
The Ghost of Arcana

He opened his eyes, a newfound determination burning within them. He gripped the staff tightly, channeling all his hopes and aspirations into the pulsing blue orb. Then, with a voice that echoed through the arena and resonated deep within himself, Elian declared, "Summon the Dawn of a New Age!" ----------------------------------------- Elian had a troubled past. At 14 during a tournament he won the greatest prize ever that turned his life upside down. Under the influence of his demonic alter ego he makes a wish to bring the Dawn of a new age, an eclipse that changed his life. Forced to go into hiding and changing his name to Andre he has fully gone dark. Now Andre a seemingly poor farm boy with a troubled past joins the millitary and when he is drafted to the Jade Kingdom, he finds his old friends. He soon finds himself embroiled in a brutal, year-long war. Ten warring kingdoms against an ancient necromancer, Lord Vrn, each kingdom struggling with their own internal strife – tyranny, espionage and even a whole people– are further tormented by the rise of the "Vor'talons." These monstrous entities, whispers say, are physical manifestations of each kingdom's deepest societal ills. Andre is haunted by a secret pact with a mysterious power; himself or rather a demonic alter ego. He soon finds the enigmatic Grimoire of Shadows and he becomes the infamous Lord of Dark arts Malachar Nightweave. The war culminates in a bloody siege, leaving Andre/Malachar and his allies victorious but deeply scarred. He's awarded as a hero, but the praise feels hollow. A Year of violence have taken their toll, and the peace feels fragile. A late-night assassination attempt, possibly by radical nationalists or a rival general, shatters the illusion of security. Driven by paranoia and a newfound sense of cynicism, Andre hatches a ruthless plan. He manipulates the political landscape, exploiting the fractured relationships between the kingdoms. A "peace summit" is arranged, a carefully orchestrated trap. When the leaders convene, a massacre ensues. Andre, wielding his dark magic with chilling efficiency, eliminates every single ruler, including his old friend, the current king of the Jade Kingdom, who had initially vouched for him. This act of brutal pragmatism plunges the already unstable region into further chaos. Power vacuums erupt, rebellions ignite, and warlords rise from the ashes. Andre, now known only as Malachar, emerges as a shadowy figure, consolidating his power through a combination of intimidation, deceit, and displays of terrifying magical prowess. Malachar's reign is not one of glorious conquest. It's a brutal period of constant skirmishes, economic collapse, and societal breakdown. He remains haunted by his past, his nights filled with nightmares of his fallen friend and the sacrifices he made. Whispers of a rebellion begin to stir, but Malachar remains vigilant, his grip on power seemingly absolute. This gritty tale delves into the psychological toll of war, the seductive allure of power, and the murky world of Decaoria. It explores the consequences of unchecked ambition and shows the world in a true spectrum where heroes can be villains and Villains can be heroes. ----------------------------------------- Note this book is 16+ 2nd WSA entry Update schedule will be 1 chapter a day depending on the amount of words I write. Please Drop your power stones and give me support as I will really appreciate it. Link to my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/officialzenbk?igsh=MXNsMDgwZnUwZzMyaA==

Mubarak_Zen · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Return to Mount Wyrmtor

The journey back to Mount Wyrmtor had a distinct feeling this time around. The fatigue they had felt on the way out turned into a tired sense of unity, as they felt a burden lifted together. The tough mountain air also appeared to bring a hint of hope.

Upon reaching the bottom of the mountain, the troops coming back let out a gasp together. From the youngest kids to the wise elders, everyone in Mount Wyrmtor gathered at the base of the path, with torches casting light on their faces.

Cheers burst out, a happy melody resonating in the valley. Tears of relief and sorrow ran down faces for lost comrades. However, the predominant feeling was one of unmistakable victory.

They entered the crowd, a damaged yet unwavering presence. As Andre looked at the faces, his heart tightened with sorrow upon noticing the empty seats that represented lives lost in a tragic way. He felt a sharp sense of guilt, a guilt felt by those who survived.

A messenger moved to the front, his voice echoing confidently. "Out of the five hundred and forty-three courageous individuals who set out on this journey, three hundred and ninety-eight have come back! May their bravery serve as a guiding light for everyone in Decaoria!"

The crowd erupted in a loud cheer, a sound wave that seemed like it could move the entire mountain. Andre got off his horse, his legs trembling from exhaustion. Desperately searching for his own face, he scanned through the faces.

Anya stood there, close to the front. However, she had company. A man with gray hair stood next to her, his face showing signs of worry and a strong sense of hope. Andre immediately identified him – his father, Kael.

