

They thought she was a pushover they thought they could do whatever they wanted because her parents was dead and she was all alone they wanted everything she had but just wait .the race is not for the swiftest but for the one who can endured it to the end just you wait

ShortGyal_Steph · History
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43 Chs


After BRANDON and his lawyer left I asked MISS WILLIAMS if she could be my personal lawyer and she said yes I called my parents lawyer and asked him to lunch he said he would organize the restaurant so we decided to meet at the restaurant at 11:30 I called a meeting of all managers and told them that MR BRANDON ROBE was no longer a worker in this company and was not allowed on this compound anyone you allowed him to come will be immediately fired that's all for now I type and printed a memo saying the same thing after that Miss Williams and I went to the restaurant on arriving at the restaurant we were shown to a private room and my parents lawyer and his assistant was there I made the introduction and got straight to why I asked them here I said I will like to sell my parents house and my company my Mother's Company I want to go there and continue my mom work my parents lawyer said he had a buyer for my parents house and my mom COMPANY he said that my uncle was running the company to the ground and I should sell it and start a new COMPANY he said the person was willing to pay top price for both the house and company.