
The God of Destruction training system

Once God of destruction, Ruler of all the Gods who kept to himself was betrayed by his wife and other Gods for his status, he destroyed all the god's bodies and sealed their soul in the Zypher stone. 5000 years after the seal of the stone is broken Soul's of gods changing everything for the whole world from their, a man in his mid twenties starts his harsh and tragic journey towards godhood, and what it seems, to be developing into an anger management problem, because of a freaking skill!!.

faker_robin · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The safe place

Opening his eyes, Jay finds himself under a tree, lying on the lap of a beautiful woman. This woman had blonde hair, on top of it she was wearing a silver tiara, her green eyes were bright like jade stone, and with fair and smooth skin, wearing a white gown, she could easily be called the most beautiful woman in the world. She was leaning on the tree humming in a very soothing tone, her hands were gently caressing Jay's hair.

"Is this also a dream?"

"Well, yes and no."

Her words shocked Jay, he instantly sat up and started to observe the surroundings. It seemed he was somewhere in the mountain, the only thing he could see was green grass, flowers, and the tree in the middle, where he was sitting.

"Where am I? Who are you ?"

Jay was saying this in confusion and panic, but when he looked into her beautiful eyes, the next word that came out of Jay's mouth even surprised him.

" and why are you so beautiful ?"

With a slight blush and calm smile, she replied.

"I think, I can answer the first and second questions. I am Hebe and this place is my home or prison, depending on the day."

Her words made Jay's heartbeat faster, he had never talked with such a beautiful woman in his life.

"So, this is a dream. Because I remember getting hit by the car, and falling into the river"

"Whether it's a dream or not, it doesn't matter, think of this as a safe place."

"A safe place huh? I have so many questions right now."

"Be that as may, we don't have a lot of time. I need to tell you something, you have awakened your power."

"Awakened power? As in the people that are being recruited by the goddess of guidance to fight"

"It's much more than just fighting monsters. The world that you know, where the S rank is the strongest, it's just half true. These powers are actually a way to become gods"

"Gods, as in the one who created us?"

"Well, I don't know about that, but it's a power that far surpasses life and death. They are the strongest beings in this realm."

Hearing the words of Hebe, left Jay in disbelief. Although his parents were religious people, Jay himself was an atheist.

"I know it's hard to believe now, gods were freed from their prison 3 years ago. But they won't show their faces to the majority of people until someone reaches the pinnacle of mortal realm power, from their the journey to become god starts."

"Wait a second. Anybody can become a god?"

"Yes, but it may not be as easy as you think, even though, I tell you this, you'll be one of the strongest of them"

That sentence made Jay feel surprised. He looked into the eyes of Hebe, as if he was asking for an explanation for what she said. Hebe slide herself closer to Jay's face while sitting and gently put her hands on his cheek and said.

"You want to know why? Because you are the one I fell for, and also I asked my good friend Loola to give a helping hand."

Hearing her from this close, Jay had already blown out every fuse in his brain and his dumbfounded face made him look innocent.

"Don't worry, you'll get to understand everything very soon. Take care of yourself till then. We'll meet soon, my love."

This time when his eyes opened, he was sleeping on a bed in the hospital, next to him, was his sister sleeping while sitting in the chair. but the part that surprised him was, that there was a floating screen in front of his eyes that said.

<< Welcome to God of Destruction training system >>

Rubbing his eyes in disbelief, at what he was seeing, what was going on? 

"What the fuck is happening? Annya?"

This woke his sister up, and when she noticed her brother was awake, she came running to his bed.

"Oh my god! You scared all of us. how are you? Does it hurt somewhere? Let me call the doctor."

"Wait, do you see something here?"

Pointing out at the screen in the air, he asked with an unsure face to his sister.

"What? No, shit do you have brain damage, we can't afford you to get dumber than you already are.

"Shut up and go get the doctor."

This is confirmed, that he is the only one who can see the screen, which said.

<< Host DNA has been altered to adjust according to new power >>

 "If, what I just saw was real, then is this system is help that Hebe was talking about"

<< God of Destruction training system >>


<< Species :- Super mutated human >>

<< Rank:- D Beginner stage * >>

<< Experience:- 0/100 >>

<< HP :- 50/100} (HP- Health point >>

<< MP :- 12/100} (MP- Mana point >>

<< Attribute:- All >>

<< Strength :- 12 >>

<< Agility :- 11 >>

<< Defence :- 12 >>

<< Enlightenment:- 11 >>

<< All the genetic disorders are eliminated from the host body >>

"Somehow I am getting excited looking at this, it's almost like a game."