Beside him, a recognized silhouette leaned over a hot dish of food. His elder sibling, Cole. He appeared more mature, his previously dark hair now speckled with gray, his youthful exuberance replaced by a world-weary weariness. Yet, Andre could see a flicker of recognition in his eyes as he raised a piece of meat to his mouth.

Anya was the first one to see him. In the flickering torchlight, her face lit up with a radiant smile, emanating warmth. Hurrying towards him, she enveloped him in a comforting hug amid the turmoil.

"Andre!" she cried, her voice thick with emotion. "Thank the Divines you're safe!"

Andre embraced her. A lump formed in his throat, a combination of relief and a strong desire to be with his family. He moved away, his eyes shifting towards the man standing beside Anya.

"Dad?" His voice cracked, a hesitant question escaping his parched throat.

The man looked around, trying to find Andre's face with his eyes. Recognition started to appear, then a deep frown emerged.

"Excuse me, young man," Kael said, his voice gruff and unfamiliar. "Do I know you?"

Andre felt his heart drop. Was the experience so difficult that it had confused his father? Was this a heartless prank carried out by sorrow?

Anya, sensing his distress, stepped forward. "Kael," she said gently, placing a hand on his arm. "This is Andre, I mean Elian. Your son."

A tremor ran through Kael's body. He stared at Andre, his eyes widening in disbelief

Anya explained everything, from his pact with Azurael the Ensnarer to everything that had happened in the last 5 years.

It was as if he were seeing a ghost. Then, recognition flooded his face.

"Elian?" he croaked, his voice trembling. "But… but you were…"

He was unable to complete the sentence. His eyes filled with tears, streaming down his aged cheeks. Kael hugged Andre tightly before Andre could respond, his tears being muffled by Andre's chainmail chestplate.

Cole was shocked, dropping his meat on the ground across the fire, his eyes wide. He looked at Andre with his mouth wide open.

"Andre?" he gasped, dropping the plate with a clatter that went unnoticed in the cacophony of emotions.

Andre turned, his heart overflowing. He saw a mixture of disbelief and joy on Cole's face, a reflection of his own emotions. Anya, her eyes red-rimmed from tears, gave him a reassuring smile.

All of a sudden, silence swept through the crowd. Everyone looked at Corvus as his emerald Mana Arc glowed slightly in the dimming sunlight. He stood upright, his expression showing a strong determination.

"Warriors of Decaoria!" he boomed, his voice ringing out in the silence. "We stand here today, battered but unbowed. We have stared into the abyss of the Supreme Dungeon and emerged victorious! Let us raise our mugs in honor of those who fell, may their sacrifice guide us in the battles yet to come!"

The crowd was swept with a wave of consensus. Mugs were lifted high, with a sea of dancing firelight gleaming in the amber ale. A group of voices joined together in a serious salute, sincerely honoring their deceased friends.

After the final sounds of the toast disappeared, a soldier made his way through the crowd of partygoers towards Corvus. He was a youth, with his armor showing dents and scratches from the battles he had faced.

"Elder Corvus," he stammered, a hint of awe in his voice. "I… I noticed something during the fight. Those… those wolves in the cell block, they weren't natural."

The crowd let out a collective gasp that traveled through the group. The discussions faded away, giving way to an uneasy quiet.

"They were… undead," the soldier continued, his voice barely a whisper. "Grimlock Hounds, reanimated with dark magic."

Corvus wrinkled his forehead. The soldier's words carried a weighty implication in the air.

"Undead?" a wizened elder echoed, his voice trembling. "But necromancy is… it's forbidden! Decoria hasn't seen such a thing in centuries!"

Andre felt a chill of fear in his stomach. The soldier's insight overshadowed their triumph with a gloomy cloud. The Supreme Dungeon was not a typical jail; it was a place where something much more evil thrived.

Corvus' expression became stern, his emerald Mana Arc shining even brighter.

"The only necromancer Decaoria ever truly knew was Lord Vrn," he growled, his voice laced with grim certainty. "And he's been dead for over a thousand years."

The name "Lord Vrn" resonated in Andre's mind. He faintly remembered it from old bedtime stories, stories of a sorcerer hungry for power who wanted to dominate all of Decaoria with his evil magic. However, those were only tales, correct?

Corvus suddenly realized with wide eyes, letting out a gasp. The silence turned into a heavy, oppressive mass filled with unexpressed fear.

"The Oracle…" he whispered, his voice barely audible. "It spoke of a time when the Lord of Dark Arts would return… Malachar Nightweave…"

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