

As much as Finnia tried to understand what Elder Emih was trying to convey to her, time doesn't really give her that much of a chance as that is the moment when she was swept away by the pod's power. Leaving only some strands of blue lightning where she was originally standing.

As she traveled through the crack in the Timeline, something has gone really wrong on this journey. Traveling across the Timeline is extremely dangerous and perilous. It requires precise mapping of when the Timeline energies are stable, otherwise, if any of these energies touch any part of your body, it will be corroded away by the power of Time leaving nothing but dust. And due to that interference of the hooded Elder, it made the Timeline energies a bit unstable.

"I'm fortunate to able to activate the Silka shield in time." Finnia thought as she thinks back on that experience. Her main core is made from Silka and as much as possible she prefers not to overload her core by not using any Silka energy. This energy is extremely powerful and if used to power a shield, can actually resist almost anything based on theory. But nobody really knows if it can really resist the corrosive power of Timeline energies as first of all, there's only one Silka core ever created and this is the first time someone with such core traveled in time.

"Once I get back to my time, I need to get some answers. But it is still important to be cautious since that hooded Elder seems to have some malicious intentions." she sighed.

"And due to that interference, I got slightly gone off course from our intended target. But anyway, since there are still humans here, I guess that doesn't really make a difference. I just have to adjust."

Due to that her Silka energy was almost used up and currently recovered only at 1%, most of this energy was being used to power up her vital parts and so can only actually exert 1% of her total power. It means that she can only exert 1% of her current strength, 1% of her mental faculties, and so on. Even her skin was only being powered up at 1% so her normal flawless and ravishing looks became extremely normal. As her facial features don't change that much, you could say she is still beautiful as compared to most humans.

The night goes on, and Finnia decided to switch to maintenance mode as usual. For most humans, she might look like she's sleeping but in actuality, she's watching her surroundings while also doing some maintenance work on her system. If she's fully powered, she doesn't really need to rest and maintain for thousands of years but given she's only at powered up at 1%, her auxiliary parts need some attention as well.

The next day, in the morning after having their breakfast, she and Enryl traveled by foot to the market. Along the way, Finnia noticed a number of students waving their way to their school. They seem to be the same age range as Enryl and she's wondering if Enryl will also go to school.

"Enryl, you're the same age range as those students out there. Don't you also go to school?" she asked.

"Yeah, but I need to help Grandma first. Once we saved enough money I can continue with my study". he replied.

As of this moment, they've noticed a group of boys blocking their way. Their leader seems to be this fatty boy who looked at Finnia in a menacingly way. Then he turned to Enryl and shouted in his high-pitched and loud voice.

"Hey, hey. Enryl. Mah boy. So you've decided to get back to the market again, huh? Didn't I told you last time that you need to pay me the 100 silver or else I will break one of your fingers?" the fatty boy arched his left brow as he questioned the duo.

Enryl's eyebrows furrowed worriedly. He actually forgot about this. This guy doesn't like him and it always finds a way to bully him every time they meet. And during the last time he was in the market, he accidentally broke one of the vases that the fatty guy is holding when one of the fatty's followers pushed him.

"Wally, I still don't have enough for now. Our money is only enough for our needed supplies this month. Please let me know this time and I'll try to pay for it as soon as possible." Enryl tried to explain.

"Oh, oh. Enryl. No, no, no. You have to pay now or you'll have one less working finger. Or if you want you can have a bet with me. If you win, you don't have to pay me anymore but if I win, you'll become one of my followers forever.". Wally, the fatty boy, smiled mischievously.

"What kind of bet?" Enryl hesitantly asked. He got nothing but a bad feeling on this. "If I am only rich and strong, nobody will bully me like this," he thought while slightly shaking his head.

Wally grinned widely. "It's simple. You and Eric will wrestle on this 2-meter circle. And I bet Eric will win and you will bet to yourself. Whoever gets pushed outside the circle first will lose".

"What the... how can I win like that? He's double my size!" Enryl exclaimed. Eric is one of Wally's follower and he's a fatty as well but of course, Wally is still bigger by a margin.

"Accept it or pay me the 100 silver. You have no choice". Fatty is not giving him a way out.

"Arghh, damn it!" Enryl cursed silently at his misfortune. "Maybe it is a lot better to just get back later once I have the 100 silver", he sighed. He then started to turn around and step back to where they came from. But before he put down his first step.

"Hold on for a moment!" a voice of a girl suddenly echoed.

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