
The God of Destruction training system

Once God of destruction, Ruler of all the Gods who kept to himself was betrayed by his wife and other Gods for his status, he destroyed all the god's bodies and sealed their soul in the Zypher stone. 5000 years after the seal of the stone is broken Soul's of gods changing everything for the whole world from their, a man in his mid twenties starts his harsh and tragic journey towards godhood, and what it seems, to be developing into an anger management problem, because of a freaking skill!!.

faker_robin · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The tragedy or opportunity

When the nurse saw the patient standing near the window, and suddenly collapsing, she alerted the other staff and ran towards Jay.

"Sir, are you okay? Doctor help !"

Jay opened his eyes again, but the headache he was feeling was like, someone trying to smash open his skull with a big piece of rock. He had never felt this kind of pain in his life. Jay tried to sit up after opening his eyes, but the doctor standing there hurriedly stopped him.

"Mr. Jay, we earlier thought that there may not be a major injury, but now I think we should do some checkups before discharging you"

His family, who were also standing around nodded in agreement, but Jay had some idea as to why he suddenly fainted. A screen instantly opened in front of his eyes.

<<MP:- 5(Magic point)>>

Jay understood, that the reason he fainted and the splitting headache he had was because of his MP being drained, but this wasn't the answer that he could give to the doctor or his family. Looking at his family's panicked face, he said.

"Doctor, I know how it seems, but I knew I was feeling weak at that time and also I was sitting in bed the whole day I just wanted to walk for a bit.

Seeing how their son, getting agitated, by being in the hospital, they also wanted to bring Jay home. The thought of their son in an accident made them a little panicked, so his father said.

"Doctor, I know you are being cautious, but I also think, he should come home. The environment in your own home is much better for recovery. If there are any tests left to run on him, I'll bring him in the evening for that."

Jay, when heard his father, also wanted the same thing, Jay's eyes had a drop of tears, that his father cares about him so much, he was looking at his father like a puppy looks at his owner, but what his father said while explaining his reason made his puppy looking eyes into deep frown in between the eyes, with a jaw dropped on the floor.

"Because, if he stays in this private expensive room, one more day. We might need a second bed beside him for me."

Touching his heart with one hand and looking at his father in disbelief, he whispered to his sister.

"Better environment for recovering my ass, hmph !"

But at that moment, Jay wasn't thinking about anything else.

Jay was an average guy whether his look or his intelligence, he never physically fought with anybody in his entire life. He never liked, how people viewed him, but he wanted his image to be of a cool and handsome guy, at the same time powerful enough to dominate everything. He basically wanted to be an idol for the girls.

Getting power may change things. Now he got a chance to change his image and become something that everybody admired.

After completing all the discharge procedures. Jay made an excuse of meeting a friend on the way home and sent his family first, in reality, he wanted to smoke a cigarette and think about how to debut as a hero.

Jay used to live in a small town, where the population was not more than two thousand people, but after the great calamity 3 years back most of the small town was abandoned, because of attacks from mutated monsters constant attack and awakened people running wild with power, most of the people shifted to bigger cities, which were protected by AWID (Awakened World Investigation Department.)

Note: The incident of Zypher stone breaking is known to the world as The great calamity.

Jay booked a taxi after seeing off his parents. This was a shared pool taxi. There was already a passenger sitting in it. The lady sitting in the cab was a young woman in her twenties, and she looked like she was traveling the country for the first time.

After sitting in a taxi, he gave the driver the address of a shop where he constantly visited for smoking cigarettes. He wanted to find out more ways to earn experience points. But in his mind, he kept thinking about the dream he had about Hibi. At the end of the dream, Hibi told him that she fell for him. This was definitely not something he could forget. Jay was distracted by his thoughts. Then, he suddenly noticed a strange smell, which was started to come from the air conditioner. Just then, he saw the driver was trying to wear some kind of gas mask. He spoke in a panicked voice.

"Hey. What's going on ?"

The passenger sitting beside him had already fallen into a deep sleep. Jay took out his phone so that he could call for help. Right before unlocking the phone, his head started to feel dizzy, and the mobile in his hand slipped and fell on the floor.

When Jay became conscious again, he instantly understood the situation and remained calm. He was sitting on the ground with his hands tied in the back and eyes blindfolded. Shut. He could hear a bunch of people talking in the distance. What he was hearing was...

"Shit man, I asked you to only bring the woman, why the fuck would you bring a man too ?"

"Yo man, why are you getting angry, I thought I should bring you a bonus"

"woof, woof, woof (sound of the dog barking)"

"Goddammit, make that dog shut his mouth before anyone comes looking for us"

"Boss, it's not that easy. He's a mutated dog. He's much stronger than normal ones. Besides, we are in the outer city, and this factory has been abandoned for years. No need to worry about that."

"Fuck. Fine. Feed that man to this dog and dispose of his body carefully. I'll take that woman as an early birthday present. Then we can sell her in the black market."

From the conversation, Jay understood that there were at least three guys and a dog. And from the sounds of it, they were coming near him. Jay started to think of a way to fight them. He wanted to stop them with his telekinetic powers, but he couldn't see because of the blindfold. Right then, he started expanding his telekinetic powers in every way, hoping it would reach the kidnappers. As Jay extended his telekinetic powers, attempting to sense and deter the kidnappers, a message unexpectedly appeared, breaking his focus. He hesitated, torn between reading the message and maintaining his concentration on the imminent threat.

<< The theory of the telekinetic domain has been introduced. Would you like to learn it? Yes/No, cost 5 Enlightenment Points. >>

Jay's mind raced as he considered the offer. While the timing was far from ideal, the opportunity to learn about the telekinetic domain could potentially enhance his abilities and aid in his current predicament, and the answer was.


<< Congratulations on learning a new skill, the telekinetic domain >>

<< Active skill >>

<< Telekinetic Domain:

Telekinetic domain power spread in the radius of 5 meters. You have total control of the object's movement in the domain. Cost 10 MP every 5 seconds. >>

With the newfound knowledge of the Telekinetic Domain, Jay's mind raced with possibilities. He realized that he could create a protective barrier around himself within a 5-meter radius, giving him control over objects within that space. This could be his ticket to defending himself against the kidnappers and their dog.

With the approaching sounds of footsteps and barking dogs, Jay knew he had to act quickly. One of the kidnappers getting closer said.

"I thought this, but look at this bastard, how calmly he is sitting. hahaha!"

A loud screaming voice started coming from the room in the corner. It was the room that the woman was kidnapped was kept in.

"Please let me go. Don't hurt me."

With a smirk on his face, the man standing near Jay said.

"Looks like the boss started with his dinner already. We should also feed the dog and join him."

"Hahaha, yes I can't wait anymore"

Jay's blood ran cold as he heard the callous remark from the man standing near him. His resolve hardened even further, knowing that he couldn't let this continue. With the Telekinetic Domain at his disposal, he knew it wouldn't be hard to handle them.

The man holding the dog released the leash from his hand. The dog ran towards Jay. It looked so ferocious that he could rip off anything in his way. When Jay felt that dog was close enough, he whispered

"Telekinetic Domain, Activate!"

The dog that jumped on Jay froze in the air just a meter away from him. Jay gritted his teeth in anger and imagined the dog getting ripped into pieces and in that instant, that happened to the dog. Sprays of blood fall on his face like a light raindrop. Jay slowly stood up without any support from his hand. The piece of clothing that bound his hand and his eyes got cut on its own. Jay said with a serious voice.

"I thought killing living things would be difficult. But you guys are just trash that needs to be disposed of. And I'll be the one doing the world a favor."