
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 74 Worries

The reason why Ma Ling showed a strange look was because Yang Haoran didn't bring anything with him.

  Whether it is her or Wang Yiming, both of them have their own things. These things may not be of much use if they fall into the hands of outsiders, but they can be of great use in their respective hands. But if they don't have these things, then they It is simply impossible to maximize the power of one's own means.

  These things are very important to people like them, so under normal circumstances, these things do not leave the body, even if it is not suitable for special circumstances to keep them on the body all the time, they will keep them and they can get them at any time The place.

  As for Yang Haoran, he didn't have a bag on his body, and he didn't have anything else around him. He didn't seem to be carrying anything, which naturally made Ma Ling feel strange.

  "You don't really bring nothing, do you?" Ma Ling couldn't help asking.

  "The guy who eats naturally brings it." Yang Haoran responded with a smile.

  What he said made Ma Ling even more curious. She thought that Yang Haoran put all the people who ate on her body, but she didn't see Yang Haoran's pockets bulging, which made her wonder what the person Yang Haoran was eating. Where to put it again.

  "Strange guy, forget it, I don't expect you to do anything anyway, just wait and follow my sister and I will share the money."

  After Ma Ling finished speaking, he drank again. Seeing this, Mr. Wu picked up the wine glass and drank with Ma Ling, saying compliments.

  After lunch, Ma Ling wandered around the villa with a face full of drunkenness, while Yang Haoran was lying on a chair in the courtyard of the villa, smoking a cigarette and basking in the sun.

  Guan Hai was lying beside Yang Haoran, also swallowing clouds.

  "You go back early in a while, it's very dangerous here, I'm afraid it will be difficult to take care of you then." Yang Haoran said to Guan Hai.

  Guan Hai chuckled, and said: "Is it that dangerous? Although Wu Xiaoxiao and the others are quite scary, I see that Wang Yiming and Ma Ling are confident, so it shouldn't be a big problem. Besides, isn't there you? How dangerous can it be?"

  Taking Guan Hai's disregard, Yang Haoran shook his head, and said: "Things are not as simple as you think, there is a lot of yin in this villa, and it is the most correct thing for you to listen to me and leave as soon as possible."

  "Don't, don't, I'm an adult. I know how to run away when it's really dangerous. You don't have to worry about me. I've known you for so long, and we've done a lot of business together. I've never seen what a ghost looks like before." , this time is just an eye-opener."

  "Last time you were entangled in Yin Qi and almost died, doesn't that count?" Yang Haoran teased with a smile.

  "It's true that Yin Qi is haunted, but I haven't seen what a ghost looks like until the end, and I'm still a little curious now," Guan Hai said.

  "Aren't you afraid?" Yang Haoran asked.

  When asked by Yang Haoran, the smile on Guan Hai's face became awkward, and he said, "It must be a little scary, but it's very exciting, isn't it?"

  "Stimulation? Wu Xiaoxiao is a vivid example. You can ask her if she still wants to be provocative in the future, and see how she responds to you." Yang Haoran said with a smile.

  "Whether she wants to be stimulated or not is her business, and whether I want to be stimulated is my business, the two are not involved." Guan Hai started the bullying mode.

  Yang Haoran let out a "huh" and his mouth started to itch. Just when the two bar lifters were about to confront each other again, Mr. Wu walked towards Yang Haoran's position.

  Yang Haoran closed his mouth, and Guan Hai also tactfully did not say anything more.

  Mr. Wu walked in front, and behind him were Mr. Wu and Mr. Wu. From the looks of the three of them, they came here specifically to find Yang Haoran.

  Seeing the three people approaching, Yang Haoran stood up with his signature smile on his face again.

  Seeing the harmless smile on Yang Haoran's face again, Guan Hai couldn't help feeling suspicious.

  In Le City, he has the closest relationship with Yang Haoran, so he is also the most familiar with Yang Haoran's character. In the past month, Yang Haoran has become a little strange to him.

  In the past, Yang Haoran would argue with him like he is now. There is no problem with this, but in the past, Yang Haoran used all kinds of tricks when facing his clients. Although he would not argue with the other party, he would definitely not be like this Usually just laugh without saying a word.

  Although he didn't know what happened to Yang Haoran in the past month, he could really see the changes. He was becoming more and more unable to see through his good friend.

  How did Guan Hai know that the former Yang Haoran had no real skills, he could only rely on fooling people to earn the trust of customers, and he would do nothing if he wanted to fool people not to speak.

  But now, Yang Haoran has become a night watchman, with real skills, he doesn't need to talk so much nonsense to fool others, as long as he can show his real skills at critical moments, so now when facing other people, he talks more and more The less he can do with a smile, he will never say a word.

  Moreover, he can also give people an unfathomable sense of mystery by doing so, which invisibly elevates his image.

  "Brother Yang, the old man came here to chat with you, I don't know if he will disturb you." Mr. Wu said to Yang Haoran with an amiable smile on his face.

