
The Girl Who Controls The Time

In this world of inequalities where the wealthy and good looking people are admired and treated highly. While the poor and ugly are treated badly. How will you live your life if fate itself is your own enemy.

Theathylous · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

Light surrounded me.

I feel heavy. A soft cushion is placed on my head. I opened my eyes and saw a familiar ceiling. A soft breeze entered through the window and passed the curtains. The curtains fluttered and revealed our dusty window sills.

I sat up and scanned my surroundings.

Pillows are scattered everywhere. There are few bedsheets and futons on the floor. a small table is placed near my bed and a huge cabinet is placed on the side.

The room that I am in is without a doubt our previous room in Red City. I stood up and walked groggily towards our mirror. I'm confused.

As I faced the mirror, my eyes widened and my heart raced. The person in the mirror is not the 20 years old me but the 10 years old me. I trembled as I touched my face.

What happened?!

All of the sudden the door swung open and my sister in her teenage days entered. She looked at me confused, as if asking me what's wrong.

"Shyra, what's wrong?" she asked.

I only shook my head, beckoning everythings fine. I'm shocked that I could'nt speak. I hurriedly walked past her and ran to the comfort room.

What's going on?! I'm certain that I had cut my pulse and drowned myself. How am I still alive and why am I in the past. Am I dreaming? But this is too realistic to be a dream.

Feeling horrified, I repeatedly washed my face. I looked at myself in the mirror. There I saw my youthful face. My young and flawless skin. My brown eyes and my long jetblack hair.

Yes, I was careless when I was young. I never cared for my looks but I was'nt that ugly. I am aware I am plain looking, but I see beauty within me. Beauty that has not been unleashed. It's because I never cared for myself.

Shouldn't I feel thankful for this. I have been given another chance, a huge one. Now is the time that I fix everything. Fix every mistake and achieve bigger things.

"I will become rich, beautiful and successful."

All of the sudden I remember the reason why I committed suicide. It's because of him. I wasted my life for him now I want revenge.

I want revenge and I want it to be bigger.

Alfred, wait till we meet again.