
THE GHOST I LOVE and other short stories

The ghost I loved and other short stories

Hiddle · Realistic
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13 Chs

Episode 2

The Ghost I Love (EP 03)

"Can you just stop talking, there is a cab coming our way" Jeff said and she nodded looking on the road trying to visualize the coming car.

"Yes, it's coming, it's coming this way" Jessica screamed clapping her hands and Jeff took a deep breath.

The car stopped in front of them and Patricia entered into the car while Jeff asked Jessica to get in.

"No guys, I won't be going with you, I have something else I need to do, I'll catch up with you guys later" Jessica said and Jeff nodded and entered the cab.

"Hmmm, why do I feel like you intentionally want to dump me here? Can't you at least plead with me to come with you or say I'll be in danger if I stay here?" Jessica said but Jeff ignored her questions and instructed the cab driver to drive.

"Hmmm, why do I feel like you intentionally want to dump me here? Can't you at least plead with me to come with you or say I'll be in danger if I stay here?" Jessica said but Jeff ignored her questions and instructed the cab driver to drive.

" I've had enough of you today, you're so annoying so do whatever you need to do and go home" Jeff said to her and the driver drove off.

"Hey stop, who will take me home? You know I'm drunk. You're a bad boyfriend, I've always known you are a bad boyfriend, who doesn't even care about me. Wait still I see you tomorrow" Jessica yelled angrily and walk into the road.

She saw a very sparking lights shining on her eyes, making her not to view the road every clearly.

"Who the hell turned on my phone's brightness like that?" She asked still staring at the light.

Jessica heard it horned at her and she looked at it more clearly, then realized it was a car horning and coming towards her with high speed.

The car hit her before she could get off the road and she fell to the ground feeling pains all over her body, with blood dripping out of her head and she slowly went blank.

All she saw last was an image of her boyfriend Jeff and her best friend Patricia standing and looking at her with smile on their faces.


(At The Mortuary)

It's a brand new day at the mortuary and people kept on bringing in dead corpses.

"Oh no, wh does this corpse look like he was angry when he was dying? " Christian, the mortuary attendant asked himself and chuckled.

"Christian come here immediately" his boss yelled at him and he quickly ran out to him.

"Carry this corpse and placed it inside, the poor man just died recently," his boss said and Christian nodded.

"He's smiling. How can this dude die with a smile one his face, I just hope he didn't do something funny before dying" Christian thought to himself before looking at his family who were all busy crying.

He took the corpse inside and placed it among the others then went to have his lunch.

I've been working since morning, got no time to eat my precious food. So, it's better I eat it now before my boss comes and shout at me, Christian muttered to himself before opening the food and began eating when the male corpse he dropped recently got up and walked out.

I've been working since morning, got no time to eat my precious food. So, it's better I eat it now before my boss comes and shout at me, Christian muttered to himself before opening the food and began eating when the male corpse he dropped recently got up and walked out.

"Jezzz,  aren't you the one I just drop inside just now, what are you doing out here? " Christian asked and the corpse smirked.

"Dude, I'm very hungry, can I get a little bit of your bread," the corpse said and Christian looked at him with fear in his eyes.

"What's going on? Is he not supposed to be dead or did they brought a man here who isn't dead. Maybe his family mistook him to be dead, I've to inform them that he is still alive," Christian thought to himself and was about to leave.

"Would you give me the bread I asked you? " the corpse asked and Christian turned to look at him again before handing the bread over to him.

"This my last meal I want to manage, is that what he wants to eat" Christian said to himself while stepping out to inform his family members that he is alive.

"Are you people aware that the man you just brought here isn't dead? "Christian asked and everyone of them looked at him with their teary eyes.

"What's the meaning of that statement? Stop playing around with us, this isn't funny," an elderly man said standing up to him.

"No sir, I'm not joking, if you're doubting me then come and see for yourself , can you imagine that he even begged me for bread" Christian said and the elderly man smiled running in to see for himself.

Immediately they got there, the corpse was nowhere to be found. It's doesn't seems like nobody had passed or made a sound.

The elderly man turned to Christian and stared at him and Christain smirked looking scared at the weird look on the elderly man's face.

"I'm really not lying Sir, he was here" Christian said but the man hit him so hard on his face.

"That pouch is for lying and playing tricks with me," the elderly man said before going back to his crying state. He left leaving Christian in pains.

Christian sat down thinking if he was imaging things or hasimulating.

"That's not possible, if I was truly imagining things then where is my bread?" he asked himself.

He sat down and stare around still trying to figure out what just happened. His boss walked in giving him an angry look.