
Finally Arrive At School

Before I get into the story, I just want you all to know that the questions that I asked in the previous chapter will be answered in this chapter.

You might just be surprised when you read Munchy's POV from before what happened to Charlie in this as well as other kinds of stuff.

And I know you guys must be wondering what happened to Charlie's twin Carter, Well you'll find out soon.



I sighed with relief as I saw my school a couple of blocks away because the tension in the car was too much for me to handle right now. I know it's for my safety, but I wanna be free like I used to be before all of this drama happened, and to be honest, I don't know who to trust.

"We're here Miss Brown," Bryan stated in a happy voice.

I was nowhere in this world, it's too complicated to even think straight, my own family turned on me because of one accident, one mistake. The day I loosed family is the day I loosed a part of me as well.

"Miss brown are you okay you look pale is something wrong," Bryan questioned worriedly.

"Am fine, I was just thinking back on some stuff, anyway I have to go else am gonna be late," Charlie replied slowly.

"Be careful and don't trust anyone easily and remember anyone can be the enemy," Bryan replied with a small smile.

I quickly walk through the hallway with my purse in hand to my locker to see what classes I had for the day, As I reached my locker I checked my phone to check the time, and was surprised to see that I only had two minutes before class begins. I put in the combination for my locker in a rush and seconds later the locker door flies open. I knit my brows together as I saw a grumbled letter like the one I found in my room yesterday.

I quickly grabbed the paper and place it inside of my purse with shaky hands, I couldn't read it now it had to wait, I turned on my feet to walk to class but a familiar hand got a hold of my hand. I turned around slowly, my mouth touched the floor as I saw my twin standing there with sad eyes as if his eyes could change my hatred towards him.

"Don't touch me, not once did you call, you didn't text and worst you didn't visit me so why now," Charlie said in an angry tone.

"Char I can explain you have to believe me, I watch you every single day, I was too ashamed to talk to you and I didn't know what to say. I even persuade Munchy to get me a transfer here because I couldn't stand being far away from my twin," Carter said in honesty.

"You should have thought about that after your mom kicked me out, I got to get to class and I don't want to be late so you better get out of my way or else I'll scream," Charlie said uninterested.

"Would you at least talk to me during break time, please? I have something important that you'll want to know and it's about dad and mom," Carter stated with a sigh.

"Fine I'll talk to you, I have music class right now so I'll see you during break time," Charlie stated.

"I have music right now too so I think we have the same class," Carter said with a smirk.

"Today is surely going to be a long day," Charlie said with a frown.

"It sure is little sis," Carter said with a small smile.

As I walked beside my twin to my music class I heard the bell rung, at least I wouldn't be that late today, Seconds later when we both reached the classroom door I suddenly felt nervous to the point where Carter spoke up.

"We got this char, we could hold hands if you want," Carter said softly.

"Am good," Charlie said with narrowed eyes.

I slowly walk up to the door and knock on it, I was relieved when I heard Mr. Smith spoke up.

"Come in," Mr. Smith stated.

I turned the door nob and slowly enter the classroom with my twin following close behind, I looked around and was surprise and shock at the same time that everyone was looking at the both of us confused, so I spoke up.

"Good morning everyone this is my twin brother Carter Brown," Charlie said with a dazzling smile.

"Nice to meet you Mr brown, both of you have a seat and ensure that this is the last time your both late," Mr. Smith said seriously.

"Okay," both Charlie and Carter said in union.

I scanned the classroom for an empty seat and sighed as I saw two empty seats, one was behind Ryan and one beside him, I hissed my teeth, as I saw my twin take the seat I wanted to sit in I mean why do I always end up beside the jerk? As I sat down I felt his eyes burning the side of my head so I spoke up.

"You know it's rude to stare right," Charlie hissed.

"I wouldn't go for rude I'd say it's admiring after all your beautiful," Ryan said in a flirtatious way.

Before I could respond to what Ryan had said, Miss Gren spoke up, so I closed my mouth since flies were rude at times.

