
The Girl He Could Never Leave Behind

A girl with a fantasy to have it all, a lost boy-man looking for something more to life. Kayleigh, who knows nothing about living a life and Edward who knows all the wrong ways to live the life!Until one day... We were left alone on the table while our friends were on the dance floor ,dancing. I looked at him and I saw him looking everywhere but at me, his eyes landed on me couple of minutes later and made a disgusted face at the same time another round of drinks arrived. I stood up bottoming up the glass, my throat burnt but I needed it more than anything today; I grabbed Eddie's hand and dragged him towards the emergency exit he looked mad but I was glad he was letting me lead him. The moment we neared the exit door he yanked my hand off and grabbed my shoulder, he looked so angry right now that if this would a cartoon smoke would be fuming out of his ears. "Geez woman, what is wrong with you? why can't you leave me alone!" I raised my eyebrow, "you seriously have guts to ask me that after what you are doing to me?" He covered the distance between us without taking off his hands from my shoulder but this time he seemed even more angry, "What are you trying to say?" I gulped in fear while trying to get out of his hold," I am not your toy that you'll sleep with me whenever you please and later Ignore me like I don't exist" He froze as I said the truth out loud with courage, "This is over!" saying that, I freed myself from his hold and raised my finger at him,"Don't you dare cross my path again or I promise you I will make your life hell!" He stood there trying to recover from the shock while I walked out with my newfound pride and honour. Eddie never understood love at least he thought he did by doing things in his own twisted ways; While Kayleigh knew love but she never found it in a man, or will she find it any day soon?

somanikrupa · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Unfolding Memories

Kayleigh's Pov

I sat in front of Beth and Jay after taking a deep breath I started narrating everything I could remember while they listened to me patiently, "So it was a year since I last saw him, Sam dragged me to a party. We planned on getting drunk on a Saturday night to get laid, the next morning when I woke up I was in Eddie's arms and in his bed. He was in his sleep when he asked me to get out, after few hours he came over to my house with food and asked me to forgive him 'for his harsh words' and not for what he did a year ago so I tried to ignore him for few days. After few days Jay came over to my house and at the same time Eddie came over ; Jay told him that we are dating, he said some harsh words to me but after, that he left. That wasn't enough for him that he showed up at my house drunk next morning to insult me and call me names. I was really taken back with his words and I just couldn't take it anymore so I packed my stuff , moved out of the house and took next flight back home. Living at my parents' house for three day I realized I can't just give up on my goals because of him so I decided to come back to NY but this time I will stay away from him as much as possible.

I started a new life, 5 weeks of living like nothing ever happened, I found out I've missed my periods so I told Sam and Daniel about it hence we came to a conclusion that we will take pregnancy test and they will be with me to cheer me up. All three of them turned out to be positive, since then I never cried until today. Sam and Daniel sat on the edge of the bed with shock and tears in their eyes. Daniel took my hand in his and said 'Kay, you are my little sis and you will always be. I won't say whatever happened was your fault, but now there is baby inside of you and you need to think about both of you. Whatever your decision would be, we both would be right beside you' that was all I needed to know that my two friends will be there with me when I give birth to my child. That was the last time we ever took his name and we three were very excited for the baby. Sam and Daniel made sure that any one of them is accompanying me for the doctors appointment and prenatal classes. We didn't throw a baby shower as I didn't want anyone to know that I was having a baby. I told my parents that I am having a baby, they wanted to know if I was dating someone but didn't push me further as they realized I didn't really wanted to talk about the baby daddy nonetheless they were ecstatic knowing they are going to be grandparents. I kept the baby gender a secret because it was really fun to see Daniel and Sam arguing whether it's a girl or boy.

My ninth month had started and doctor said the delivery wasn't due until 16th of the month. It was 2nd March, me and Sam decided we will go for grocery shopping as we both had off and Dan and Sam had restricted me to go out alone since I can anytime go in to labour. We were in the ice cream section picking ice creams when my eyes landed on a man standing in a suit with his sun glasses on talking over the phone. I told Sam that he is here and we quickly hid so if he can't find out about my little secret. Sam was fuming in anger and wanted to punch the living day lights out of the guy I had to hold her hand so she won't run to him because if she does he would find out that I am carrying his child and he would take my baby away from me, That very moment my water broke and the pain started. I sat on the floor, Sam immediately called Dan to come and get us. We waited for him to leave and Sam helped me get up meanwhile Dan came running and drove us to the hospital. After screaming in pain for 4 hours I delivered a beautiful baby girl Haley.

By the time I finished telling them the short story of what happened, Beth was already sniffing, her eyes swollen and black eyeliner stains on her cheeks from the fallen tears and Jay's face showed regret and sadness. Beth took a tissue and dabbed her eyes, "So Kay why didn't you tell Eddie or any of us that you were pregnant with his child, things could have changed between you both or at-least he deserves to know that he has a beautiful daughter." I replied "That wouldn't change the way he treated me, I love him but he doesn't love me back and I didn't want to force myself or the baby on him." Jay pulled out from his chain of thoughts, "Beth it does makes sense now, she didn't do a wrong thing by keeping Eddie out of all this, he wasn't ready to be a father back then and he would have made Kay's life miserable." Before Beth could say anything I replied, "Can you both do me a favor?" they nodded so I continued "I am not yet ready to let anyone know about Haley. Pat just got married and I want her to enjoy her vacation, once she is back from her honeymoon I will introduce Haley to her." Beth nodded still deep in thoughts, "What about Eddie?" I pursed my lips, "I am not sure about him". Jay nodded in agreement and got up to face me, "Kay there is one more thing I would like to say and I am not saying it for the sake of it but I mean it." I chuckled at his adorable expression, "yes Jay I know you mean it, now tell me what is that you want to say." His eye lit up in hope "Kay, I know you haven't asked me if I can be Haley's godfather but we believe that I am definitely one of his godfather. I want to help you raise Haley in every possible way, You can always rely on me for her. I'Il clear my schedule whenever you want me to look after her, I want to be there for her." Beth raised her hand and said 'me too' with a huge smile plastered on her face. "Guys that isn't even a question, since you now know of Haley, I'll let you guys baby sit her and you can always come over on weekends for movie nights or drinks. Once she is familiar with you both you can take her out with you and that would be no problem for me. Thank you so much guys for coming out and supporting me, I can't tell you guys how much I appreciate it." Beth and Jay enveloped in a big bear hug and I have never been happier.

Hello My dear Readers,

I wrote this novel in 2016 and it is my very first novel (I have published another book after this). I am editing this book for you guys and uploading at the earliest convinience. Please do feel free and share with me about what do you feel about this book (my eledest baby) so far..... ;)

Loads of Love


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