
The Bet

Everybody shifted their gaze to the young girl beside Enryl.

"Can we change some rules on the bet?" Finnia asked.

"How do you want to change it?" Wally questioned quizzically.

"I would like to represent Enryl on this bet. How about I will stand in the center of the circle and if you can push me out it will be our loss?" Finnia declared without much hesitation.

Wally and the other kids gasped in surprise.

They had seen crazy people before, but they had never seen such a crazy person. [You actually want to challenge our biggest guy when you are even skinnier than this loser boy? Why don't we beat you up to death instead?]

"Hoo, hoo, hoo. Girl. Such a big mouth for a small body. It seems that you are quite confident though, but if you really are confident enough, how about it will be all of us who will push you out at the same time?" Wally snickered coldly. "She might be hiding something that allows her to challenge me. Hmph, let's see how are you going to handle it if it is all of us", thoughts that Wally was playing around in his head.

"You..." Enryl's face was flushed red. "Wally, how dare you..."

What do you mean by this?

Where's your shame?

A group of kids ganging up against a single person?

Finnia interjected, "Okay, that's fine with me. But let's add some time limit. How about if your group can push me out within 30 seconds then it will be our loss?". She decided to add some time limit or else they will be there for days? These humans are obviously not a match for her even without using any Silka energy.

Wally's eyebrows shot up.

What is wrong with this girl?

How brave and confident of her abilities must she be to actually add such time limit?

"Hah, hah, hah. Girl, with just you alone, do you really think we need 30 seconds? How about we make it 10 seconds?" Wally sneered coldly.

"Sure, let's get started. We still need to do our groceries. Just don't forget your promise if we win this." Finnia walked to the center of the circle while everyone's eyes are in a daze looking at her sky's the limit courage.

"Finnia, you don't have to do this. This isn't your problem. You will get hurt..." Enryl followed Finnia and tried to stop her.

But Finnia just smiled then shifted her gaze to Wally's group, "What are you waiting for? Come!"

Wally's group get inside the circle and he instructed the others that he will only do it for now. As he started to push, he felt that something is wrong. "What is this? I can't even make her move an inch?" he thought. Bewildered by what's happening, he decided not to care about his dignity anymore and gestured everybody to join.

Everybody pushed but Finnia just stands there as if she's having a nice and relaxing rest.

What the heck was this!

Everyone who's watching can't believe what's happening.

Never had they ever seen someone wrestle with a group and don't even budge an inch. Are you even a human? Are you actually a monster in disguise? You have planned this all along don't you?


Overwhelmed with frenzy, Wally's group charged forward furiously with everything they've got. Time is running out and the girl is still standing as if she doesn't even care.

"3, 2, 1... Time's Up!" declared by Enryl. He was stunned for a moment before excitement and happiness spread across his face. He didn't really understand how Finnia did it but he doesn't really care. He wants to thank her for helping him get out of this situation.

"Damn it, damn it!"

Wally stomped his feet, his face flushed with anger. They had been completely outdone by this girl this time. Needless to say, they have actually lost.

But before his rage could burn for long, Wally silently composed himself. He was muttering something beneath his breath, and there was a bizarre expression on his face. He looked at these followers and gestured to them to follow him. Each of them has mixed emotions on their faces. This is a very shameful experience. Wally walked out of the circle and started to go to the market without saying anything.

They were about to walk up to the entrance when Wally slightly turned his head and seriously said "Enryl you won this bet and you don't owe me any silver anymore. And you, girl..." he paused for a moment but didn't continue. He turned forward and their group silently disappeared into the crowd.

Enryl can't really believe it! He hugged Finnia tightly and thanked her. He's been overwhelmed with emotion that he didn't realize he's been hugging her very tightly for more than 10 seconds. Upon realizing this, his face reddened and he hurriedly moved away from her.

"Sorry, I.... I....", he stammered with his face now that looks like a very ripe tomato.

Finnia doesn't understand why he behaves this way. She wasn't even hurt a bit. So she just looks at him quizzically with a confusing look at her face.

"Come on! Let's go enter the market. No one is blocking the way anymore." she motioned Enryl to lead the way. Enryl finally recovered and shook off his head trying to clear up his thoughts.

Somewhere around near the entrance, a guy in his 40's with a red hair who has witnessed everything smiled meaningfully.

Hi guys, please enjoy and don't forget to vote! Thanks!

Robravecreators' thoughts
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