
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 75 Appearance Talisman

Wang Yiming originally wanted to carry out the ghost removal operation outside the villa, because the villa is spacious outside, there is enough space to use his hands, and there is sunshine outside the villa, so he has a certain degree of restraint against ghosts.

  However, considering the impact, it was finally decided to do it indoors.

  Yang Haoran couldn't help shaking his head at Wang Yiming's decision. He knew in his heart that Wang Yiming might not realize the seriousness of the problem until now.

  However, he didn't say much. Since Wang Yiming has decided in this way, let him do it freely. Besides, Wang Yiming is angry with him at this time, and Wang Yiming will definitely not listen to his suggestion. speak?

  Regarding Wang Yiming's decision, Ma Ling didn't know whether it was because she was still drunk or because she was a bold artist, so she acted extremely indifferent.

  In the living room of the villa, a spacious space was vacated according to Wang Yiming's request.

  Yang Haoran, Wang Yiming, and Ma Ling stood in this spacious space, while the Wu family and others, including Guan Hai, hid far away.

  For this kind of unknown existence, it is obviously impossible for them to say that there is no fear in their hearts. However, besides fear, they also have curiosity in their hearts, so even if they are afraid in their hearts, they still want to witness the whole process with their own eyes.

  Of course, their curiosity can overwhelm their fear at this time, that's because of the presence of the three of them, Yang Haoran, if there were no three of them, how would they dare to have curiosity in their hearts, they would definitely be filled with fear.

  At this point, how capable the three of them are and how strong the ghosts in this villa are can be seen immediately.

  When Wang Yiming first entered the villa, he was still carrying a cloth bag in his hand. However, at this time, he did not hold that bag in his hand, but a small and delicate cloth bag appeared around his waist.

  This bag is only the size of a fist and is exquisitely crafted, with a mysterious rune embroidered on it.

  When he first entered the villa, the bag Wang Yiming was carrying was just an ordinary bag, but now the bag he is hanging on his waist is not an ordinary bag, but a talisman bag that can only be owned by a talisman master.

  Yang Haoran also knows the talisman bag. As for what the talisman bag is, as the name suggests, it is a bag specially used to hold talismans, and at the same time, it is also a symbol of the identity of a talisman master.

  This talisman bag is very small, it hangs on his waist, and the clothes cover it again, it is impossible to see that there is still a bag hanging on his waist.

  As for Ma Ling, she was carrying a black suitcase in her hand. She had never left this suitcase since she entered the villa, and it was still the same at this time. She was carrying it in her hand.

  Yang Haoran didn't know what was in Ma Ling's suitcase, but seeing Ma Ling carrying this suitcase all the time, it could be seen how important this suitcase was to her.

  As for Yang Haoran, he put his hands in his pockets, he didn't have a bag on his body, and he didn't have any suitcase, even his homemade yellow satchel, which he didn't bring with him now.

  Wang Yiming stood where he was, clenching his hands and chanting a spell. Suddenly, a wave of power erupted from his body.

  Feeling this fluctuation of power, Yang Haoran looked a little surprised. When Wang Yiming first entered the villa, he did not feel any fluctuation of power on Wang Yiming's body. His own power is hidden, so outsiders can't feel it at all.

  "I'll use the Appearance Talisman first to make the ghost invisible. The two of you pay attention to every corner. Once you find it, immediately use the strongest means to greet it!" Wang Yiming said with a serious face.

  "It doesn't need to be so troublesome, but if you want to play like this, I'll just accompany you." Ma Ling said indifferently while carrying a black suitcase.

  Yang Haoran didn't say anything, took his hands out of his trouser pockets, turned the ring on the little finger of his left hand a few times with his right hand, then smiled and nodded to Wang Yiming.

  The ring on Yang Haoran's upper left little finger, if you take a close look at it, you will definitely find something magical, and this magical thing lies in the inlaid gemstone.

  After getting the responses from Yang Haoran and Ma Ling, Wang Yiming didn't talk nonsense, he saw his right hand swiped past his waist, and an extra talisman appeared between the two fingers of his right hand, which was firmly clamped by him.

  It was a yellow talisman, with Dao Dao runes painted on it, because Wang Yiming held it between two fingers, only a part of it could be seen.

  This talisman should be the Appearance Talisman that Wang Yiming just mentioned.

  Wang Yiming flicked his wrist slightly, and the talisman between his two fingers burned by itself. He released his two fingers, and the talisman stood in the air. It didn't fall to the ground because he let go of his two fingers, and it was still burning.

  Seeing this scene, the Wu family all opened their eyes wide. Although their Wu family is rich, none of their Wu family has such ability. This special method still attracts their attention.

  Guan Hai was a little better, he had even seen black smoke and ghost eyes coming out of Yang Haoran's palm, and he was not surprised that the talisman spontaneously ignited in the air.

  But in the blink of an eye, the talisman was reduced to ashes, and an invisible force erupted from the talisman and spread towards the surroundings. Wherever the power affected, it seemed to be a little different.

  However, at this moment, Wu Xiaoxiao, who was watching from a distance, suddenly let out a terrified scream!

