

They thought she was a pushover they thought they could do whatever they wanted because her parents was dead and she was all alone they wanted everything she had but just wait .the race is not for the swiftest but for the one who can endured it to the end just you wait

ShortGyal_Steph · History
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His lawyer said can I have a minute to talk to my client please I said sure you can use the waiting room Brandon wanted to argue but his lawyer stopped him and they walked out when they left I went to the bookshelf and removed the small camera I had hidden there after my aunt and uncle I really didn't trust anyone so I always watched BRANDON after taking the camera I went to sit next to my lawyer but she told me to go and sit in the CEO chair I smile at her knowing what she meant after a while BRANDON and his lawyer came back his lawyer looked beaten but that wasn't my fault his client was a scumbag wanting to take what wasn't his he never give me a cent but wanted to own my company had I not talked to my parents lawyer at that time all my hard work and my parents dead money would have gone to a stranger his lawyer said seeing that you are fireing my client you have to provide compensation my lawyer laugh and said giving him a letter this is for my client sueing MR ROBE for pain and suffering and emotional distress so when my client get her compensation he will get his severance package.