
The Great War of the races 11

The infiltrator part 3


A pool of dark murky blood with its strong pungent smell slowly seeps into the dry sand. A mess of body parts and innards are everywhere.

Shin Jiao successfully dissected the stomach of the sand dragon with his sharp black sword. Because of this, the combat prowess of the demon was cut by more than half as it died because of the savage attacks of Agnes as she threw all kinds of elemental bombardments towards its tough body.

"We can use this to successfully enter the demon's territory. I can craft something to camouflage ourselves as demons." Shin Jiao said as he checked the remains on the ground.

Not long later, Shin Jiao has already made suits that look like that of the sand toads.

Then he covered the hoverbike and makes it look like those sand beast that the sand toads are riding.