
The Ghost of Arcana

He opened his eyes, a newfound determination burning within them. He gripped the staff tightly, channeling all his hopes and aspirations into the pulsing blue orb. Then, with a voice that echoed through the arena and resonated deep within himself, Elian declared, "Summon the Dawn of a New Age!" ----------------------------------------- Elian had a troubled past. At 14 during a tournament he won the greatest prize ever that turned his life upside down. Under the influence of his demonic alter ego he makes a wish to bring the Dawn of a new age, an eclipse that changed his life. Forced to go into hiding and changing his name to Andre he has fully gone dark. Now Andre a seemingly poor farm boy with a troubled past joins the millitary and when he is drafted to the Jade Kingdom, he finds his old friends. He soon finds himself embroiled in a brutal, year-long war. Ten warring kingdoms against an ancient necromancer, Lord Vrn, each kingdom struggling with their own internal strife – tyranny, espionage and even a whole people– are further tormented by the rise of the "Vor'talons." These monstrous entities, whispers say, are physical manifestations of each kingdom's deepest societal ills. Andre is haunted by a secret pact with a mysterious power; himself or rather a demonic alter ego. He soon finds the enigmatic Grimoire of Shadows and he becomes the infamous Lord of Dark arts Malachar Nightweave. The war culminates in a bloody siege, leaving Andre/Malachar and his allies victorious but deeply scarred. He's awarded as a hero, but the praise feels hollow. A Year of violence have taken their toll, and the peace feels fragile. A late-night assassination attempt, possibly by radical nationalists or a rival general, shatters the illusion of security. Driven by paranoia and a newfound sense of cynicism, Andre hatches a ruthless plan. He manipulates the political landscape, exploiting the fractured relationships between the kingdoms. A "peace summit" is arranged, a carefully orchestrated trap. When the leaders convene, a massacre ensues. Andre, wielding his dark magic with chilling efficiency, eliminates every single ruler, including his old friend, the current king of the Jade Kingdom, who had initially vouched for him. This act of brutal pragmatism plunges the already unstable region into further chaos. Power vacuums erupt, rebellions ignite, and warlords rise from the ashes. Andre, now known only as Malachar, emerges as a shadowy figure, consolidating his power through a combination of intimidation, deceit, and displays of terrifying magical prowess. Malachar's reign is not one of glorious conquest. It's a brutal period of constant skirmishes, economic collapse, and societal breakdown. He remains haunted by his past, his nights filled with nightmares of his fallen friend and the sacrifices he made. Whispers of a rebellion begin to stir, but Malachar remains vigilant, his grip on power seemingly absolute. This gritty tale delves into the psychological toll of war, the seductive allure of power, and the murky world of Decaoria. It explores the consequences of unchecked ambition and shows the world in a true spectrum where heroes can be villains and Villains can be heroes. ----------------------------------------- Note this book is 16+ 2nd WSA entry Update schedule will be 1 chapter a day depending on the amount of words I write. Please Drop your power stones and give me support as I will really appreciate it. Link to my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/officialzenbk?igsh=MXNsMDgwZnUwZzMyaA==

Mubarak_Zen · Fantasy
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56 Chs

The Liberation of Hope

The heavy iron gate creaked as they pushed it open, entering the dark dungeon. The atmosphere became heavy with a choking odor of moist rock, rot, and an eerie metallic undertone that made Andre shudder.

"Stay close!" Corvus' hoarse voice reverberated in the shadows. "Don't get separated!"

They proceeded carefully, extending their hands, sensing the rough stone walls as they moved. The oppressive silence was only disrupted by the rhythmic clink of their armor and the ragged breaths of their comrades. Suddenly there was a noise. A menacing growl, guttural and low, tore through the silence. It felt like it was coming from every direction, ensnaring their hearts like a chilling, tight grip.

Out of the deep darkness came two shining orbs, as a sudden flash of red light broke through. More and more beings appeared, forming a group of massive figures in front of them.

"Grimlock Hounds?!" a frightened cry broke the eerie quiet.

Indeed, these creatures were anything but ordinary. Their bodies were a disturbing combination of flesh and metal, joined by rusty gears and pistons. Their eyes, shining like embers in the darkness, throbbed with a wild intelligence.

The pack attacked the 10th Legion with a chilling snarl. With adrenaline pumping through his veins, Andre let out a fierce roar and lifted Voidbane. His sword collided with the sharp teeth of a robotic wolf, creating a burst of sparks. The metallic skin of the creature proved to be unexpectedly strong, able to withstand his first strike. He came to the realization that sheer strength alone would not suffice in this confined area.

