
Daring Intern

As Director Liu's expression changed, he immediately revealed a subtle, almost imperceptible, smirk.

"Who is Dr. Ye Haoxuan?" Su Zhi asked coldly, her face tensed.

"Well..." The hospital director hesitated, unsure how to respond.

Meanwhile, Director Liu stepped forward and shouted, "Nonsense! Ye Haoxuan is just an intern who hasn't even completed his internship. He hasn't even touched a surgical knife. How could he possibly perform surgery?"

As Director of Internal Medicine, Liu was also present at the scene.

His words caused a change in the expressions of everyone present.

Feng Zhiyuan exclaimed, "Director Huang, how is my son? Why would an intern be performing surgery on him? Is your hospital's medical quality really that high?"

Feng Zhiyuan was furious; he had just received news of his son's car accident and severe injuries. The fact that an intern was treating him was unacceptable to him.

Su Zhi, with a cold face, screamed, "What's going on? How can my son undergo surgery performed by an intern? If anything goes wrong, can your hospital afford the consequences?"

Director Huang was at a loss for words, realizing that the situation was unfavorable. The intern, Ye Haoxuan, was inexperienced and had no qualifications for such a critical surgery.

Dr. Hua pondered, "What are the examination results? Perhaps the young master's injuries are not as severe."

Li Qiang quickly handed over the examination results.

As Dr. Hua examined the numerous test results, his expression grew increasingly grim. The results indicated severe injuries to Feng Shao, and even with Dr. Hua's expertise, the success rate of surgery was only around 20%. The situation looked grim, and it seemed trouble was brewing.

"Hua Laoshi, how is it?" Feng Zhiyuan asked anxiously.

Dr. Hua hesitated for a moment. If it were someone else, he could straightforwardly suggest preparing for the worst. However, considering the identity of the patient, he chose his words carefully.

He said, "This... Young Master Feng's injuries are quite severe, and..."

Feng Changkong's face immediately darkened.

Su Zhi screamed, "What's going on? How can an intern be allowed to perform surgery on my son? If anything happens to him, I'll make sure all of you lose your jobs!"

Dr. Hua's face turned sour. He was a renowned medical expert in Qingyuan and was not used to such treatment.

Suddenly, the operating room light flashed, and Ye Haoxuan walked out. He had expended quite a bit of true energy in treating Feng Shao's injuries through qi healing.

As he spoke while walking, "The patient is out of danger now, but we need further observation. Please leave the silver needles on him for now."

Su Zhi rushed forward, shrieking like a madwoman, "How is my son? Who are you? If anything happens to my son, I'll make you pay."

Ye Haoxuan's expression turned cold. The patient's condition was critical, and despite his efforts, the patient's family was now berating him. He said, "The patient is fine now."

"This is great. Otherwise, if something happened to my son, I would make you pay dearly," Su Zhi retorted.

Ye Haoxuan ignored her, turned to Li Lanlan, and said, "Can you help me with something?"

"I..." Li Lanlan looked at Ye Haoxuan's confident demeanor and, after some hesitation, said, "Okay, I believe in you."

Ye Haoxuan nodded, pushed the patient into the operating room, and locked the door. Given the severity of the injuries, any unexpected interference could be disastrous.

"Help me cut off his clothes," Ye Haoxuan said, disinfecting himself and taking out a needle bag from his pocket. With a slight shake, the needle bag unfolded, revealing hundreds of silver needles of various sizes.

Silver needles were a family heirloom, and Ye Haoxuan, having studied traditional Chinese medicine since childhood, always carried them with him.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Haoxuan's true energy flowed slowly into the silver needles in his hands. His hands moved fluidly, and in a moment, eighteen silver needles pierced various acupuncture points on the patient.

The patient, originally spitting up blood continuously, showed signs of improvement as the silver needles were inserted. Ye Haoxuan continued to infuse his palms with true energy and placed them on the patient's body, letting the vital energy technique flow towards the injured areas.

The hospital director, Dr. Hua, Dr. Liu, and others hurriedly arrived.

"How's the situation? Who performed the surgery in there?" As this group arrived, another rushed in.

Leading them was none other than Feng Zhikong, the head of Changtian Group. His wife, Su Zhi, followed, her face filled with anxiety, accompanied by several bodyguards.

"Mr. Feng, welcome..." The hospital director nervously blurted out a greeting.

Feng Zhikong snorted, displeased, and cast a cold gaze at the director. The director's heart skipped a beat, realizing his slip of the tongue. In a hospital setting, such a blunder was unwarranted.

He quickly nodded and bowed, saying, "Mr. Feng, rest assured. Our hospital has highly qualified doctors, and with Dr. Hua present, your son will surely be safe."

Turning to Li Qiang, the director asked, "Where is Feng Shao?"

Li Qiang, with a mournful face, replied, "In the operating room. The situation is critical, and surgery is necessary."

"The operating room? Who is performing the surgery?" the director inquired.

"He's called Ye Haoxuan."

"Ye Haoxuan?" The director was momentarily stunned, unable to recall where Ye Haoxuan fit into the hospital's hierarchy.