
Myrth: Chapter 1

Chapter 1030


In the vast cosmos, there lays a planet with no trace of life. Death earth can be seen everywhere, while the atmosphere is without any air or climate. The planet is vast and wide, but it is almost empty of life. This kind of planet is a newly born planet which is called, primordial planet, a planet in its infant stage.

But the energy of the universe is abundant in such planets as the energy forms the planet slowly, preparing it for life to appear.

In the dark sky, a ball of fire suddenly appears hurtling towards the lifeless planet's surface.

It did not take long before that ball of fire crashes and created a huge explosion which sent debris and dust clouds flying all over the place.

A huge crater the size of a gymnasium could be seen after the dust cloud died down. Then one can see, in the middle of that crater, a figure burned black with smoke rising all over its body.