
The Girl Who Controls The Time

In this world of inequalities where the wealthy and good looking people are admired and treated highly. While the poor and ugly are treated badly. How will you live your life if fate itself is your own enemy.

Theathylous · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

The water's cold and crimson. The faucet kept flowing water until my tub overflowed. I stared at the wall, feeling empty. The atmosphere is silent and the air is still. Only the sound of the flowing water could be heard.

It's cold.

I could feel my body's temperature dropping. My wrist stings and I could feel myself weaken. Im starting to lose focus.

Breathe in, breathe out.

I chuckled, feeling pathetic.

Tell me, how did I end up like this?

You see, I would'nt actually waste my life for nothing. However, If you would listen to me you might pity me, or maybe ridicule me. The reason for my own depression and suffering is a man.

I loved him so much. I loved him more than anyone could say. I was loyal and I gave him everything. I gave him everything that I could offer. I would even sacrifice all I have. But, he cant do the same thing for me. He betrayed me. He fooled me.

I gave him everything. My mind, my heart, my soul and my body. I was his. I never cared if he would use me for pleasure. I was his. His toy.

He fooled me and used me like a toy. Then left me broken, destroyed. I gave him everything. Nothing is left to me. Not even my dignity. I no longer have a value, for everyone sees me as a filthy being. A sinner, a tainted woman.

I lived my pathetically and I would die the same way.


What is there to regret? what is it to lose? The whole world despise me. I am a sinner, a filthy being. I have no worth, no value. I have nothing left within me. My death will surely cause the worlds happiness, for a filthy being is dead.

I have no worth. No value. I deserve to die.

If only..

If only I could turn back time. If only I can restart everything. If only I had known my cruel future. If I had everything, perhaps I could change everything and have a better life.

If only...

If only I could live again, I would surely change everything.

Breathe in, Breathe out.

Alas, my last breathe has come. My body went cold and darkness enveloped me.