Around him, the noise of battle began - the clash of metal, the growls of the creatures, the urgent calls of his fellow soldiers. He witnessed a wolf tackling a soldier, its artificial jaws snapping at his bare neck.

Then a sudden moment of realization hit him, Andre understood that magic was the sole solution to change the situation, yet casting a wayward spell could harm his own soldiers in such cramped conditions.

He was on the verge of being overwhelmed by panic. Just as he felt the grip of despair on his thoughts, a bright flash lit up the room. A soldier focused intensely, using his Mana Arc to flood the enclosed area with a bright, white light.

The chained prisoners recoiled, using their bony hands to shield their eyes. Their faces displayed a combination of fear and disbelief, looking tired and thin. Months, maybe even years, of being held prisoner had completely destroyed their physical health, transforming them into mere reflections of who they used to be. Still, a glimmer of hope remained in their eyes, faint yet persistent.

The wolves were surprised by the sudden brightness, causing a temporary halt in their attack. Andre took advantage of the situation by unleashing his own Mana Arc. He let out a deep yell and released a surge of raw energy, pushing the beings back with a powerful force.

With his emerald Mana Arc shining brightly, Corvus battled fiercely like a trapped animal. Surrounded by the chaos, the 10th Legionnaires battled with a newfound determination, driven by the urgent desire to protect both themselves and the captives they were rescuing.

However, the wolves were relentless without stopping. Their sharp claws ripped flesh and metal while their metal jaws clamped shut. The atmosphere became heavy with the smell of blood and scorched metal. Andre stood in terror as his fellow soldiers dropped one by one.

"We need to get the prisoners out of here!" Corvus roared above the din, his voice strained but unyielding. "Cover them!"

Andre and a few others gathered with a fresh wave of resolve, creating a barrier around the emaciated figures tethered to the walls. They battled with the intensity of men possessed, buying precious time for the others to wrangle the freed prisoners and shepherd them towards the exit.

The fight appeared to last forever, a violent dance of killing and devastation. Finally, the last wolf dropped with a roar that resounded in the chamber. Andre leaned against the wall, struggling to catch his breath, feeling pain in every part of his body. He scanned the scene of destruction, taking in the fallen soldiers, the twitching metallic beasts, and the liberated prisoners with wide eyes filled with shock and gratitude.

A wave of people, fueled by a combination of excitement and relief, flowed out of the cell block. The released inmates followed behind, their bony figures covered in torn clothing, their throats raspy with feelings.

"Thank you all!" he croaked, his voice breaking from lack of use. "May all of you be blessed by the Divines!"

Another woman, her hair unruly and messy, lifted a bony hand in a unsteady salute. She shouted, "For Decaoria!" as a glimmer of rebellion lit up in her empty gaze.

Andre felt a lump form in his throat. These were the people he had fought for, the innocent victims of the Vor'talon's cruelty. To see the flicker of hope rekindled in their eyes, however faint, was a reward in itself.

They reentered the courtyard with a flurry of steel and people. The last of the knight's, with their silver armor now dented and bloodied, remained steadfast. They joined the fray cutting through knight's like bugs in a room of bugspray until only one remained.

With his emerald Mana Arc ablaze with increased intensity, Corvus confronted him directly. The collision between them was a swift mix of green light and quick-moving metal.

Corvus, with a last, echoing clang, managed to disarm the knight, causing his sword to clatter on the blood-soaked stones. The knight, beaten, dropped to his knees, his expression filled with sadness and acceptance.

Without stopping, Andre and the rest swiftly defeated the remaining guards, their actions driven by a heady combination of tiredness and success. The final stronghold of opposition collapsed, leaving them standing in the midst of complete chaos.

"We ride!" Corvus boomed, his voice hoarse but triumphant. "We leave this cursed place behind! Back to Valconia! Back to our families!"

A cheer erupted from the assembled 10th Legionnaires, a ragged sound but filled with a joyous defiance. The freed prisoners, their frail bodies trembling with newfound hope, joined the chorus. It was a sound of triumph, of resilience in the face of overwhelming odds.

Mounting their horses, they flooded out of the dungeon gates, a torrent of humans and beasts pouring forth from the oppressive darkness. The first rays of dawn painted the eastern sky in hues of orange and pink, a beautiful counterpoint to the carnage that lay behind them.

As they rode, the weight in Andre's chest began to lift. They had faced horrors beyond imagining, but they had emerged victorious. They had saved lives, rekindled hope. Perhaps, just perhaps, the tide was beginning to turn.

He looked back at the Supreme Dungeon, its obsidian walls silhouetted against the rising sun. It still loomed like a monstrous sentinel, but its aura of power seemed diminished somehow. They had shown it they wouldn't back down. They had shown the Vor'talon they wouldn't break.

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