"Class since this is the first class we have been I'm gonna easy on you guys. For today's class, you all are going to sing either a solo or with a partner any song but it has to be clean, Mr. Smith said in a stern tone. I turned towards my twin to talk to him through mind link.

( it might sound crazy but some twins can communicate that way....)

"We'll sing I'll rise up," Charlie mind linked carter and said.

"I'm in but you have to talk to me in the cafeteria for real it's very important," carter mind linked back to Charlie and said.

"Charlie and carter you're going first," Mr. Smith stated.

"Okay," Charlie and Carter said in union.

As we got to the front of the room I counted to three to start singing, I realized that as Carter and I sung everyone in the room cried and I smiled while holding my twin's hand. Two minutes later, as we finish the song everyone whistled and clapped their hands.

Sometimes it only takes a verse or two out of a song, to set your mind free and let you forget about the heartbreaking situations/things one is going through, it may even take a whole song and if necessary 2 or 3. Many may not know but the words in a song are magic; because every song has a message and if the song gives someone closure they can feel the connection.

Munchy's POV ( before the car followed charlie)

If that bitch thinks she's getting away with killing my husband then she got it all wrong, I have my good ways but when someone takes away something I love then there's going to be a problem.

"Do you all remember the plan boys?" Munchy asked sternly

"You said you want us to kidnap your daughter and each of us should rape her," George stated with a smirk.

"But Miss Brown isn't Charlie you're daughter though what did she ever do to you to deserve such a wicked thing," Sam asked confused.

"She's not my daughter anymore and the next time you question me about my reasons for kidnapping Charlie I'll blow your brains out," Munchy stated seriously.

"Am sorry madam," Sam stated nervously.

"When are we going to kidnap her boss," josh asked impatiently.

"Tomorrow morning, her address is 2 miles Orange hill road I'll give you the directions later on," Munchy stated.

"And what if we fail the mission," Jonathon asked with his eyebrows knitted together.

"Then there will be consequences," Munchy said with a devious grin.

End of munchy's POV

As we finished the song the bell rang and as usual everyone rushed to the cafeteria, I was pulled back before I could make it through the door, I turned around confused.

"Are you okay? Why didn't you come to school yesterday," Ryan asked concerned.

"I can't dispose that information with you, I'm fine though thanks for asking," Charlie said back softly.

"Why can't you, I saw a police car in your driveway yesterday is your situation that serious. If you ever want anything just call or text me okay," Ryan said sincerely.

"Is there something your not telling me? You're all lovey-dovey, today did you eat anything you shouldn't this morning," Charlie asked with a light giggle.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out kitten," Ryan said with a smirk.

"Interesting, anyways I have to go find my brother so later," Charlie spoke up.

I walked in the direction of the cafeteria and quickly ordered a cheese sandwich, After I paid the lady for my lunch I turned around in search of my twin, luckily I spotted him sitting under a large mango tree looking into space. I rushed towards him anxiously because I was curious as to why he wanted to talk about our dead father and our sell-out mother.

"Hey Cart," Charlie said unsure of what else to say.

"Hey char," carter said nervously.

"What is it that you wanted to talk to me about so badly," Charlie questioned curiously.

"It's about dad and mom, I have both good and bad news which one do you want to hear first," Carter said seriously.


Your at the end of this chapter I hope you enjoy this chapter because I enjoyed writing it lol.

Do you think Bryan is working with munchy too?

When Bryan said "don't trust anyone easily because anyone can be the target do you think he was referring to himself?

Do you think Bryan is connected to the case?

Do you find it odd that carter suddenly shows up, or is it because he knows something and wants to help charlie?

Suddenly Ryan gets soft hehe why is this?

What do you think carter has to say about William?

Do you think William is gonna come back into the picture?

Continue reading to find out because y'all shouldn't miss out on this.

Am sorry I couldn't update this chapter!!!

My stupid phone wasn't picking up for days it's the network that's the problem though.

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