<< Newbie pack is gifted to the user, Would you like to receive it?

 yes/no >>

"yes, accept"

<< Legendary rank skill:- Absorption >>

<< Experiance:1500 points >>

<< Equipment Epic rank:- Smoky armor >>

At that time Annya came with the doctors and his parents from outside. After the check-up up doctor concluded that Jay was only left with minor injuries and would be discharged by this time tomorrow, hearing this news, his family felt relief, hearing the doctor's advice. After the doctors left the room, his sister said with a serious face.

"Bro, have you awaken your power?"

"Wait, how do you know about that?"

"People from AWID came, they said that your name got registered in the app that the goddess of guidance created, But when we checked again, there was no registration by your name, they said that it might be a mistake and they left."

Because of the increasing criminal activity in the world by the awakened people, an organization named AWID (Awakened World Investigation Department) was set up around the goddess of guidance Loola to create a balance between awakened and normal people. Their main job was to keep an eye on suspicious people with power, and they were given the authority to terminate awakened people if they deemed them dangerous.

"So, have you got any power are not?"

"I really don't know right now"

Hearing their children talking, the father interrupted saying.

"I don't matter, right now Jay needs to recover and even if he has power, it doesn't mean he would be strong enough to earn benefits. So focus on getting a Job first."

Jay replied with an annoyed face. 

"Yeah. I know."

At night in the hospital, Jay finally had some alone time.

"Finally, let's check out the system."

As soon as Jay thought about the system, the screen popped in front of his eyes.

<< System menu >>

<< 1. Character status >>

<< 2. Skills >>

<< 3. Equipment >>

<< 4. Quest: Locked >>

<< 5. Memories: Locked >>

<< 6. Support: Locked >>

"Let's check character stats first, I didn't get to see clearly the first time."


<< Species :- Super mutated human >>

<< Rank:- D Beginner stage * >>

<< Experience:- 0/100} {1500 ex point remaining >>

<< HP :- 50/100} (HP- Health point >>

<< MP :- 30/100} (MP- Mana point >>

<< Attribute:- All >>

<< Strength :- 12 >>

<< Agility :- 11 >>

<< Defence :- 12 >>

<< Enlightenment:- 11 >>

"So, I am a D rank right now. Wait I have I got 1500 experience points in the newbie pack. Let's add it."

<< Congratulations on being promoted to C middle rank! All the stats have been increased. >>

<<Received new skill Telekinesis rank epic.>>

"Nice, that was easy, and also got a new skill. Now I just need to find a way to gain experience point, but what the hell is this enlightenment? Anyway what about the skills section"

<< Skills >>

<< Active skill 2 (These are skills that need to be activated on command) >>

<< Passive skill 0 (This are skill that remains activated all the time or gets activated on time of need), >>

"I have two active skills and one passive skill, let's check active skills first"

<< Telekinesis: Rank-Epic

The ability to move objects at a distance by mental power. The power increases with the rank of the user. Mana point is consumed according to what it's being used on. >>

<< Absorption:

 This a legendary active skill that works best when coming directly in contact with an object, it will drain its life force destroying every single existence certain amount of absorbing life force will be rewarded as an increase in Experience and HP(Health point). It uses 10 MP (Mana point) >>

"Alright let's try to move that glass."

Jay raised his hands toward the glass of water that was on the table in the corner of the room, The glass started to slide a little bit, and in the next second, it flew into his hands of Jay, splashing water everywhere around. Wiping water from his face with a smile Jay said.

"Now that's refreshing, now let's try the next skill, this skill sucks the life force of the object, which means it should also work on plants right."

Getting off the bed, Jay went near the plant that was on the window. While touching the lead of the plant, he activated the skill, his hand got stuck to the plant and faint dark black cloud-like smoke started coming out from his palm and spreading throughout the whole plant, once the beautiful big plant started to wither, the leaves started to turn black and fall around him, and the thick stem of a plant, that was in front of him shrunk to half hits size, Jay kept trying to pull his hands away from the plant only after few seconds of touching tree had completely died.

<< Experience point 5+ >>

<< HP Full >>

"Wow. this is too domineering"

At that time, a nurse on the scheduled round came to see the patient.

"Sir, what are you doing there?"

"Ohhh.. nothi...."

While replying to the nurse, Jay's head started to feel dizzy and in the next second, he fell on the floor.