar and pestle, along with the sealed vene-zular.

After placing the vial of skivii blood with the other items, he retrieved the note containing the elixir's recipe.

[Crush two leaves of a vene-zular,] Zaos read the instructions on the note, [then add a vial of skivii blood into the crushed leaves and consume when the mixture turns dark red.]

He reached for the jar containing the vene-zular, but he didn't dare open it. Instead he used his elemental weave to turn his hand illusionary, directly retrieving the required number of leaves through the jar.

The vene-zular released its numbing toxins through its rose-like flower; even a light sniff could be fatal. However, its leaves and stem were relatively safer to handle than the entire plant.

Zaos placed the black leaves in his mortar and used the pestle to crush them.

He continued until the leaves were thoroughly crushed, releasing a sweet fragrance. Zaos covered his nose, afraid of breathing in any toxins.

He uncorked the vial of blood and poured it into the mortar. Within a few seconds, the mixture became agitated, releasing sizzling sounds.

[Is it going to fail?] Zaos frowned, his gaze fixed on the mortar, unsure of what to do.

After a minute of tense waiting, the mix finally settled, its color transforming into a deep, dark red. Zaos picked up the mortar, eyeing it suspiciously.

[It's complete? I guess that was part of the process… ] he contemplated for a while before making the decision to drink it.

He lifted the mortar to his lips and downed the liquid in large gulps.

[Disgusting!] Zaos winced as the last bit of the liquid went down his throat. He set the mortar down and assumed a seated position, waiting for its effects. Yet, after twenty minutes, nothing had happened.

[Was it really a failure? I also don't know if anything is meant to happen after drinking it… ] Zaos pondered.

[Forget it, maybe its effects will show after my bloodlust starts acting up.] Zaos was just about to stand when his mind was hit with a powerful shock.

Zaos' thoughts became incomprehensible and his surroundings blurred. Before he could understand his situation, he fainted.

Approximately fifteen minutes later, Zaos regained consciousness.

[What happened?] He held his head, trying to recall what had transpired.

[Did I pass out? I seem to be losing consciousness regularly ever since I came to this world.] Zaos propped himself up, dusted his body, and checked for any changes.

[I don't feel any different, only a light headache… ] Zaos pondered.

[Well, I hope it worked. Getting knocked out for nothing isn't particularly pleasant.] He grumbled inwardly.

[Maybe I can test it?] The thought solidified in his mind, and he decided it was plausible.

He quickly tidied up the cave and headed to the site of the battle between the skiviis and the elves.

By the time he got there, a significant number of savage beasts had already gathered around the corpses.

Zaos swiftly activated his elemental weave and his figure slowly turned invisible. Even then, he didn't dare approach.

[I guess it's about time I felt this place. I have got what I want and I didn't find any clues of my rebirth even after four days…

[I can also return when I'm a bit stronger.] Zaos decided as he observed the beasts tear themselves apart for a chance to feast.

He quickly returned to his cave, retrieved his belongings, and then left the forest.

On the way, he encountered no obstructions and managed to exit the forest without any issues.

[*Phew,* finally out,] Zaos rejoiced as he took in the clear view without the thick fog. His time in the forest had left him mentally and physically exhausted.

[I guess my time here can also be seen as a type of training,] he sighed.

[What do I do now? Do I return to the mercenary city?] Zaos fell into a dilemma. He still had two days until the deadline set by Ronik. If he returned now, it would raise suspicion. A person determined to seek revenge would not be so eager to give up.

[Hmm, I will have to spend some time outside then. Maybe even searching for Vundin?] Zaos contemplated.

[If I remember correctly, there are a few smaller settlements around here. I might as well check them.] With those thoughts in mind, Zaos rushed off after choosing a direction to explore among the settlement riddled area around Jangur.

These settlements were formed by low-ranked elves with weak bloodlines who sought protection against the clan system.

In the elven tribes, bloodlines of high elves and below could not form clans. They were considered too weak and were normally integrated into powerful bloodlines or taken as servants by them.

These weak bloodlined elves could only seek refuge from the churches or become mercenaries if they wanted to keep their freedom.

But even then, they were forced to settle in remote areas of the region and were not even allowed to form cities as cities could only be recognized by an empyrean clan: the rulers of each tribe.

Before long, Zaos arrived at a settlement to the south of the forsaken woods. After settling the entry fee, he proceeded into the settlement.

[This is pretty nice,] he thought as he explored the completely dark streets of the settlement. Compared to the mercenary city which was also only a settlement, this settlement's residences were all dark elves, so lighting was not required.

Zaos absentmindedly walked through the streets looking for an inn. Unbeknownst to him, a figure had been silently observing him since he arrived at the settlement…