
Chapter 06: The new monster "Anubis"!

Antong Building.

A high-end wealthy apartment with fifty-six floors.

Andy lives on the 55th floor. He is a rich second-generation and likes to take photos of stars and landscapes.

Evening sunset clouds all over the sky.

The buildings in Choro City are covered with a layer of red.

Andy took the camera and finished shooting, and stretched.

"Huh? What is that..."

In sight, something is beating on the roof of the building on the far left.

In the next moment, Andy's goose bumps were all up.

He reacted quickly and immediately picked up the camera to focus the video.

There is a picture on the camera.

There is a figure on the top floor of the building on the left.

For a body over two meters, there is a huge exoskeleton covering muscle tissue, bone spurs on the back, and long bone spurs on the elbows.

He ran on the roof.

Quill, his legs jumped around the edge of the building.

Stone chips and smoke bloomed under his feet, and his body parabolic fell on the roof of the distant building.

Then he may take off by running, and then take off from time to time, again and again...

That scary figure is running between the roofs of the building, or stepping on the sloping roof of bricks and tiles, moving at extreme speed!

In the blink of an eye, he moved a long distance.

It headed away, as if there was something attracting him.

Kaka Kaka...

Andy used one camera to record the video, while the other was capturing and freezing.

He swipes the screen to view multiple snapshots.

One, against the background of dusk, the figure leapt in the air, half-curved in a leaping shape.

In the other one, the figure's legs fell on the sloping roof, and his hands easily tore the wall open, making a leap like a fierce monkey flying.

Zoom in on the photo and look at the clear figure on the photo.

"The corpse demon, this is the corpse demon!!"

Andy exclaimed.

He immediately dialed the phone and looked at the window.

In the setting sun, the corpse demon ran on the roof of the city's buildings, heading away.

"Retreat quickly, be careful."

"Shoot and don't let them come close."

There was noise in the city square, police cars were scattered outside, and people were evacuated.

At this moment, this uncompleted city square.

Police cars and troops surrounded the entire square. They opened the line of defense and erected artillery and heavy weapons.

They keep shooting!

And the goal is to mummy one by one, the number is more than 300...

Densely packed.

It makes the scalp numb.

They are not the point, the point is the figure of a demon in the center of the city square.

The monster Jackal had a dark body, strong and burly, with a height of more than two meters.

It wears a golden Egyptian metal costume on its shoulders and chest, and its lower body is simply wrapped in white cloth.

Without looking at the head.

It looks like an ancient Egyptian.

He held a huge golden death sickle in his hand.

This monster image is very much like Anubis, the god of death who controls the undead in ancient Egyptian mythology.

At this moment, there were six or seven Killers members lying on the ground in the square. They had lost their vital signs and died here.

In the center of the field, a bald middle-aged Killers and Anubis were fighting.

Malfoy was panting.

His face was a bit ugly, and the metal round iron in the tights of the battle suit lit up, giving him a fighting power beyond human limits.

He looked at the slap-sized wound on Anubis' arm.

This wound was led by his Killers, and other Killers members assisted. Six or seven people were killed and injured in exchange for it!

"When will the support arrive?"

Malfoy asked through a communication device.

Without waiting for a reply from there, he spoke again.

"You need to send multiple elite members over to deal with this Anubis... The countermeasures are faster, and we can't hold it for long."

After fifty years of development.

Countries have matured a lot of ways to deal with demons, and this combat uniform is one of the greatest breakthroughs.

It can be said that to deal with demons, people will not be as helpless as before.

However, this does not mean that you can sit back and relax.

Killers are divided into three categories, elite, senior, and newcomers.

There are not many members of the elite Killers, and each of them possesses inhuman power.

What is an elite?

It has an extremely important influence and effect on the development of society and is the essence of society.

Elite Killers are such people. Their existence is very important. Each is the elite of the country and the real main force facing the monsters.

There are few elite members and it is difficult to become an elite member.

To say that none of them seems weak.

Malfoy is an elite member.

The elite members are not Chinese cabbage. They grab a lot of Chinese cabbage, which is why they cannot sit back and relax.

Elite members have their own jurisdiction and should not gather together randomly.

"A deployment has been made at the headquarters, and many elite members are on the road. Captain Malfoy persists." A calm voice came from there.

"Hurry up."

Malfoy said lowly.

Suddenly, the metal round irons on the arms of the tights lit up, and the sleeves bulged fiercely. This is to strengthen the arms!

All the Killers players moved.

Malfoy held a strange weapon in his hand. The reason why he said it was strange because it was not like a weapon, it was more like a huge fang!

This is a part cut from the venom of the Yachi Orochi.

It is the key to hurt Anubis!

"Try to delay, don't fall in love with war."

Malfoy gave the order, his face solemn.

All he has to do now is to hold Anubis as much as possible.

At that time, we will wait for the support to come, and then we will be able to resolve this monster incident.

And if he fails to hold on, a mistake occurs.

Then they are facing the annihilation of the army and the devastating disaster caused by Anubis.

Suddenly, Anubis made a move.

The death sickle was raised in his hand.


With a flick of the sickle, the space fluctuated.


The two team members were cut in the waist strangely!

There was a long distance between them and Nubis, but the sickle seemed to be cut on them.

Before their deaths, the two of them still kept their rushing movements, and they were separated between running, and they looked desolate and bloody at dusk.

"That sickle can kill people in the air!"

When the Killers team saw this, their complexion changed drastically.


Anubis's sickle was spinning in the air.

Cut out another sickle without stopping.

Malfoy's pupils shrank suddenly!

In an instant, he raised his hand and the venomous teeth of the big snake in front of him.


Malfoy moved his whole body backwards, his legs plowed on the ground, and the surface stones splashed up.

With a click.

A hideous sickle slash appeared on the venom of the Yaqi snake, which split one part into two.

Fang prevented Malfoy from the disaster!

Anubis walked towards Malfoy, as if he was very dissatisfied that he did not kill this person.

As it moved, it raised the death sickle in its hand again.


After two steps, it stopped.

The sickle that the void was about to wield in his hand also stopped.

Anubis retracted his sickle and looked up to the upper left.

See it stop.

Many people are skeptical and do not understand Anubis's actions.

As Anubis looked up, everyone moved their sights.


Everyone's pupils shrank suddenly.

On the edge of the top of the eight-story building on the left, a tall, magical figure stood.

At dusk.

It is like a king under this evening, patrolling its territory.

A pair of eyes condescendingly looked down at all this...