
The Ghoul king of Yonaka

Kenchi is reborn as a ghoul and has to survive the enemies after him, while developing his own village, but it won't be easy because this world he's reincarnated into is more dark and twisted than he could have ever thought. Dear viewers, hope you enjoyed. Warning: best without text to speech Upload time: a chapter every 2 or 3 days

JPDragon · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Unite and Fight

Maki braced herself for the impact with Ashura's fist, but his hand was ripped off by Kenchi. Maki punched Ashura in his face. In doing this she fell into Ashura's trap. Ashura nails became five times long and pierced Maki's body, rendering Maki's left lung nonfunctional.


I have to try something new. Soul Magic: Hollow Spirit.

Kenchi was covered in a grey aura that then shot at Ashura, forming the body of a dragon.


No matter how much power you use I'll still win.

Ashura ran through the attack, but upon slicing through the attack his face was bashed in by Kenchi's fist.


Shit, it was a decoy.


Your end is here.

Kenchi hands were set ablaze as he raised his arms, Ashura closed the gap between them.


I'll kill him in one attack.

He was suddenly in a head-on clash with Maki was now using all of her might to stop his advancements.


This is between me and him so get the hell out of my way!!

Maki was pushed to the side.


(I didn't do enough, and if this fails I won't ever see them again).


(Maki I owe you a drink after I deal with this big bastard).

Kenchi blitzed to Ashura. Half of the mountain erupted into flames and the flames were hot enough to burn through the concealment barrier that hid the mountain and the village from outsiders.


Why am I sensing a rivaling force!

Vellion's body became vascular, and his teeth grind. The level of power Kenchi displayed to defeat Ashura was equal to a half of Vellion's base level of power. Kenchi had now made himself a target.