  "What does Mr. Wu want to talk about?" Yang Haoran asked with a smile.

  "Come on, sit down and talk, let's sit down and talk."

  Mr. Wu was very polite, and made a gesture of invitation, asking Yang Haoran and Guan Hai to sit down quickly.

  After the two sat down, Wu Xiaoxiao moved a chair for Mr. Wu very sensiblely, and asked him to sit down too.

  As for Wu Xiaoxiao and Wu Boss, they stood obediently behind Mr. Wu.

  Guan Hai felt like he was sitting on pins and needles, while Boss Wu and Xiaoxiao were standing beside him while he was sitting, this was simply a kind of torture for him. These two were absolutely big figures in Lecheng, and he It's not enough to see in front of him, let him sit here, he is really embarrassed.

  But Guan Hai is also smart, he knows that he doesn't have the qualifications to ask Boss Wu and Xiaoxiao Wu to sit down, so he chooses to hide for a while. Anyway, Mr. Wu came to find Yang Haoran. There must be something wrong, so avoiding it first is the best of both worlds. .

  "Mr. Wu, you guys talk first, I'll go to the toilet first." Guan Hai said.

  Mr. Wu nodded with a smile, and looked at Guan Hai with appreciation. It seemed that he also hoped that Guan Hai could leave, but he was too embarrassed to speak.

  Yang Haoran sat without any unnaturalness. He smiled and looked at Mr. Wu, waiting for his next words.

  "Brother Yang, are you from Lecheng?" Mr. Wu asked a neutral question.

  Yang Haoran nodded with a smile, but said nothing.

  Seeing that Yang Haoran didn't answer, Mr. Wu was a little embarrassed. He wished that Yang Haoran could answer. In this way, he would have many ways to continue the conversation between the two. The question you want to ask yourself.

  But...Yang Haoran didn't answer, his punch was like hitting cotton.

  Due to time constraints, after thinking about it, Mr. Wu decided not to go around in circles with Yang Haoran, and directly asked the question he wanted to ask.

  "Brother Yang, what kind of pen fairy game is Xiaoxiao playing, can it really attract a pen fairy?" Old Master Wu asked.

  This time Yang Haoran did not keep silent, he said: "It is possible, but it is not a fairy, but a spirit. There are many methods of summoning spirits in folklore, as long as you understand the method and steps, and there are spirits nearby exist, then it is possible to summon them."

  Mr. Wu listened very carefully and did not miss a single word. When Yang Haoran finished speaking, he grasped the important point.

  "They? Little Brother Yang means..." Mr. Wu was a little uncertain and asked tentatively.

  "Usually, if the method of summoning spirits is used, all spirits within the reach of this method will perceive it. As for whether they come or not, it depends on their wishes, and it also depends on the ability of the caster."

  As soon as Yang Haoran said this, Mr. Wu's face became a little ugly, and he asked: "Then my family is now..."

  Just as Yang Haoran was about to answer, Wang Yiming appeared at this time. Seeing Wang Yiming walking towards their position, Yang Haoran didn't continue talking, and closed his mouth with a smile.

  "You are really free."

  Wang Yiming looked at Yang Haoran with a look of dissatisfaction on his face. At this time, his face was a little pale, as if he had consumed a lot for some important event.

  Mr. Wu and the three of them didn't understand why Wang Yiming's face turned pale, but Yang Haoran understood that the reason why Wang Yiming became like this at this time must be because he had consumed a lot of symbols.

  The main method of the talisman masters of the Fu Sect is to use talismans to fight against the enemy, but the talismans they use cannot be used for casual drawing. If they are not talisman masters, even if the talismans they draw are exactly the same, they will not have any special abilities.

  To draw a talisman, a talisman master needs to consume the spirit of the talisman teacher. The more powerful the talisman, the more energy and spirit will be consumed. Once the energy and spirit are consumed in a short period of time, it is certain that the body will not be able to bear it. Like Wang Yiming right now, his face was pale, obviously exhausted.

  It was precisely because of this that when he saw Yang Haoran basking in the sun, he immediately felt uncomfortable, and his tone of voice became unkind.

  Yang Haoran laughed and didn't explain anything, which made Wang Yiming feel even more unhappy.

  However, he didn't continue to argue with Yang Haoran. His eyes fell on Mr. Wu, and he said: "I'm ready, I can start now, I have to leave as soon as I finish dealing with your affairs. So don't waste my time."

  After leaving this sentence, Wang Yiming turned around and left. Mr. Wu smiled apologetically at Yang Haoran, and then made a gesture of please.

  Yang Haoran nodded with a smile, then stood up and started to follow Wang Yiming closely. Looking at Wang Yiming's back, he sighed inwardly.

  Today's matter is not so easy to deal with. If it was as easy as Wang Yiming said, he would not suggest that Guan Hai should leave first.