

Zara is an army soldier. During the world war 3, all the soldier turned into cyborg. Zara is finding a way to turn into human again but he detects something suspicious. Now the journey begin for Zara and his Rebel group.

smit2411 · Sci-fi
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3 Chs


'Death is as sure for that which is born, as birth is for that which is dead. Therefore, grieve not for what is inevitable.

As Zara's consciousness wavered on the edge of oblivion, memories flooded his mind like fragments of a shattered mirror. Amidst the chaos of his thoughts, he found himself standing before a mysterious multiverse gate, its iridescent surface swirling with infinite possibilities.

Before him stood a girl, ethereal and radiant, her eyes reflecting galaxies within their depths. She spoke with a voice that resonated through the very fabric of his being: "Zara, I live inside you. I am the embodiment of your hopes and dreams, your fears and regrets. I am the voice that whispers in the silence, guiding you through the labyrinth of your soul."

Her words reverberated through Zara's mind, unlocking memories he had long forgotten or never known. He recalled moments of clarity and confusion, of joy and sorrow, each intertwined with the presence of this enigmatic girl who seemed to know him better than he knew himself.

As the veil of mortality descended, Zara felt a profound sense of peace wash over him. The girl's presence filled him with a bittersweet warmth, as if she had always been a part of him, a guardian of his spirit across the vast expanse of existence.

'Hey, what's your name?'

'I am Nets.'


Zara is seeing everything blurry. He is unable to understand where he is.

'How do you know me? I was about to die. My body was completely destroyed by that missile, yet how am I alive?'

'Hey, you fool, you are not dead. This is your rebirth. And this time I am with you.'

Nets moves towards the gate and then goes inside it.


The number of zombies is increasing. American soldiers are fighting with all their might. But the zombies are not dying. All the soldiers are tired; fear is growing inside them, and they have started doubting their own abilities. A person's greatest failure is when he doubts his own abilities.

Captain Murphy is there.

Listen, rebel group, come to me. Murphy says on the radio.

Everyone comes there. Zara's body is 70% damaged. Missile pieces are embedded in his body. Half of his face is destroyed. Two arms, one leg, and his body are completely destroyed.

Alex comes to Zara.

'Captain, he is still breathing. We should save him.'

'Are you listening, Mr. Simmons? A guy in my group is seriously injured; please send help.

'Please take him to the base.'

Murphy takes Zara's body to Mr. Simmons for treatment.

Mr. Simmons says, "You can go, Murphy. I'll take care of Zara. He needs medical attention."

on the radio "Listen all soldiers, we cannot fight these zombies right now; we have to hide in our secret basement. All soldiers are requested to come there," Mr. Simmons orders.

Colonel Simmons, a veteran with a steely gaze and a commanding presence, stood before a group of weary soldiers and officers gathered in the dimly lit command center.

"We've lost too many good men and women out there," Colonel Simmons began, his voice firm yet tinged with sorrow. "Our efforts to contain the outbreak have failed. The infected are spreading faster than we can handle."

Lieutenant Martinez, her fatigue evident in the dark circles under her eyes, spoke up with a mix of frustration and despair. "Sir, what do we do now? How can we possibly fight back when even our best soldiers are succumbing to this... this plague?"

Captain Murphy, known for his strategic thinking, stepped forward. "We need to fortify our defenses here, sir. Secure the perimeter; reinforce our barricades. We can't afford any breaches."

Colonel Simmons nodded thoughtfully, his mind racing with the weight of their situation. "Agreed. Our priority is to hold this base. We'll send out small teams for reconnaissance and salvage operations, but we minimize exposure. No unnecessary risks."

Private Rodriguez, usually the quietest in the group, spoke up tentatively. "Sir, what about finding a cure? Has anyone made progress on that front?"

The Colonel sighed heavily, his shoulders slumping under the weight of their collective hopelessness. "Our scientists are working on it, Private. But it's slow going. We can't rely on a cure right now. We need a plan to survive."

Alex, a grizzled veteran with scars etched across his face, interjected with a grim determination. "Sir, with all due respect, survival isn't enough. We need to strike back. Find the source of this outbreak and eliminate it."

Captain Murphy nodded in agreement. "He's right, sir. We can't stay holed up forever. Eventually, we'll run out of supplies, or they'll breach our defenses."

Colonel Simmons rubbed his temples wearily, his mind racing through the grim possibilities. "Alright. We'll start by securing our perimeter and then reassess our options. But for now, everyone needs to stay focused and vigilant. We'll get through this."

As the soldiers dispersed to their assigned duties, the bunker fell into a tense silence. Outside, the distant groans and shuffling footsteps of the infected served as a constant reminder of the relentless threat they faced. In that underground sanctuary, surrounded by concrete walls and steel doors, they knew that their survival depended on their ability to outlast the horrors that now plagued their world.

After 2 Days

All American people have been ordered by the American Army to stay at home. Do not come in contact with the zombie virus. Half of the American people have become victims of the zombie virus.

American Army Base

All the soldiers are worried. No one knows what to do or how to face the zombie virus. Everyone is shattered, they do not have the passion to fight.

Mr. Simmons is sitting in his room when his mobile rings.

'Tell me, Mr. Dulang, how was the experiment?' he asks excitedly.

'The experiment was good; the result was even better than I had thought.'

'Then I will come to sign the deal; now I cannot see this solution in America.'

Mr. Dulang's The Future Tech Company

Mr. Simmons reaches Mr. Dulang's company. Future robots, AI robots, advanced technology—everything was available in this company that Mr. Simmons needed.

'Come, Mr. Simmons, welcome to Dulang's world.'

'Where is your humanoid?'

'Yes, let me show you.'

Mr. Dulang and Mr. Simmons both go to the Secret Lab in an elevator. It was very dark. As soon as they go down, the lights turn on. There was a big lab in which someone was lying on a stretcher. A strange dog was kept in a cage. There was a painting on a wall in which numbers 1 to 9 were written in a triangle.

'Look, Colonel, there lies your experiment.' Dulang says.

'But it is completely different from what you showed me.'

'It is, I told you it turned out better than I expected; that's why it looks different', Dulang explains.

'Then will you sign the deal, Mr. Simmons?'

'It is, but what is the name of this thing?'

Mr. Simmons commands all the soldiers to be ready for the biggest change in the world which will transform their entire world and will increase their powers 100 times.

'The world's first combination of human and robot, the cyborg.' Mr.dulang says.