  Her scream shocked the other Wu family members. Everyone couldn't help but tremble, and then looked at her with unison.

  "There! There! There is..."

  Wu Xiaoxiao pointed to the side wall of Yang Haoran and the other three, speaking incoherently, with a terrified expression and trembling fingers.

  Looking in the direction Wu Xiaoxiao pointed, I saw a head hanging on the wall. It should be a woman's head. Her long hair covered her entire face, vertically like a black waterfall. And down.

  A sharp, strange laugh came from her mouth, and then the black waterfall-like hair seemed to have life in each strand, and it stabbed towards the position where Wu Xiaoxiao and the others were!

  Wu Xiaoxiao's mother didn't bring it up in one breath, and she fainted from fright when she rolled her eyes on the spot. Although the others were not as bad as his mother, they were also frightened, especially the elderly Mr. Wu, who was so frightened. It was difficult to breathe.

  There have been many strange things happening in the villa these past few days, and they have also seen scary scenes, which has caused them to become frightened now, which is why the reaction is so strong now.

  Amidst the screams, the Wu family turned around and wanted to escape from this place, but at this moment, Wang Yiming's voice rang in their ears.

  "Don't be afraid! This is an illusion! She can't hurt you!"

  Before doing it differently, the Wu family would naturally listen to Wang Yiming's words, but now their hearts are filled with fear, and they can't tolerate anything else. They instinctively just want to escape from this place, so how can they listen to Wang Yiming's words.

  Wu Xiaoxiao turned around and was about to run away when she found her mother was still lying on the ground. She paused and quickly grabbed her mother, then raised one hand, put it on her shoulder and ran away. The method is simple rough,

  At this time, Ma Ling, who had been standing beside Yang Haoran, burped, and then threw the black suitcase in her hand behind the Wu family.

  Ma Ling doesn't seem to have much strength, but the fact is just the opposite. The black suitcase was thrown out like an arrow from the string by her, and it appeared behind the Wu family in an instant. The wires collided together.

  No sound broke out, and the hair pierced the flowered leather box, melting quickly like snow meeting the scorching sun, without a sound.

  "Why panic? I told you that it was an illusion. I don't know what you are afraid of."

  At this time, Ma Ling's voice was also heard by the Wu family. Wu Xiaoxiao turned her head in horror, and saw that her frightening hair was blocked by Ma Ling's black leather suitcase, and immediately stopped.

  Seeing Wu Xiaoxiao like this, several people turned their heads one after another. After seeing the situation clearly, they all trembled and stopped. Their eyes were terrified, but their hearts did not let down their vigilance. Choose to escape again.


  The black suitcase just fell from the sky at this time, the dense strands of hair disappeared, and the head hanging on the wall was no longer in the horrible shape just now, and she revealed a face.

  This is a woman's face, very illusory and extremely unreal, Yang Haoran sees this scene clearly, she understands that this is a woman's soul body, her head is exposed outside the wall, and the other parts of her soul body are Hiding among the walls.

  "With Ms. Ben here, don't be afraid, just watch a movie, treat it like a horror movie."

  Ma Ling didn't take the opportunity to take down the female ghost, she didn't even look at the ghost head hanging on the wall, but waved her hand, and the black suitcase that fell on the ground flew towards her, and she held it firmly in her hand .

  "Don't waste time, get rid of her first!"

  Wang Yiming reminded with a serious face, and then let out a low shout!

  "Slaying Ghost Talisman!"

  The voice was very imposing, and between the empty fingers of Wang Yiming's right hand, another talisman appeared again.

  This time, the talisman he took out was no longer the appearance talisman that made ghosts show their original shape, but the ghost-slaying talisman that had a powerful killing power against ghosts!

  The Ghost Slaying Talisman did not burn when it appeared, but stood up between Wang Yiming's fingers like a piece of iron.

  Wang Yiming wanted to sacrifice the ghost-slaying talisman to severely injure the female ghost, but before the talisman could be sacrificed, the female ghost's head retracted into the wall, but before disappearing, her eyes turned to Yang Haoran.

  That's right, she didn't look at Ma Ling, nor at Wang Yiming, but at Yang Haoran, and showed a weird smile.

  That smile, as if a hungry wolf saw the meat!

  "Uncle, she seems to like the yin energy on your body, why don't you follow me carefully, and I'll keep you safe." Ma Ling joked with Yang Haoran with a smile.

  At this time, Yang Haoran was also a little puzzled. He was full of yin energy because he was a member of the Yin Division, but it was also because he was a member of the Yin Division. All the ghosts he met during this time were extremely afraid of him. , Many ghosts even ran away far away after sensing his presence.

  But the ghost just now didn't seem to be afraid of him, its smile and expression seemed to treat him like food.

  This ghost is indeed different. Not only is its strength far superior to all the ghosts he has subdued during this period, but it is also courageous!

  "Are you here to deal with trouble or to chat?"

  Wang Yiming put away the Ghost Slaying Talisman, and looked at Yang Haoran and Ma Ling with dissatisfaction.

  At this moment, Wang Yiming was a little angry.